Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

Oh!!..... she just ate his lunch!!!!''

After bullshitting around for 10 minutes trying to turn an opinion into the worst possible case. She blasted him.
He was trying to make everyone believe she is for GIVING WEAPONS TO FELONS..... talks about Sandy Hook with photos of young dead children etc... She answers the question - "Senator that opinion was on ONE case, of a man who was selling illegal foot supports for shoes, it has no bearing whatsoever to do with Sandy Hook or anyother case".

What an idiot. These moron Senators grandstanding are looking like idiots
Bloomenthal is such an idiot. He doesn't even realize he is being embarrassed by her superior intellect.

What is it about the left that they simply do not understand the role and how the Courts work?

If a law is written, and never challenged, then it will never be brought before the courts.

If a law is challenged, it is always challenged on a narrow and specific portion of the law. If the law cannot be severed, then the entire law is thrown out if the court rules against it.

That does not mean the law is dead. It means that it gets tossed back to Congress to be better written and written without violating anyone's Constitutional rights.

The rulings have nothing to do with people. It has nothing to do with people's fears. It has nothing to do with how scared someone might be that anyone single judge may or may not rule against or for a law they like or hate.

People's fears and concerns should NEVER rise to even a moment's thought when a Judge is asked to consider a law.

That is the very essence of "impartiality".

If you fear that Obamacare may or may not be ruled unconstitutional, then don't blame the judge.

Blame the Politicians.

Write better fucking laws you twit.
Oh!!..... she just ate his lunch!!!!''

After bullshitting around for 10 minutes trying to turn an opinion into the worst possible case. She blasted him.
He was trying to make everyone believe she is for GIVING WEAPONS TO FELONS..... talks about Sandy Hook with photos of young dead children etc... She answers the question - "Senator that opinion was on ONE case, of a man who was selling illegal foot supports for shoes, it has no bearing whatsoever to do with Sandy Hook or anyother case".

What an idiot. These moron Senators grandstanding are looking like idiots
I was surprised when his head didn't snap back at that backhand. LOL
Oh!!..... she just ate his lunch!!!!''

After bullshitting around for 10 minutes trying to turn an opinion into the worst possible case. She blasted him.
He was trying to make everyone believe she is for GIVING WEAPONS TO FELONS..... talks about Sandy Hook with photos of young dead children etc... She answers the question - "Senator that opinion was on ONE case, of a man who was selling illegal foot supports for shoes, it has no bearing whatsoever to do with Sandy Hook or anyother case".

What an idiot. These moron Senators grandstanding are looking like idiots
I was surprised when his head didn't snap back at that backhand. LOL
She just shredded him, and made him look like a moron. He OBVIOUSLY knew the case that she gave the opinion on... why on earth would he go there? - I will tell you why - wait and see - CNN and etc. will ONLY show the part of his grandstanding
I think we are also getting a good look inside the Scalia office. He was a well-balanced Judge who considered many and varied opinions (from those who are learned in the law) but in the end, as she just said, would be the one who made the final decision.

Sounds like he was a skilled manager as well as a deep intellect.
And here goes Hirono... her turn to bloviate and talk about stuff that has NOTHING to do with this hearing.
I do not believe they should be allowed to do this. It is basically a free campaign ad
And here goes Booker race baiting (again)
And again he looks like a moron when she answers him.
He spends 10 minutes talking about how horrible it is for a boss to call a black employee the "N" word and how she stated that is not proof of a hostile workplace. After pounding that sand... she answers quite simply " the plaintiff did not present that in court as a part of his employment. The supervisor, reportedly, called him that after he was fired."
So he quickly moves on.

Nope. She's the best of the best, sugarplum.

Someone who has been a judge less than three years and has never been in a courtroom is the best of the best?

Another example of your low standards. Which you want. Louie Gohmert, Marsha Blackburn, Virginia Foxx, Ted Yoho - conservatives embrace the unintelligent, the mediocre, the unsophisticated. They are inferior so they don’t want anyone superior being in any position of authority. ‘Idiocracy’ is the right-wing playbook.
Barrett doesn't need any notes.
When you refuse to answer questions why would you need notes?

Its like Trump: when he doesn’t have his teleprompter he’s a blathering idiot, but he’s not answering questions, either, just deflecting and lying.
Trump has again shown an amazing eye for Judicial Talent.

Amy Coney Barrett Sends a Strong Message to Young Conservative Women of Faith.

Amy Coney Barrett, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, is an icon for conservative women of faith across America, just as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an icon for left-leaning women. Barrett’s confirmation will finally prove that even conservative women can have a seat at the table.

