Andrew McCabe is worried about going to prison

Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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So what are the charges?
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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Many of these people are terrified that if Trump wins it will end their corruption.
No judge will seat you. Just because of the shit you write here.
Wow, must really of hit a nerve on that one. Of course a judge would sit me, because i can act fair and impartial until i am selected as jury foreman, which happened to me once before. Then when i am actually debating on convicting people like you on the charge of "STUPIDITY" i will convince everyone else that they need to also, to keep people like you from harming others. Classic Venezuelan Kangaroo courts now that the Marxists/Demofascists have open pandora's box.
It's Not unfair, it's the way the law works when you commit crimes. Alan Weisselberg took the hit for Trump, because Trump made a deal with Weisselberg to give him $2 million dollars in severance to keep his mouth shut on Trump and family. So he went to prison for the criminal deeds, and the Trump organization was penalized and now has a conservator person appointed by the state, looking over every company move and books and checks written.

He's a crook, has always been a cheat and a crook. It's only now, catching up to him....he's been Teflon Don for decades. Inform yourself, if you don't want to believe me... The facts and info, is there to see with a simple search, truly.
Did you know that breaking government property is a felony and people go do jail for doing that? Why is it Marxists/Demofascists have created the two tier justice system.

Intentionally damaging or destroying U.S. government property can lead to serious criminal charges under federal law. 18 U.S.C. § 1361 makes it a felony to willfully injure or commit depredation against any property of the United States.

Destruction of Government Property | 18 U.S. Code § 1361…
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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That's one that deserves a speedy trial and quick execution
Jack Smith was not confirmed as Special Counsel by the Senate.

But nor was special counsel Robert Mueller, nor was special counsel John Durham.... They were not stopped by this NEW theory by Republicans....?

He doesn't have to be.... from what I have read....on it.

It seems like just raw meat for the Trumpers to grab on to that the misinformation artists are throwing out there as a made up grievance.... :(

I guess we'll have to see if that argument will fly or not, on his appeal? :dunno:. If he ever goes to trial for the two jack Smith indictments.

July 21, 2023, 6:00 AM EDT
By Zeeshan Aleem, MSNBC Opinion Writer/Editor
Tom Fitton, president of the conservative activist group Judicial Watch and an informal adviser to Donald Trump, has a new talking point: Special counsel Jack Smith lacks the authority to prosecute the former president because he wasn’t confirmed by the Senate. That claim is wrong, and his reasoning is riddled with problems. But it does allow Fitton to advance the political goal of riling up the right using a throw-anything-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks strategy — and promoting unwarranted suspicion of the Justice Department.


But that’s not what’s happening. An attorney general appoints a special counsel under “extraordinary circumstances” or to avoid the possible appearance of conflict of interest — in this case, the optics of a Biden-appointed official pursuing the incarceration of a political opponent. Special counsels don’t require Senate confirmation, but under the Code of Federal Regulations, they should have reputations for impartiality and “informed understanding of the criminal law and Department of Justice policies.” Smith fit the bill — he had worked in the Justice Department, and before he took the special counsel position, he was the chief prosecutor investigating war crimes in Kosovo for the special court in The Hague.
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How about just don’t commit crimes and expect to be above the law?
How about that eh? Think on it.

McCabe lied under oath, why does he get a pass? Oh yeah cause he got a job at CNN and bashes trump.
Make a legal case, indict him, let him be tried by a jury. So far no one has which leaves me to think no reasonable would prosecute it regardless of political affiliation.
Did you know that breaking government property is a felony and people go do jail for doing that? Why is it Marxists/Demofascists have created the two tier justice system.

Intentionally damaging or destroying U.S. government property can lead to serious criminal charges under federal law. 18 U.S.C. § 1361 makes it a felony to willfully injure or commit depredation against any property of the United States.

Destruction of Government Property | 18 U.S. Code § 1361…
How about that eh? Think on it.

Make a legal case, indict him, let him be tried by a jury. So far no one has which leaves me to think no reasonable would prosecute it regardless of political affiliation.
You missed the part of "A trial by an impartial and fair jury". When you stack the court with "I hate Trump" voters then justice cant be served.
You missed the part of "A trial by an impartial and fair jury". When you stack the court with "I hate Trump" voters then justice cant be served.
Definition of an “impartial and fair” jury: one that exonerates Trump, regardless of the evidence.

You must have missed that.

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