Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

A SC nominee should not be asked how he/she will rule on ANY given subject. A justice is supposed to rule on a law's constitutionality, nothing else, no matter how many are outside screaming at the sky.

Not to mention a judge is supposed to hear both arguments of the case when it's presented to her.
These guys obviously don't want a true justice who considers the case, they want a rubber stamp that will leave the room after one argument of the case is made, her vote already cast.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

She's answering them all. She's not playing games with the retards.

OK, tell us here what she said about reversing Roe v Wade and ACA... Go ahead.
She dodged abortion and gay marriage.
She's a fucking phony who won't back up what she has said in many legal memos over the years.

I thought justices weren't supposed to take hard positions on any given subject.

Isn't that the point of them being judges?

She has a string of memos and opinions she's written over the last 10 years about her stand on abortion, gay marriage, the ACA, etc.

She has said she's absolutely right in line with every decision and opinion Scalia had, since she clerked for him.

Trump doesn't know jack shit about her, he just takes the list from The Heritage Foundation, a far right fringe organization.

That's how Trump nominated Gorsuch, Beer Boy and now this kunt.

You didn't answer the question.
These guys obviously don't want a true justice who considers the case, they want a rubber stamp that will leave the room after one argument of the case is made, her vote already cast.

She should mess with them since she's going to get in anyway. Whatever question they ask, give them a totally right-wing answer even if it's not the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

Thank you Syn, she's dodging right and left on abortion and the ACA.
These fucking idiots who are giving her high marks had their high marks all ready to give her before the arch-far-right-fringe bitch opened her mouth.

Look retard
She is not supposed to answer hypothetical questions about cases that may come before her.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

Thank you Syn, she's dodging right and left on abortion and the ACA.
These fucking idiots who are giving her high marks had their high marks all ready to give her before the arch-far-right-fringe bitch opened her mouth.

Learn the difference between dodging and correcting your shit Senator on proper judicial procedure.

Anyone who thinks it's appropriate for a judge to say, "I would rule THIS way on a case I haven't even heard yet" has just revealed himself as a partisan shitball.

And since you were all ready to hate her before she was even the nominee, I don't believe we need to hear any hypocritical attempts at condemnation from someone who has no authority to judge anyone.
Democrats are doing their best impersonation of a cross between 'Madam Cleo' & TV Lawyer Mattlock:

R.I.P. Miss Cleo - Movie Forums

"Ms. ABC, I know exactly how you would
rule on cases and issues that have not
even come up with... I can read yo' future!"

View attachment 401052
"Confess - you are being placed on
the USSC to overturn every major
case in the history of the United
States, starting with Roe-v-Wade!"

She didn't even need to testify - they are telling her what she is going to do.


Oh, if only it were possible for her to just stand up and say, "Well, since you all already know what's going to happen, there's no need for me to sit here and talk to you anymore. I'm out, bitches!"

Thank God Judge Barrett has more patience with fools than I do.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

She's answering them all. She's not playing games with the retards.

OK, tell us here what she said about reversing Roe v Wade and ACA... Go ahead.
She dodged abortion and gay marriage.
She's a fucking phony who won't back up what she has said in many legal memos over the years.

I thought justices weren't supposed to take hard positions on any given subject.

Isn't that the point of them being judges?

She has a string of memos and opinions she's written over the last 10 years about her stand on abortion, gay marriage, the ACA, etc.

She has said she's absolutely right in line with every decision and opinion Scalia had, since she clerked for him.

Trump doesn't know jack shit about her, he just takes the list from The Heritage Foundation, a far right fringe organization.

That's how Trump nominated Gorsuch, Beer Boy and now this kunt.

You might want to go and off yourself little boy.

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