With a friendly smile on her face, this brave incredibly intelligent and mild tempered gracious woman prepares to go through hell getting branded as a traitor to her sex just like black conservatives go through hell, getting branded as traitors to their race by the racist bigoted hate-filled Leftists in national office.

Due to the Left’s divisive identity politics on race and sex, black conservatives and female conservatives face immense pressure to renounce their convictions — especially women who value unborn life.

Barrett herself has faced unjust charges of misogyny because of her Roman Catholic faith. Media outlets have seized on her use of common Christian phrases. They have compared a faith community to which Barrett once belonged to the dystopian oppression of The Handmaid’s Tale. Citing a scandal-plagued smear factory, Democrat senators have compared a mainstream conservative Christian law firm to which Barrett once spoke to the Cambodian dictator Pol Pot.

Barrett is a powerful symbol. Barrett proves that a woman’s place — the place of a conservative woman of faith — is on the Supreme Court.
Why is it appropriate for a SCOTUS justice to send strong messages of faith? That’s a violation of church and state.

And this is more proof that only wingnuts are talking about her religion.
This is unbelievable! even for the Demon-Rats .....I am totally speechless!o_Oo_Oo_O

Demonrat Senator Mazie Hirono asks Amy Connie Barrett - listen to this please - if she has ever committed rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She asked Amy if she ever commited rape????????????????


The Democrats are insane.:cuckoo:
There's no way I could sit and watch this stuff. They make a mockery of everything. It's almost painful to watch. I think I caught maybe a half hour of it and put it on cartoons instead. Really. lol.
Trump has again shown an amazing eye for Judicial Talent.

Amy Coney Barrett Sends a Strong Message to Young Conservative Women of Faith.

Amy Coney Barrett, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, is an icon for conservative women of faith across America, just as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an icon for left-leaning women. Barrett’s confirmation will finally prove that even conservative women can have a seat at the table.

With a friendly smile on her face, this brave incredibly intelligent and mild tempered gracious woman prepares to go through hell getting branded as a traitor to her sex just like black conservatives go through hell, getting branded as traitors to their race by the racist bigoted hate-filled Leftists in national office.

Due to the Left’s divisive identity politics on race and sex, black conservatives and female conservatives face immense pressure to renounce their convictions — especially women who value unborn life.

Barrett herself has faced unjust charges of misogyny because of her Roman Catholic faith. Media outlets have seized on her use of common Christian phrases. They have compared a faith community to which Barrett once belonged to the dystopian oppression of The Handmaid’s Tale. Citing a scandal-plagued smear factory, Democrat senators have compared a mainstream conservative Christian law firm to which Barrett once spoke to the Cambodian dictator Pol Pot.

Barrett is a powerful symbol. Barrett proves that a woman’s place — the place of a conservative woman of faith — is on the Supreme Court.
Why is it appropriate for a SCOTUS justice to send strong messages of faith? That’s a violation of church and state.

And this is more proof that only wingnuts are talking about her religion.

Oh!!..... she just ate his lunch!!!!''

After bullshitting around for 10 minutes trying to turn an opinion into the worst possible case. She blasted him.
He was trying to make everyone believe she is for GIVING WEAPONS TO FELONS..... talks about Sandy Hook with photos of young dead children etc... She answers the question - "Senator that opinion was on ONE case, of a man who was selling illegal foot supports for shoes, it has no bearing whatsoever to do with Sandy Hook or anyother case".

What an idiot. These moron Senators grandstanding are looking like idiots

From memory.....she is kicking their super stupid fucking asses.

Nope. She's the best of the best, sugarplum.

Someone who has been a judge less than three years and has never been in a courtroom is the best of the best?

Another example of your low standards. Which you want. Louie Gohmert, Marsha Blackburn, Virginia Foxx, Ted Yoho - conservatives embrace the unintelligent, the mediocre, the unsophisticated. They are inferior so they don’t want anyone superior being in any position of authority. ‘Idiocracy’ is the right-wing playbook.

It takes some balls on the part of the left with the stable of super stupid shit-assed senators like Feinstein, Camal-A Harris, Hillebrand, Blumenthal, Coons and a lot of others to be bitching about mediocre and unsophisticated.

All you have to do is watch the hearings to see who's getting their ass kicked and it isn't Amy C. Barrett.

And while we are at it, we can spill over the house....Adam Schitt, Jerry Nadler, AOShit, Nancy Botox, the rest of the squad. Holy fuck.....

No wonder this country is in such deep shit.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
She is indeed most impressive

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