The day they went through the looking glass.

In the world of fairness and unfairness I see Hunter as a man that should be doing a long stretch in prison. Ask the millions of felons who did far less. So, we go from something as simple as that and know D.C. stinks. What we know is that anyone empowered can screw over anyone else. And anything involving a government employee who does it to another person has affected and changed the course of their families. We are in the blowout phase of our fiat currency. We can limp along getting our debts reduced enough. It cannot last forever in the way we are living. So, we live in a surreal world of people who are corrupted or are on the edge of corruption or are in the wrong place at the wrong time and we live in a national enquirer society for enquiring minds. And the mistrust grows and those not treated well in the past not trusting what could be better from other ways. Even if that social justice massive transfer of wealth agendas from a major party has plateaued. For some time now.
Can you you name one felon that did way more time for less? (See bold above)
The DNC had a responsibility to it's members to keep Sanders off of the ballot.
He would have been annihilated in the General and The Party knew it.
Haha so the dnc said we will decide not the voters


That’s very CCCP of you
Haha so the dnc said we will decide not the voters


That’s very CCCP of you

You do know that the RNC and the DNC are private corporations that are each tasked with sending a candidate to the General Election, yes?
They each have primaries to gauge the level of interest in certain candidates, but -
Still on Russia Russia Russia???

Stage IV TDS

The Biden crime family was paid by Russia, not Trump

HIllary paid for the Fake Steele dossier

Russia, Russia, Russia is a proven fact, and resulting in multiple convictions and guilty pleas from Team Trump.

Republicans paid for the Steele Dossier. The Clinton Campaign asked their law firm to arrange for oppo research on Trump. Hillary didn't even know where who was doing the work, nor did she write any checks for the work done. The Campaign's lawyers handled everything in an "arm's length transaction". Hillary had no part or participation in any of it.
Haha so the dnc said we will decide not the voters


That’s very CCCP of you

Legally speaking, the political parties are private entities and the voters have no legal right to ANY say in who they run as their candidates. They're free to draw a name out of a hat if the membership decides that's how they want to do it.

Primaries didn't even exist in their current form until 100 years ago. Prior to that candidates were developed in "caucuses".
Sanders isn't a member of the DNC, and Hillary beat him at the polls in any case.
He was certainly running for their nomination. Sounds like she won because she owned the DNC, and they colluded to undermine the voters, by feeding her questions before debates etc
Legally speaking, the political parties are private entities and the voters have no legal right to ANY say in who they run as their candidates. They're free to draw a name out of a hat if the membership decides that's how they want to do it.

Primaries didn't even exist in their current form until 100 years ago. Prior to that candidates were developed in "caucuses".
Gotcha, you don't like democracy....we get it

Some starts still use a caucuse system, which actually uses a democractic means, not the party simply drawing the name out of a hat.
Can you you name one felon that did way more time for less? (See bold above)
This in reference to Hunter. Every family or extended family has members who have had drug issues. Some are in jail/jail time and/or dead. I do not have to name anyone in that regard. There are people in those families who would name them for you if it came to it. Our system may get to the point it does not deserve to exist.
This in reference to Hunter. Every family or extended family has members who have had drug issues. Some are in jail/jail time and/or dead. I do not have to name anyone in that regard. There are people in those families who would name them for you if it came to it. Our system may get to the point it does not deserve to exist.
So let's just admit your claim was unfounded and was essentially partison speculation.
So let's just admit your claim was unfounded and was essentially partison speculation.
Wesley Snipes got three years for misdemeanors related to not filing his taxes.....Hunter is accused of far far more....but he is white, and rich, so of course the demaklan is giving him a pass
Wesley Snipes got three years for misdemeanors related to not filing his taxes.....Hunter is accused of far far more....but he is white, and rich, so of course the demaklan is giving him a pass
Wesley snipes owed way more money and didn't accept a plea deal.

I wish Wesley had his shit together better. I really liked him as an actor. The blade movies, white mean can't jump, etc. Good stuff.
Haha so the dnc said we will decide not the voters


That’s very CCCP of you
Is this another case of an election fraud conspiracy theory? Did the DNC alter the votes of primary voters with Italian satellites?
All most impossible to get truthful information any more,
To many people with to much money OWN most means of communication.
Is this another case of an election fraud conspiracy theory? Did the DNC alter the votes of primary voters with Italian satellites?

Were you in a coma?

Have you not heard of super delegates?

Why are the most ignorant amount us the most proficienct at posting?
Russia, Russia, Russia is a proven fact, and resulting in multiple convictions and guilty pleas from Team Trump.

Republicans paid for the Steele Dossier. The Clinton Campaign asked their law firm to arrange for oppo research on Trump. Hillary didn't even know where who was doing the work, nor did she write any checks for the work done. The Campaign's lawyers handled everything in an "arm's length transaction". Hillary had no part or participation in any of it.
The only proven facts are: Hillary paid for the Steele Dossier, the Bidens got paid from Russia and 51 Intel officers need to be in Federal prison for lying about Hunters laptop
Is this another case of an election fraud conspiracy theory? Did the DNC alter the votes of primary voters with Italian satellites?
I have no idea, but I do know they interfered in the primary on behalf of Clinton and I know what the poster I replied to said

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