BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

That just confirms you lie that "only one of the contested states sent out unsolicited main-in ballots."

Are you ever not a fucking moron?




ok, fucking moron, which state other than Nevada sends out unsolicited ballots......


"...pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos..."​

Yeah, four for four. The behaviors of a spoiled, petulant child.

The fact that he's revered to ANY degree is an ugly indictment of our society. And that's the core of this.
Why do you whine when Trump behaves exactly like a prog?

BTW, nobody "revers" Trump.

The core of this is that Trump has the number of the leftwing douchebags.
how's the ride?

Well, good poster "jc456"....if you are alluding to your links to "240 operatives" illegally harvesting Georgia ballots, or a Ruby Freeman confessing to harvesting, or even to Don Trump's allegation of widespread purchasing of ballots for $10 each......well, it was a short and brief ride.

Honest, was kind of fun.

Good poster 'jc456' offered this forum a link to a noted and credible website ( with their story of 240 unnamed and unidentified 'harvest' operatives captured on film (tho none named or arrested to date).
And so I opened jc456's link....and followed the connected links to WesternJournal, GatewayPundit, Breitbart, et al.

All mentioned the "240 operatives", and that even one guy supposedley 'confessed' to getting $40k for harvesting.

Yet, in all those links...some over 2 months old...and even more current ones......none of them named a name. Identified no arrestees. Or law enforcement authorities engaged in investigating or charging. Even the "Ruby Freeman" was shown to be a de-bunked rumor.

So, that brings us back to good poster jc456 and this query:

Out of a ......goal of advancing the political discourse here, can we have some definitions of "harvesting of ballots"?
Chillicothe said:
What is ballot harvesting?
The poster 'jc456' indicates that there is more than one shape or form of it?
What are they? Why are they bad? Must they always be bad?

So, whatcha got jc?
We'll even read your "" citations again if they have information that is credible and can be cross-referenced.

Batter up, mi amigo.
Well, poster jc456, let's be direct here.
You asserted that 'ballot harvesting' is a bad thing and should be discontinued.

Which begs the question: Why?
What is wrong with it?
And what is wrong.....can it be fixed?
Not unimportantly, are there benefits that can be retained or improved?

In short, if you say it is bad......then explain yourself.
  • Vermont
  • District of Columbia
  • California
  • New Jersey
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • Oregon

Fucking moron, Trump didn't contest any of those states or DC. There is something seriously wrong with you.

These are the contested states...

  • Arizona
  • Georgia
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • Pennsylvania
  • Wisconsin

And only one of those states, Nevada, sent out unsolicited ballots to all registered voters.
Trump is lazy? What the are you smoking? He is notorious for rising early in the morning and working late into the night. How do you think he held so many rallies?
maybe 20 years ago.

now he is notorious for watching 8 hours of right wing TV a day and showing up for work at 11 am.

Get with the times, my man.
Well, poster jc456, let's be direct here.
You asserted that 'ballot harvesting' is a bad thing and should be discontinued.

Which begs the question: Why?
What is wrong with it?
And what is wrong.....can it be fixed?
Not unimportantly, are there benefits that can be retained or improved?

In short, if you say it is bad......then explain yourself.\
Ballot harvesting facilitates fraud.

Why would we want to fix it when we can just get rid of it?
Fucking moron, Trump didn't contest any of those states or DC. There is something seriously wrong with you.

These are the contested states...

  • Arizona
  • Georgia
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • Pennsylvania
  • Wisconsin

And only one of those states, Nevada, sent out unsolicited ballots to all registered voters.
What do you believe "send ballots ahead of the election automatically to registered voters" means if not sent out unsolicited ballots to all registered voters?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

What do you believe "send ballots ahead of the election automatically to registered voters" means if not sent out unsolicited ballots to all registered voters?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Holy fucking shit, you're an even bigger fucking moron than I ever realized.

Yes, fucking moron, "unsolicited ballots to all registered voters" means sending out ballots to them automatically. That's what I was talking about when I said that occurred in only one contested state.

Contested states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

States mailing unsolicited ballots: California, Colorado, DC, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington

See that ^^^ fucking moron? Only one contested state, Nevada, sent out unsolicited ballots to all registered voters within their respective state (and DC).

You truly are, by far, the biggest fucking moron this site has ever seen.
Some truth for Bri
There has never been anyone elected for any position in the history of America that was dumber and more corrupt than Trump……
What do you believe "send ballots ahead of the election automatically to registered voters" means if not sent out unsolicited ballots to all registered voters?
That's such a problem because of the very large unpurged voter lists: my daughter has been getting voter materials sent here for 20 years after she moved away! If they send mail-in ballots to those long-gone-elsewhere people, there would be a lot of people would send them in! I wouldn't, but some would. This is a terrible policy, and does make me suspect the validity of voting since they started it.
Speaking of Barr, I sent for his book, coming out next Tuesday.
Post image
Holy fucking shit, you're an even bigger fucking moron than I ever realized.

Yes, fucking moron, "unsolicited ballots to all registered voters" means sending out ballots to them automatically. That's what I was talking about when I said that occurred in only one contested state.

Contested states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

States mailing unsolicited ballots: California, Colorado, DC, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington

See that ^^^ fucking moron? Only one contested state, Nevada, sent out unsolicited ballots to all registered voters within their respective state (and DC).

You truly are, by far, the biggest fucking moron this site has ever seen.
You didn't use the word "contested" that you are now using to save your sinking ship.
That's such a problem because of the very large unpurged voter lists: my daughter has been getting voter materials sent here for 20 years after she moved away! If they send mail-in ballots to those long-gone-elsewhere people, there would be a lot of people would send them in! I wouldn't, but some would. This is a terrible policy, and does make me suspect the validity of voting since they started it.
How about Fox?

what the fuck does this have to do with the OP?

God you are a leaking bag of shit.

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