Barr Wants To Question FBI-CIA Liaison...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
... As part of his investigation into the genesis of Russiagate. He says it's not a criminal investigation but it will go where the facts lead and could result in indictments.

... As part of his investigation into the genesis of Russiagate. He says it's not a criminal investigation but it will go where the facts lead and could result in indictments.

He’s such a bought and sold little piece of garbage
... As part of his investigation into the genesis of Russiagate. He says it's not a criminal investigation but it will go where the facts lead and could result in indictments.


Oh, as in BOOMERANG! As in coming back to bite some lefty folks in their lyin’ asses. Should be a hoot for sure.
... As part of his investigation into the genesis of Russiagate. He says it's not a criminal investigation but it will go where the facts lead and could result in indictments.

He’s such a bought and sold little piece of garbage
Please explain why any loyal American would find a DOJ investigation into what may prove to have been egregious abuses of authority by high-ranking US officials worthy of a "FUNNY?"

Yanno Jillian, I understand you are a leftard first and always and your hatred for this country and our prez trumps all else but while it may give you some relief from your now 31 month long butt-hurt, it just makes you look like an angry, bitter MORON.
Barr's going to wind up getting himself thrown in jail.
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Again #7 spouts clairvoyant fascist sugar plums dancing.

Rep. Gaetz Reacts to Bruce Ohr's Notes About Steele

@ timepoint 4:56 ' violation of the law that required him to disclose his wife's occupation....'

Why and when did his wife apply for a HAM radio operator's license? Clinton employee DNA was talking to Russians via HAM radio in Alaska. The husband's background is opaque enough. What was Nellie Ohr's maiden name?
'According to the Mercury's original story by reporter Gary Webb, this 'dark alliance' began in the early 1980s when the Contras operation against Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government was failing for want of funds. In 1981, the CIA hired ex-Nicaraguan army Colonel Enrique Bermudez to organize what became the main Contra guerrilla army, the FDN. Bermudez then turned to two Nicaraguan exiles in the United States to supplement meager agency support with their profits from drug smuggling into the United States.

In California, Danilo Blandon, the former director of Nicaragua's farm marketing program, used his formidable business skills to open a new drug distribution network for the Contras. Sensing the potential of the Los Angeles ghetto, Blandon allied with the then neophyte, now legendary, African-American dealer "Freeway Rick" Ross to convert tons of cocaine into low-cost crack, thus exploiting an untapped market among the city's poor Blacks. With limitless supplies od cheap cocaine from Central America, Ross systematically undercut rival dealers and built a booming drug business that spread up the California coast and across the Midwest.....Whenever the DEA, customs, the LA county sheriffs, or the U.S. Congress tried to investigate, the CIA and the Justice Department denied information on the grounds of "national security....In sum, the paper concluded that Nicaraguan exiles allied with CIA-backed Contras had delivered tons of cocaine to Los Angeles' street gangs during the 1980s.'
(McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, p.493 The CIA's Covert Wars)
... As part of his investigation into the genesis of Russiagate. He says it's not a criminal investigation but it will go where the facts lead and could result in indictments.

He’s such a bought and sold little piece of garbage

Yuk....yuk....but about to deliver some large bumpy cucumbers to the DUMS. Our turn sweetie!
... As part of his investigation into the genesis of Russiagate. He says it's not a criminal investigation but it will go where the facts lead and could result in indictments.

He’s such a bought and sold little piece of garbage

Are you sure you're an attorney? The more you write the less I am certain of that jillian.
He’s such a bought and sold little piece of garbage

There they go again.....The left falsely blaming others for what they themselves do. Mueller was Hillary's smear-machine attack dog. Never fails, that's their 'go to' strategy.
Boom! US Attorney Durham Is Interviewing CIA Operatives On Trump Spying…


Better Lawyer Up John Brennan!

The Bill Barr Justice Department plans on interviewing senior CIA officials as part of its expanding investigation into the Obama Deep State spying on the Trump campaign in the 2016 election, according to a new report at The New York Times.

CIA Director Gina Haspel has told senior officials that while the CIA plans to cooperate, it will protect information that could place sources or collection methods at risk.

According to the Trump-hating NY Times, intel officials have been informed that Attorney General William Barr has assigned the United States attorney in Connecticut, John Durham, to seek the interviews.

Seems AG Barr and his senior investigator aren’t fooling around.

Barr is also still trying to piece together why Obama administration believe Putin ordered Russian operatives to aid President Trump in 2016.

Sean Hannity added that the Department of Justice is also seeking cooperation from foreign intelligence agencies including Italy, the UK and Australia who were used by the Obama deep state to help spy on Trump campaign officials.

