BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

Americans are tired of the Deep State assholes like Barr that don't have clue what made this country great.

Where was Barr when the goddamn BLM Negroes were looting, murdering and destroying this country? Not once did the Justice Department pursue the insurrection.

None of the traitorous shitheads that tried to do a coup to remove Trump from office with illegal activities were ever brought to justice by Barr.
You didn't use the word "contested" that you are now using to save your sinking ship.


Fucking moron, YOU even quoted me using the word, "contested." Here is YOUR quote...

You lied. Here is what you said:

"Do you realize only one of the contested states sent out unsolicited main-in ballots?"

[emphasis added to highlight what a monumental fucking moron you are]


Fucking moron, YOU even quoted me using the word, "contested." Here is YOUR quote...

[emphasis added to highlight what a monumental fucking moron you are]

After the fact, douchebag. That was several posts down the road from your initial claim, which reads as follows:
After the fact, douchebag. That was several posts down the road from your initial claim, which reads as follows:


I can't believe you're still digging your high heels in over this. You might just be the biggest fucking moron on the entire planet. Here was my first post about this, to which you replied...

Do you realize only one of the contested states sent out unsolicited main-in ballots?

[again, emphasis added to highlight just how yuge of a fucking moron you really are]

You didn't use the word "contested" that you are now using to save your sinking ship.
Bri you still stand with Trump?

hey need to stop posting that they stand with Ukraine but also stand by rump​

Call off your violent insurgents and send them
To Ukraine to fight. Let them see what a real loss of freedom is.
May be an image of text that says 'If you're a Republican who didn't vote to impeach Trump for the extortion of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for dirt on Joe Biden, you cannot sit there and say you're with the people of Ukraine right now. YOU NEVER WERE. YOU'RE ONLY FOR TRUMP.'
Bri you still stand with Trump?

hey need to stop posting that they stand with Ukraine but also stand by rump​

Call off your violent insurgents and send them
To Ukraine to fight. Let them see what a real loss of freedom is.
May be an image of text that says 'If you're a Republican who didn't vote to impeach Trump for the extortion of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for dirt on Joe Biden, you cannot sit there and say you're with the people of Ukraine right now. YOU NEVER WERE. YOU'RE ONLY FOR TRUMP.''If you're a Republican who didn't vote to impeach Trump for the extortion of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for dirt on Joe Biden, you cannot sit there and say you're with the people of Ukraine right now. YOU NEVER WERE. YOU'RE ONLY FOR TRUMP.'
The claim that you are on the same side as Ukraine doesn't pass the laugh test. Biden was the one who extorted Ukraine. He did it on video, chump.

No one is fooled.
The claim that you are on the same side as Ukraine doesn't pass the laugh test. Biden was the one who extorted Ukraine. He did it on video, chump.

No one is fooled.

Poor, deranged fucking moron. :cuckoo:

Biden held up guaranteed loans from Ukraine for 6 hours to get a corrupt prosecutor fired to benefit Ukraine.

Trump held up military aid from Ukraine for 7 months to benefit his own campaign for re-election.

I would say it's a pity you're incapable of comprehending the difference but since you're not even capable of comprehending I said only one of the contested states from the 2020 election sent out unsolicited ballots, what's the point? :dunno:

bri you giving trump credit too?

rump Tries to Take Credit for Ukraine’s Resistance Against Russia … Days After Calling Putin a ‘Genius’ for Invading​

rump Tries to Take Credit for Ukraine’s Resistance Against Russia … Days After Calling Putin a ‘Genius’ for Invading​

The former president boasted that he sent Ukraine weapons, conveniently ignoring that he was impeached for delaying military aid to the country​

Former President Trump anointed himself a savior of the Ukraine resistance, a week after he called President Vladimir Putin a “genius,” “smart,” and a “peacekeeper” as Russian troops invaded separatist-backed regions in Ukraine.
During an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News on Wednesday, Trump bragged about supplying Ukraine with weapons and military aid when he was president. “[Russia] is in much deeper than they thought, to a certain extent because of the weapons that I gave, and that the Ukrainians used so well … amazing,” he said.
Trump conveniently ignored that he was impeached for attempting to use said military aid as leverage to strong-arm Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into digging up dirt on the Biden Family.

Ron Filipkowski


Trump says Ukraine is fighting well because of him: “Because of the weapons that I gave, and that the Ukrainians used so well .. amazing.” Then says we “have to work out a deal” with Russia, but they won’t because “they don’t respect the US” since he left office.

Trump just last week called Putin a “genius” for sending tanks into eastern Ukraine. “That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen,” the former president said on a conservative podcast. “There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep the peace all right. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy … I know him very well. Very, very well.”
Despite his praise of Putin, Trump on Wednesday called the Russian president’s attack on a sovereign nation “a holocaust.” Russia has “to stop killing these people,” he told Bartiromo, saying that a “deal” might bring the conflict to an end.
“You have to work out a deal,” he said. “They have to stop killing these people. They’re killing all of these people, and they have to stop it, and they have to stop it now. But they don’t respect the United States and the United States is like, I don’t know, they’re not doing anything about it. This is a — this is a holocaust. This is a horrible thing that’s happening. You’re witnessing and you’re seeing it on television every night.”
“I think Russia, something could be done with them, because they are not looking so good,” Trump added. “But they don’t respect the United States, they aren’t doing anything about it.”
Trump has flip flopped frequently in recent weeks. In addition to praising Putin before backing Ukraine, he also gave himself credit for NATO’s existence, even though as president he threatened to withdraw the U.S. from the organization. “There would be no NATO if I didn’t act strongly and swiftly,” Trump said in a Monday statement. He also bragged about the weapons he reluctantly provided to Ukraine. “It was me that got Ukraine the very effective anti-tank busters (Javelins) when the previous Administration was sending blankets,” he wrote. “Let History so note!”
While the former president seems to fancy himself savvy in international relations, his former national security advisor, John Bolton, cast doubt on Trump’s knowledge of the region and his influence on Putin during his administration. “[Trump] barely knew where Ukraine was,” Bolton said in a recent appearance on far-right network Newsmax.
bri you giving trump credit too?

