The day they went through the looking glass.

The death blow for the reality of what the Mueller report said was Billy the Bagman's ludicrous claim of "exoneration." From that point on The Following's alternative reality centered itself around that word.
In the world of fairness and unfairness I see Hunter as a man that should be doing a long stretch in prison. Ask the millions of felons who did far less. So, we go from something as simple as that and know D.C. stinks. What we know is that anyone empowered can screw over anyone else. And anything involving a government employee who does it to another person has affected and changed the course of their families. We are in the blowout phase of our fiat currency. We can limp along getting our debts reduced enough. It cannot last forever in the way we are living. So, we live in a surreal world of people who are corrupted or are on the edge of corruption or are in the wrong place at the wrong time and we live in a national enquirer society for enquiring minds. And the mistrust grows and those not treated well in the past not trusting what could be better from other ways. Even if that social justice massive transfer of wealth agendas from a major party has plateaued. For some time now.
Then why were there documents in the DNC computers for the Russians to hack and make public ... the DNC sabotaged the Sanders campaign ... and the Russians made that public ... for Trump's benefit ... per the Russian design ...

Shame on Democrats for even having those documents ... they deserved to lose in 2016 and it's looking like they deserve to lose in 2024 ...
Illuminate your mind.

The Following's alternative reality extends to the issue of Trump's gag order. What follows is from Alvin Bragg's office's filing. "The people note that defendant's motion once again includes a number of categorically faults accusations. For example, defendant claims that the District Attorney is acting in concert with defendant's electoral opponent and an unspecified "cast of associates." That is a lie.
Kellyanne Conway denies Trump press secretary lied: ‘He offered alternative facts’ – video

That was the beginning of what Kellyanne defined as essentially an alternative reality. Available to anyone who wants to chose to believe in something other than actual reality when it is well, let's say it's inconvenient to do so. Actual reality like a lost election.

Think of it as The Following's happy place. A safe space to go to work out the incongruity of "what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

Quite a lot has happened since then that was well, let's say inconvenient.

“The Department of Justice has authorized me to confirm” the existence of a broader investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, Comey said. “We’re not going to say another word about it until we’re done.”

And, indeed, he would not speak about it again, as FBI director.

The Comey firing, as retold by the Mueller report

That ended Jim's career as head of the FBI. There have been endless arguments of what that investigation, ultimately taken over by Mueller, did or didn't reveal. What is not in dispute is Don's motivation for firing Comey. As the Orange Menace said, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off." In a bizarre twist, he said that to Russians in the Oval Office.

Geebers. Now there's a good reason to seek the comfort of the alternative fact hidey hole. The POTUS fired the head of the FBI after the latter publicly acknowledged the existence of a broader investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

A summary of Comey's firing in the Mueller report goes like this.

D. Firing of James Comey

Obstructive act (p. 74): “Firing Comey would qualify as an obstructive act if it had the natural and probable effect of interfering with or impeding the investigation.” Trump’s handling of the Comey firing and his actions in the subsequent days “had the potential to affect a successor director’s conduct of the investigation,” though removing Comey “would not necessarily … prevent or impede the FBI from continuing its investigation.”

Nexus (p. 75): By the time of the Comey firing, Trump was aware of both the FBI investigation into Russian election interference and the investigation into Flynn.

Intent (p. 75): “Substantial evidence” indicates that Trump fired Comey because of “Comey’s unwillingness to publicly state that the President was not personally under investigation.” Mueller notes that “ome evidence indicates that the President believed that the erroneous perception he was under investigation harmed his ability to manage domestic and foreign affairs”—but “[o]ther evidence … indicates that the President wanted to protect himself from an investigation into his campaign.” “The initial reliance on a pretextual justification [for Comey’s firing] could support an inference that the President had concerns about providing the real reason for the firing, although the evidence does not resolve whether those concerns were personal, personal, or both.”

Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map

Gee, it seems like an alternative reality would come in handy in dealing with that. Maybe even a tin foil hat.

Since this thread is about Trump firing Comey, I will not be responding to the inevitable deflections regarding Billy the Bagman's false characterization of the Mueller report. Or anything to do with The Following's false belief in the alternative reality that Mueller exonerated Trump.
While you battle with long dead narratives from the past, the rest of us will live in the here and now.
"Pythagoras with the looking glass reflects the full moon......"

There seems to be a new tune coming from the demented LEFT.
Ex NY Gov and Attorney General Mario Cuomo drops a bomb......
Gee, what a coincidence the firing came right after Comey's testimony about the investigation. And the rationale changed almost daily.

Some of us prefer the real world to the one you live in.

Well, you and reality have absolutely no relationship.
The death blow for the reality of what the Mueller report said was Billy the Bagman's ludicrous claim of "exoneration." From that point on The Following's alternative reality centered itself around that word.

You write as a child would -
Are you 12?
i know you don't know this, but trump had people on his payroll sat the ny times "maggie habersham was trump's girl there) msnbc (katie tur and andrea mitchell) etc etc.

all sworn testimony (cohen and pecker) at ny vs trump.

You picked 3 of the most left-wing lunatics on the air.
“Great pressure because of Russia”

Can you read?
So you’re too stupid to remember Comey Reopening an investigation days before the election and then closing it days later after the damage had been done?

It didn't actually happen that way at all.
You know it, you have told that multiple times in 8 years.
Your brain doesn't function properly.
Is it the alcohol?

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