More @ Boom! US Attorney Durham Is Interviewing CIA Operatives On Trump Spying… Better Lawyer Up John Brennan! - Tea Party News
Barr investigates the CIA


How clever they were.

Obama and his thugs used FISAs and our national security apparatus not to prevent terrorism or to see what is going on in Iran, but to spy on Donald Trump.

Now after two years of Mueller's witch hunts, Americans are about to learn the truth.

The New York Times reported, "Justice Department officials intend to interview senior C.I.A. officers as they review the Russia investigation, according to people briefed on the matter."


The story said, "The interview plans are the latest sign the Justice Department will take a critical look at the C.I.A.’s work on Russia’s election interference. Investigators want to talk with at least one senior counterintelligence official and a senior C.I.A. analyst, the people said. Both officials were involved in the agency’s work on understanding the Russian campaign to sabotage the election in 2016.

"While the Justice Department review is not a criminal inquiry, it has provoked anxiety in the ranks of the C.I.A., according to former officials. Senior agency officials have questioned why the C.I.A.’s analytical work should be subjected to a federal prosecutor’s scrutiny. Attorney General William P. Barr, who is overseeing the review, assigned the United States attorney in Connecticut, John H. Durham, to conduct it."


CNN reported, "The Justice Department review, while not a criminal inquiry, has provoked anxiety within the CIA, former officials tell the Times. Senior agency officials question why the CIA's analytical work should be scrutinized by a federal prosecutor, according to the Times."

The navels are clenching
Barr investigates the CIA


How clever they were.

Obama and his thugs used FISAs and our national security apparatus not to prevent terrorism or to see what is going on in Iran, but to spy on Donald Trump.

Now after two years of Mueller's witch hunts, Americans are about to learn the truth.

The New York Times reported, "Justice Department officials intend to interview senior C.I.A. officers as they review the Russia investigation, according to people briefed on the matter."


The story said, "The interview plans are the latest sign the Justice Department will take a critical look at the C.I.A.’s work on Russia’s election interference. Investigators want to talk with at least one senior counterintelligence official and a senior C.I.A. analyst, the people said. Both officials were involved in the agency’s work on understanding the Russian campaign to sabotage the election in 2016.

"While the Justice Department review is not a criminal inquiry, it has provoked anxiety in the ranks of the C.I.A., according to former officials. Senior agency officials have questioned why the C.I.A.’s analytical work should be subjected to a federal prosecutor’s scrutiny. Attorney General William P. Barr, who is overseeing the review, assigned the United States attorney in Connecticut, John H. Durham, to conduct it."


CNN reported, "The Justice Department review, while not a criminal inquiry, has provoked anxiety within the CIA, former officials tell the Times. Senior agency officials question why the CIA's analytical work should be scrutinized by a federal prosecutor, according to the Times."

The navels are clenching

I think you mean sphincters.......because they're about to shit themselves.
... As part of his investigation into the genesis of Russiagate. He says it's not a criminal investigation but it will go where the facts lead and could result in indictments.

Why is Barr floating innuendos of "could result in indictments" for an on going investigation? Law enforcement and prosecutors are NOT suppose to be talking about on going investigations, is my understanding? So why is he doing that...?
Barr investigates the CIA


How clever they were.

Obama and his thugs used FISAs and our national security apparatus not to prevent terrorism or to see what is going on in Iran, but to spy on Donald Trump.

Now after two years of Mueller's witch hunts, Americans are about to learn the truth.

The New York Times reported, "Justice Department officials intend to interview senior C.I.A. officers as they review the Russia investigation, according to people briefed on the matter."


The story said, "The interview plans are the latest sign the Justice Department will take a critical look at the C.I.A.’s work on Russia’s election interference. Investigators want to talk with at least one senior counterintelligence official and a senior C.I.A. analyst, the people said. Both officials were involved in the agency’s work on understanding the Russian campaign to sabotage the election in 2016.

"While the Justice Department review is not a criminal inquiry, it has provoked anxiety in the ranks of the C.I.A., according to former officials. Senior agency officials have questioned why the C.I.A.’s analytical work should be subjected to a federal prosecutor’s scrutiny. Attorney General William P. Barr, who is overseeing the review, assigned the United States attorney in Connecticut, John H. Durham, to conduct it."


CNN reported, "The Justice Department review, while not a criminal inquiry, has provoked anxiety within the CIA, former officials tell the Times. Senior agency officials question why the CIA's analytical work should be scrutinized by a federal prosecutor, according to the Times."

The navels are clenching

I think you mean sphincters.......because they're about to shit themselves.
Family Forum and all that!

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