Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

She's not answering any questions. :lol:

She's answering them all. She's not playing games with the retards.

OK, tell us here what she said about reversing Roe v Wade and ACA... Go ahead.
She dodged abortion and gay marriage.
She's a fucking phony who won't back up what she has said in many legal memos over the years.

Ask the Finger Banger he'll tell you ,you dont deserve to know. After her confirmation you'll know. Hahaahhaa.
The credibility starts with the unexpected liberal turn to the household response to the policed murder of Floyd. Anyone can imagine which direction the Trump-Up would have been coughing and spitting at the Super Spreader Rose Garden event: Had only they all known! Then she notes that the Supreme Court hearing on Nov 10 is not about making ACA Unconstitutional--likely the first time most of the various audiences have had any clue regarding what it's all about.

She is not to be thought Scalia, even(?)!

Goddess Be Praised!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Extending the Red State Pastoral Message--Three More Weeks: Matt 25: 14-30!)

What does Floyd dying of a fentanyl overdose have to do with this?
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

She's answering them all. She's not playing games with the retards.

OK, tell us here what she said about reversing Roe v Wade and ACA... Go ahead.
She dodged abortion and gay marriage.
She's a fucking phony who won't back up what she has said in many legal memos over the years.

She said, "It's inappropriate to talk about rulings on cases that haven't happened yet." Which is the only reasonable and logical answer to give to such a ridiculous and inappropriate question.

You only call it "dodging" because you're such a partisan shitbag that you think Justices are supposed to have political views on issues before the court. Your attempt to attack Barrett only hit yourself.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

She's answering them all. She's not playing games with the retards.

OK, tell us here what she said about reversing Roe v Wade and ACA... Go ahead.
She dodged abortion and gay marriage.
She's a fucking phony who won't back up what she has said in many legal memos over the years.

I thought justices weren't supposed to take hard positions on any given subject.

Isn't that the point of them being judges?

She has a string of memos and opinions she's written over the last 10 years about her stand on abortion, gay marriage, the ACA, etc.

She has said she's absolutely right in line with every decision and opinion Scalia had, since she clerked for him.

Trump doesn't know jack shit about her, he just takes the list from The Heritage Foundation, a far right fringe organization.

That's how Trump nominated Gorsuch, Beer Boy and now this kunt.

What name will you make up for Trumps 4th SC pick?
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

Thank you Syn, she's dodging right and left on abortion and the ACA.
These fucking idiots who are giving her high marks had their high marks all ready to give her before the arch-far-right-fringe bitch opened her mouth.

Look retard
She is not supposed to answer hypothetical questions about cases that may come before her.

She's only following the Ginsburg Rule. One wonders if Blaine was frothing at the mouth and incensed when Ginsburg did it.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

Thank you Syn, she's dodging right and left on abortion and the ACA.
These fucking idiots who are giving her high marks had their high marks all ready to give her before the arch-far-right-fringe bitch opened her mouth.

Look retard
She is not supposed to answer hypothetical questions about cases that may come before her.

She's only following the Ginsburg Rule. One wonders if Blaine was frothing at the mouth and incensed when Ginsburg did it.

Who knows with him
He really does not seem as if he is right in the head.

This is a phony Photoshopped meme and you know it, coward.
Of course it is you fucking idiot.

Then why did you post it?
Because you know there's enough stupid people on this board who would believe it, you fucking loser.

It's called a "joke". Clearly, whoever removed your frontal lobe also took your sense of humor.
Apparently the only one who believed it was sweetener herself! :) Frontal lobotomies do that you know.
She's not answering any questions.
Tissue, doll? :coffee:
I'll play this back to you when we expand the SCOTUS. :lol:

And you think that is a good road to go down?
You say it like it’s a guarantee that Dems will win the presidency and the senate.

Will you still be ok with it if trump wins, and we retain the senate? I’m betting you won’t.

Where as people with morals and principles (known as conservatives) are not ok with either side doing it. If Trump wins and decides to pack the court and add seats, I’d be against that as well.

Because those of us who aren’t fools know that is a bad road to go down.
When are they gonna accuse her of raping somebody?

hogg wild.jpg
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

Thank you Syn, she's dodging right and left on abortion and the ACA.
These fucking idiots who are giving her high marks had their high marks all ready to give her before the arch-far-right-fringe bitch opened her mouth.

Another leftist with the honesty to admit you think Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a stupid, lying tramp. Way to go!
Appropriately, she's getting bitch-slapped by the facts.

Klobachar is clearly playing games with a pathetic, shallow attempt to get around the Ginsburg rule. No one should answer hypotheticals, they are traps.

That you think Barrett lost because she didn't step into the obvious trap is the shallow tramp you are

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