rump Tries to Take Credit for Ukraine’s Resistance Against Russia … Days After Calling Putin a ‘Genius’ for Invading​

rump Tries to Take Credit for Ukraine’s Resistance Against Russia … Days After Calling Putin a ‘Genius’ for Invading​

The former president boasted that he sent Ukraine weapons, conveniently ignoring that he was impeached for delaying military aid to the country​

Former President Trump anointed himself a savior of the Ukraine resistance, a week after he called President Vladimir Putin a “genius,” “smart,” and a “peacekeeper” as Russian troops invaded separatist-backed regions in Ukraine.
During an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News on Wednesday, Trump bragged about supplying Ukraine with weapons and military aid when he was president. “[Russia] is in much deeper than they thought, to a certain extent because of the weapons that I gave, and that the Ukrainians used so well … amazing,” he said.
Trump conveniently ignored that he was impeached for attempting to use said military aid as leverage to strong-arm Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into digging up dirt on the Biden Family.

Ron Filipkowski
Trump says Ukraine is fighting well because of him: “Because of the weapons that I gave, and that the Ukrainians used so well .. amazing.” Then says we “have to work out a deal” with Russia, but they won’t because “they don’t respect the US” since he left office.

Trump just last week called Putin a “genius” for sending tanks into eastern Ukraine. “That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen,” the former president said on a conservative podcast. “There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep the peace all right. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy … I know him very well. Very, very well.”
Despite his praise of Putin, Trump on Wednesday called the Russian president’s attack on a sovereign nation “a holocaust.” Russia has “to stop killing these people,” he told Bartiromo, saying that a “deal” might bring the conflict to an end.
“You have to work out a deal,” he said. “They have to stop killing these people. They’re killing all of these people, and they have to stop it, and they have to stop it now. But they don’t respect the United States and the United States is like, I don’t know, they’re not doing anything about it. This is a — this is a holocaust. This is a horrible thing that’s happening. You’re witnessing and you’re seeing it on television every night.”
“I think Russia, something could be done with them, because they are not looking so good,” Trump added. “But they don’t respect the United States, they aren’t doing anything about it.”
Trump has flip flopped frequently in recent weeks. In addition to praising Putin before backing Ukraine, he also gave himself credit for NATO’s existence, even though as president he threatened to withdraw the U.S. from the organization. “There would be no NATO if I didn’t act strongly and swiftly,” Trump said in a Monday statement. He also bragged about the weapons he reluctantly provided to Ukraine. “It was me that got Ukraine the very effective anti-tank busters (Javelins) when the previous Administration was sending blankets,” he wrote. “Let History so note!”
While the former president seems to fancy himself savvy in international relations, his former national security advisor, John Bolton, cast doubt on Trump’s knowledge of the region and his influence on Putin during his administration. “[Trump] barely knew where Ukraine was,” Bolton said in a recent appearance on far-right network Newsmax.

No one believes anything Dims claim about why they did something. That's all just so much blather. I didn't even bother to read the rest of your swill.

I don't give anyone credit but the Ukrainians. However, the bottom line is that the Dims didn't help them. The Dims tried to obstruct giving aid to them. There is simply no denying that.
Have you ever wondered how fucked up Trump has to be in order to be told the truth that he's destroyed his own political future by both "Ballin" Bill Barr and Hanpatty?
Have you ever wondered how fucked up Trump has to be in order to be told the truth that he's destroyed his own political future by both "Ballin" Bill Barr and Hanpatty?
Barr isn't the good guy we thought he was.
Barr isn't the good guy we thought he was.
I don't have a problem with him. Trump was elected, and Trump therefore deserved a loyal, competent AG. Barr did refuse to violate laws on his behalf. Barr did render himself unemployable, but he's pretty much retired.

I thought once that Barr participated in gassing protestors in Lafayatte Park just to gas them. But I think it was later shown the media reports were incomplete. Imo, he views presidential power too broadly, but he's hardly alone.
Americans are tired of the Deep State assholes like Barr that don't have clue what made this country great.

Where was Barr when the goddamn BLM Negroes were looting, murdering and destroying this country? Not once did the Justice Department pursue the insurrection.

None of the traitorous shitheads that tried to do a coup to remove Trump from office with illegal activities were ever brought to justice by Barr.
So THAT's why Trump hired Barr! Because he was D33P STAIT.

"I hire only the best people."
I don't have a problem with him. Trump was elected, and Trump therefore deserved a loyal, competent AG. Barr did refuse to violate laws on his behalf. Barr did render himself unemployable, but he's pretty much retired.

I thought once that Barr participated in gassing protestors in Lafayatte Park just to gas them. But I think it was later shown the media reports were incomplete. Imo, he views presidential power too broadly, but he's hardly alone.
The AG does not owe loyalty to the president. To the contrary. They owe their loyalty to the United States and the Constitution.

Thank god.
The AG does not owe loyalty to the president. To the contrary. They owe their loyalty to the United States and the Constitution.

Thank god.
Well no one was willing to take the job. Anyone owes loyalty to their boss until they're asked to to do something wrong. Barr refused to help Trump try and steal the 20 election. That may have saved the Republic.

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