BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

Actually the calls to the Russian embassy is what generated the FISA warrants. The NSA had been wiretapping the Russian embassy from the beginning of time.
Then why did they say the Steele dossier had been verified to the FISA court?
No but I am blaming Hillary for trying her best to ruin the Trump presidency. Hillary is a vindictive witch.

Actually the person who ruined the Trump presidency was Donald John Trump.

Remember, COVID-19 was no more serious than the seasonal flu.
Then why did they say the Steele dossier had been verified to the FISA court?
It don't make no difference either way.

The memo further claims those officials were aware at the time of their signing that the unsubstantiated Steele opposition research dossier, which was included to bolster their warrant application, was paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign; but the application did not include that information.

While the memo asserts the dossier was used in the initial warrant application, it does not specify if it was used in the three successive applications to extend the warrant, which must be filed every 90 days and must include new evidence to support probable cause. The aforementioned four senior agents signed off at various points throughout the roughly one year Page was under surveillance.
That is exactly what Fauci said in the beginning.
Fauci was not privy to top secret intelligence from China, NSA intercepts, and satellite surveillance of Wuhan.

Trump even admitted to Bob Woodward he was briefed how bad COVID-19 was in January 2020, and that he would "play it down"
It don't make no difference either way.

The memo further claims those officials were aware at the time of their signing that the unsubstantiated Steele opposition research dossier, which was included to bolster their warrant application, was paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign; but the application did not include that information.

While the memo asserts the dossier was used in the initial warrant application, it does not specify if it was used in the three successive applications to extend the warrant, which must be filed every 90 days and must include new evidence to support probable cause. The aforementioned four senior agents signed off at various points throughout the roughly one year Page was under surveillance.
The FBI lying makes no difference? Are you that stupid?
Of course it was voluntary. He didn't have to accept the deal.
Why not, because he had a "choice?" Of course he had to accept the deal. It's either that or spend every dime he has on lawyers. That's what you call "voluntary." That's what makes you a fucking NAZI.

Why do you keep reusing the same old already exploded argument?
Fauci was not privy to top secret intelligence from China, NSA intercepts, and satellite surveillance of Wuhan.

Trump even admitted to Bob Woodward he was briefed how bad COVID-19 was in January 2020, and that he would "play it down"
Bullshit Fauci was up to his lying neck in gain of function research. That has been proven by Rand Paul.
Actually the person who ruined the Trump presidency was Donald John Trump.

Remember, COVID-19 was no more serious than the seasonal flu.
If Trump had not been President we would still be waiting for the vaccines. Note the linked article comes from CNN.

CNN)President Donald Trump finally has something legitimate to take credit for in his coronavirus response: A vaccine that appears poised to reach Americans in record time.
The federal government poured billions into developing and manufacturing vaccine candidates in the hopes they would prove safe and effective. The pricey gamble appears to be paying off, with a vaccine on track to reach some Americans by the end of the year -- the fastest a vaccine has ever been developed.

"Should the administration be praised for this? Absolutely," said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a sharp critic of the administration's coronavirus response. "Donald Trump probably doesn't know the difference between a white cell and a prison cell, but the administration got this right."

Health experts broadly agree that the Trump administration's national vaccine strategy was a success. The Trump administration was willing to invest in new vaccine technologies, foot the bill for large, expensive clinical studies and simultaneously pay for manufacturing vaccine candidates before it was clear they would prove effective and safe.
Actually the calls to the Russian embassy is what generated the FISA warrants. The NSA had been wiretapping the Russian embassy from the beginning of time.
No. The IG report says, and the FBI acknowledged, that the Steele Dossier was "central and essential" to the FISA applications. The supposed communications with Russians they cited were from a Yahoo News article that the FBI did not even bother to verify. The Yahoo News article was put out by Christopher Steele.

They didn't get the first FISA until they had the Steele Dossier, and the Yahoo News piece to "back it up".

They knew Carter Page worked with the CIA since at least 2009- they had met with him in the FBI's NY field office, they were aware that he was a CIA source. It was only in 2016 that they decided he might be a Russian agent.

They knew by January the Steele Dossier was garbage, but they continued to use it for 3 more FISA renewals.

Banana republic bullshit.
Then why did they say the Steele dossier had been verified to the FISA court?
They didn't say that. Every thing in the Steeler dossier was confirmed previously except for the bit about prostitutes peeing on the bed. They knew that stuff before Trump ran for office. He has a nasty reputation going back 40 years.
No. The IG report says, and the FBI acknowledged, that the Steele Dossier was "central and essential" to the FISA applications. The supposed communications with Russians they cited were from a Yahoo News article that the FBI did not even bother to verify. The Yahoo News article was put out by Christopher Steele.

They didn't get the first FISA until they had the Steele Dossier, and the Yahoo News piece to "back it up".

They knew Carter Page worked with the CIA since at least 2009- they had met with him in the FBI's NY field office, they were aware that he was a CIA source. It was only in 2016 that they decided he might be a Russian agent.

They knew by January the Steele Dossier was garbage, but they continued to use it for 3 more FISA renewals.

Banana republic bullshit.
Carter page? Yeah they knew about him before he joined the Trump campaign. All the people around Trump were sleaze bags.
"Agent" is the wrong word.

"Asset" is more accurate. Someone being USED by Putin. And he has used Trump for years...and still is
Asset is the word. Trump is very needy for praise and attention. He's not exactly manly.
Fauci was not privy to top secret intelligence from China, NSA intercepts, and satellite surveillance of Wuhan.
Fauci didn't need any of that. He knew exactly what the virus was. He funded the experiment that created it.

It's a naturally-attenuated SARS-COV backbone with a specialized spike protein designed by Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill and inserted into the SARSr-COV backbone in the lab in Wuhan. The whole thing was a Rube Goldberg attempt to induce immunity in bat populations to SARS-COV's that can jump to humans.

The experiment was designed and ran by Peter Dazhak's EcoHealth Alliance. Fauci picked it up after DARPA rejected it for GOF reasons.

Dazhak and Fauci go way back, and any claims of ignorance from Fauci are BS.
Trump even admitted to Bob Woodward he was briefed how bad COVID-19 was in January 2020, and that he would "play it down"
Well, it sure didn't get "played down".
They didn't say that. Every thing in the Steeler dossier was confirmed previously except for the bit about prostitutes peeing on the bed. They knew that stuff before Trump ran for office. He has a nasty reputation going back 40 years.
Are you crazy? Nothing in the dossier was confirmed.

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