BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

He (Barr) did? And what might that be? Commit treason for Trump? Do you actually believe that Barr, who did plenty for Trump since his appointment would cross that line for a backstabbing bastard like Trump? Do you actually believe that Barr would help to destroy our democracy for a lying corrupt deranged ex game show host who would turn around & stab Barr in the back in a heartbeat?

Enjoy your fantasy.
That poster says that because HE would be willing to sell out this country for his orange god.
Just as always Obama thought he was the smartest man in the room. Fact is, he was the most ignorant and Biden a newborn baby is way smarter.
Look! Over there! >>>>>>>>> Did someone just mention Former President Obama? Two time elected President Obama?
Your boy Biden is screwing the pooch. 3 times more infected with covid in a couple of weeks. 49 died with covid in new jersey and they were fully vaccinated. So we will soon see how you treat your fuck up when American unnecessarily die from his dementia.
The unvaccinated. Not really caring if they can't take responsibility for their own lives.
Yes, and all the other candidates in history who also conceded were losers, too. But the historically unpopular and unfit Trump -- who lost by the largest margin of votes ever -- was not a loser.

Because cult.
Apparently orange gods don't con-cede.
If Trump was walking down the street and someone threw a baby out a third story window and he dove to save it, he would be reviled and scorned. It was near total viciousness against him. Not only him but his wife. Near the whole media disregarded her. Fashion and architecture magazines could have had her on the cover many many times. A well known fashion magazine is now praising the fashions Dr.Jill wears.
He'd dive out of the way to avoid soiling his suit...and you'd defend him
Even if it's true, I can raise no give a fucks.

no one really gives a shit bout what pussygrabber's cult followers think, after all, they are animals...


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