BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

No. He had interviews with the FBI in New York at least as early as June 2009, when he told them that he regularly reported his contacts to the CIA. They interviewed him again in 2013 about some different Russian agents that he met, and again in 2016 in connection with an indictment that was brought in 2015 against 3 Russians.

They opened the New York investigation on April 6, 2016. It was transferred to the Crossfire Hurricane team after August 1, when they opened their individual case against Page in D.C.

Page joined the Trump campaign in March. The next month the investigations into Page started.

Page was never considered a suspicious character, both the CIA and FBI had been dealing with him for years.

Horowitz report, page 61-63.

Sounds like he had three run ins with Russians prior to Trump - whether he reported it or not. Hell, if there can be an enquiry into Hunter Biden based on conspiracy theories and a gotcha against Sleepy Joe, some guy who has had interactions with Russians on several occasions prior to working for Trump deserves one.
No. He had interviews with the FBI in New York at least as early as June 2009, when he told them that he regularly reported his contacts to the CIA. They interviewed him again in 2013 about some different Russian agents that he met, and again in 2016 in connection with an indictment that was brought in 2015 against 3 Russians.
So not "no" but yes

Page had a long history of shady contacts with of COURSE Trump added him to his foreign policy team

Sounds like he had three run ins with Russians prior to Trump - whether he reported it or not. Hell, if there can be an enquiry into Hunter Biden based on conspiracy theories and a gotcha against Sleepy Joe, some guy who has had interactions with Russians on several occasions prior to working for Trump deserves one.
A presidential candidate picking foreign policy advisers, are you surprised that the people selected are ones who have traveled to foreign countries and know high-level officials in the other governments?

Page didn't deny any of his contacts, no one ever charged him with anything, he was never even accused of a crime.

Hunter Biden brought attention to himself by leaving his laptop at a computer repair shop, but the investigation is because there is a record of financial transactions that triggered alarms at FinCEN.
A presidential candidate picking foreign policy advisers, are you surprised that the people selected are ones who have traveled to foreign countries and know high-level officials in the other governments?

Page didn't deny any of his contacts, no one ever charged him with anything, he was never even accused of a crime.

Hunter Biden brought attention to himself by leaving his laptop at a computer repair shop, but the investigation is because there is a record of financial transactions that triggered alarms at FinCEN.
Give it up dude.

Page was ALWAYS a sketchy character.
In 1998, Page joined the Eurasia Group, a strategy consulting firm, but left three months later. In 2017, Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer recalled on his Twitter feed that Page's strong pro-Russian stance was "not a good fit" for the firm and that Page was its "most wackadoodle" alumnus.[26] Stephen Sestanovich later described Page's foreign-policy views as having "an edgy Putinist resentment" and a sympathy to Russian leader Vladimir Putin's criticisms of the United States.[2] Over time, Page became increasingly critical of United States foreign policy toward Russia, and more supportive of Putin, with a United States official describing Page as "a brazen apologist for anything Moscow did".[4] Page is frequently quoted by Russian state television, where he is presented as a "famous American economist".[3]

In August 2013, Page wrote, "Over the past half year, I have had the privilege to serve as an informal advisor to the staff of the Kremlin in preparation for their Presidency of the G-20 Summit next month, where energy issues will be a prominent point on the agenda."[27] Page described his role differently in 2018: "I sat in on some meetings, but to call me an advisor is way over the top."[28]

Also in 2013, Evgeny Buryakov and two other Russians attempted to recruit Page as an intelligence source, and one of them, Victor Podobnyy, described Page as enthusiastic about business opportunities in Russia but an "idiot".[2][25] "I also promised him a lot," Podobnyy reported to a fellow Russian intelligence officer at the time, according to an FBI transcript of their conversation, which was covertly recorded. "How else to work with foreigners?" Podobnyy added.[25][29][30]

Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[31] 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.[32]

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Give it up dude.

Page was ALWAYS a sketchy character.
Who the hell cares about Page? There is such a thing as the 4th amendment that some people still think is worth fighting for.

I don't have to defend Page to criticize the FBI. The FBI were the ones breaking the law and lying every day and leaking to the press and falsifying FISA applications that should never have been submitted in the first place.
Who the hell cares about Page? There is such a thing as the 4th amendment that some people still think is worth fighting for.

I don't have to defend Page to criticize the FBI. The FBI were the ones breaking the law and lying every day and leaking to the press and falsifying FISA applications that should never have been submitted in the first place.
You defended Page until you couldn't any longer
...Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[31] 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.[32]
This is not true. That is from a CNN story, another anonymous source. Note they didn't say FISA, they say "secret intelligence surveillance warrant".

"Page had been the subject of a secret intelligence surveillance warrant since 2014, earlier than had been previously reported, US officials briefed on the probe told CNN."

That would not have been omitted by Mueller in his report, or by the IG when he described the history of Page's interactions with the FBI and CIA. and it would be front and center in the 2016 FISA applications if it was true.

We know about the 3 Russians and that were charged in 2015, and we know about the interview with the FBI in June and August 2013 concerning the Russian Intelligence officer(one of the 3 indicted), and whatever Page knew about him.

The first investigation into Page was on April 6 2016, that is the FBI's own record. Prior to 2016, he was just a source.

So that one is a CNN lie, straight up. Here is the original story.

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You defended Page until you couldn't any longer
I defend the facts and the rule of law. It's not about Page. It's about weaponizing the FBI for political reasons.

All of the people in the Crossfire Hurricane team belong behind bars.
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I predict one day in the future that historians will know that Trump lost fairly and squarely and tried a soft coup to change the result. You conspiracy theory whackadoodles crack me up.
One of us will be right.

I contend that if I am right it would be impossible in today’s contentious environment to state the last election was rigged.

This would be the result.

One of us will be right.

I contend that if I am right it would be impossible in today’s contentious environment to state the last election was rigged.
I ask, What Governor or Secretary of State wants to be the first one to admit their State can't run an honest election?

I'm about halfway through Gableman's report in Wisconsin, it's outrageous. I don't see how the legislature can ignore it.
One of us will be right.
Not you.

The fact that you continued this embarrassing charade for a year without a shred of evidence will be a sad joke in the history books.

History books will also take note that Trump knows he is lying, but his embarrassing, gullible cult does not.
Not you.

The fact that you continued this embarrassing charade for a year without a shred of evidence will be a sad joke in the history books.

History books will also take note that Trump knows he is lying, but his embarrassing, gullible cult does not.
Time will tell. The problem is we may not be around to hear the final result.'s been debunked.

They don't just say "bullshit"...they show why
If the election was rigged “they” would never reveal that fact. The nation would erupt and we might have a REAL insurrection. Believe it or not, even I oppose that.
I ask, What Governor or Secretary of State wants to be the first one to admit their State can't run an honest election?

I'm about halfway through Gableman's report in Wisconsin, it's outrageous. I don't see how the legislature can ignore it.
It's supposition and misstated facts
Nah, time has already 'told'. Ask anyone not in your cult.
So you want me to ask a sheeple who believed for four years that Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary and Trump was Putin’s puppet. Most still believe that bullshit. You are likely one of them.
It's supposition and misstated facts
Remember how Trump was supposed to have colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary or how Trump was Putin’s puppet?

Now that was supposition and misstated facts.
So you want me to ask a sheeple who believed for four years that Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary and Trump was Putin’s puppet. Most still believe that bullshit. You are likely one of them.
So it's cult or nothing for you

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