BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

except we do know even in 2016, harvesting of ballots occurred. That's wrong in every way shape and form. the fact you have no desire for integrity of an election doesn't mean I have to. So, let's eliminate ballot harvesting and conduct fair elections. It seems you are against that. And that's truly where we are as a country.
Harvesting of ballots is legal in more states. Than it is not stupid
Trump is lazy? What the are you smoking? He is notorious for rising early in the morning and working late into the night. How do you think he held so many rallies?
Trump has always been lazy. He likes to watch himself on TV and tweet... He needed six hours of executive time every day when he couldn't go to the office or meetings. He also is famous for taking credit for other people's work.
Why would he complain about 3-5 million illegals vote...he won!

And yet, he did.
Google it.
Even going to the lengths of appointing a special 'integrity commission' to examine the 2016 vote....claiming he did not lose the popular vote to Hilary Clinton by 3+ million votes.

The commission was famously chaired by Pence and Chris Kobach.

The Associated Press in August of 2018 stated this:

"PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday."
Trump did claim that 3-5 million illegals voted but he didn't do anything about it.
like what? what do you think he could do? He won and was pointing out how many illegals voted. Not sure he said he would do anything. post that link and I'll look into it.
Trump has always been lazy. He likes to watch himself on TV and tweet... He needed six hours of executive time every day when he couldn't go to the office or meetings. He also is famous for taking credit for other people's work.
your infatuation with Trump is noted.
And those who do vote for trump are all IN for the:
"acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent
chaos"....not to mention the bullying and violence.
Progs are the one who picked a fight, but they're used to Republican groveling, not someone who punches back.
Why would he complain about 3-5 million illegals vote...he won!
Because it irked him that more Americans voted for Hillary than him. His delicate ego couldn't handle it.

Trump has always been lazy. He likes to watch himself on TV and tweet... He needed six hours of executive time every day when he couldn't go to the office or meetings. He also is famous for taking credit for other people's work.
Surada----I can tell that you have never been in charge. You have no clue what Trump did during his executive time--research, negotiate, plan, talk underlings off an edge....whatever. There is quite a bit that goes on to run things that peons (you) wouldn't see. THE RESULTS is what one would see in the open and lets face it---TRUMP delivered positive results constantly.
And yet, he did.
Google it.
Even going to the lengths of appointing a special 'integrity commission' to examine the 2016 vote....claiming he did not lose the popular vote to Hilary Clinton by 3+ million votes.

The commission was famously chaired by Pence and Chris Kobach.

The Associated Press in August of 2018 stated this:

"PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday."
Trump can't help himself. He desperately needed for Americans to believe he won the popular vote over Hillary. Trump is very weak and insecure.
Surada----I can tell that you have never been in charge. You have no clue what Trump did during his executive time--research, negotiate, plan, talk underlings off an edge....whatever. There is quite a bit that goes on to run things that peons (you) wouldn't see. THE RESULTS is what one would see in the open and lets face it---TRUMP delivered positive results constantly.
Of course I have been in charge.. Trump has just run a Mom and Pop operation. Look at Trump University, Trump steaks, Trump vodka etc. He's impulsive. He doesn't do due diligence.
Barr was ignorant evidently of THESE FACTS!!!
The Biased MSM donated 96% to Hillary and spent the next 4 years totally trashing Trump who didn't care as the major reason most of us respect Trump is because HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN! He didn't need the job to make money...he was one of only 3 presidents that donated their salaries... unlike JOE!
BUT here are the facts regarding the extremely biased MSM that spent 4 years after backing loser Hillary writing everything derogatory about Trump...
View attachment 608660
study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden.
But see people like you don't deal with FACTS and as a result are truly grossly uninformed and proof of that is YOU believe the MSM in spite of their telling you they backed Hillary/Biden!
But you are paying the price...gas under Trump 4/27/20 gallon gas $1.773
Gas under Biden who CANCELLED exploration on Federal lands: 02/26/22 gal of gas $3.601
A difference $1.828 or 103.1% increase!
And you are paying for it!

"gas under Trump 4/27/20 gallon gas $1.773"

... pretty dishonest of you to compare gas prices from the Trump Recession when some 22 million people suddenly lost their jobs due to the shutdowns Trump recommended and no longer had a job to drive to; while tens of millions of others began working remotely and no longer had to drive to work; along with an additional tens of million of students who also became homebound and were no longer being driven to school.

Apparently, you don't understand basic economic concept of supply & demand.
"gas under Trump 4/27/20 gallon gas $1.773"

... pretty dishonest of you to compare gas prices from the Trump Recession when some 22 million people suddenly lost their jobs due to the shutdowns Trump recommended and no longer had a job to drive to; while tens of millions of others began working remotely and no longer had to drive to work; along with an additional tens of million of students who also became homebound and were no longer being driven to school.

Apparently, you don't understand basic economic concept of supply & demand.
Don't ask them to think.
I see little wrong with:
1. being a registered voter for your state
2. receiving an application for a ballot mailed to you at the address of record
3. completing and returning the application within the reasonable window of time
4. promptly receiving in return a formal legal ballot.
5. that you can mail in or personally deliver to the polling station or a secured drop box.
6. and....I see nothing wrong with going to the polls yourself and voting right there at that time.
7. and, I see little wrong, with America doing what it reasonably and prudently can to encourage the largest, widest, most representative vote from registered voters as can possibly be done.
8. and, importantly, I can see little wrong with America going full out katy-bar-the-door effort to get ALL Americans who are eligible to vote ----a citizen and 18yrs of age......get 'em all registered. And urge them to go vote.

It is the American way.
That's why I coined the phrase "JUNK MAIL Voting"!
I've done absentee voting for several years and I'm fully confident that the steps involved:
1) I request using a form that is used to match my signature with
2) the ballot that is mailed to me along with a signature form that is matched to my original request form.

BUT JUNK MAIL Voting allows BALLOTS to be mailed to all addresses that are on the voting registration rolls
Then the returned ballot signature form compared at that time with driver's license or some other
form...totally allowing THIS to happen!

That's why in person voting MOST secured, Mail in ballots, 2nd and the least secured "JUNK MAIL voting"!
Now some people don't believe mass ballot mailings occur. FACTS.
Eight states – California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington – conduct what are commonly referred to as all-mail elections.
These states did ---Automatic mail-in ballot systems mandate that all eligible voters receive either a ballot or ballot application by default.
I.E. "JUNK MAIL Voting"! Everyone on the voting rolls gets a ballot... alive or dead!

Do you realize only one of the contested states sent out unsolicited main-in ballots?

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