BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

Trump has no impulse control. He's so desperate to be the center of attention that he can't shut up. It's pathetic for an adult male.
As the creator of this thread and a veritable dingbat, doubtless you don't understand the irony in your saying Trump is desperate to be the center of attention.

I tire of idiots.
As the creator of this thread and a veritable dingbat, doubtless you don't understand the irony in your saying Trump is desperate to be the center of attention.

I tire of idiots.
You are creator and dingbat? Trump took six hours of executive time every day. He liked to watch himself on TV and tweet. He's not much of a man.

WOW, I don't need to add ANYTHING to that. Well except his appeal to VIOLENCE and the violent. Barr didn't mention that, at least in this reporting...

"You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are
just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent
chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "

Barr told Trump to his face 'you're going to lose' because he was humiliating himself at COVID briefings: book

Sarah K. Burris
July 21, 2021

Carol Leonnig and Phil Rucker's new book I Alone Can Fix It contains some stories about former Attorney General Bill Barr using surprisingly blunt language to convince former President Donald Trump to stop doing daily coronavirus briefings.

"I feel you are going to lose the election," Barr told Trump in April 2020 as the virus was killing more Americans, according to the reporters. "I feel you are actually losing touch with your own base."

Some of the Trump fans that Barr had talked to when traveling had confided in him that they were bothered by Trump's petty squabbles with his perceived enemies when they needed him. They, like most Americans, wanted steady leaders that could steer the country through the pandemic and bring back the economy.

"I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn't said to me, 'We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?'" Barr said according to the new book. "You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "

“There’s an invisible contract we all signed at birth,” it begins, introducing the idea (threadbare and moth-eaten these days) that citizens deserve to expect things from their government. Their own efforts and labor ought to form part of “a promise: Every hour we work means longer days of freedom and security." Ed Markey, 2020

Juiy 2021
Yep. Every nauseating Trump campaign rally was actually a Biden rally.

Trump has no impulse control. He's so desperate to be the center of attention that he can't shut up. It's pathetic for an adult male.
Yeah, those stupid billionaires….they really should seek advice from TDS whackos that believe a man can become a woman by proclamation…the ones that spend their days on the internet talking shit.
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And what does that say about those who either (a) somehow don't see it, or (b) don't care what it says about a person's temperament and emotional stability?
It ”says” that a platform centered around just two messages is powerful as fuck.
1.) American’s First
2.) Fuck Wetbacks
And what does that say about those who either (a) somehow don't see it, or (b) don't care what it says about a person's temperament and emotional stability?
It says they like the drama.. the demagogues, the barn burning speeches. Not much on substance. Hitler did the same thing. He could fire up the masses.
And he began even before election day 2020.

He had the rubes primed and ready for an insurrection.

Unknowing pawns of a sick man.
He was claiming the election was rigged for months. In 2016 Trump claimed that that 3-5 million illegals voted. More lies and he did nothing about it. How insane is that?

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