Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

She's not answering any questions.
Tissue, doll? :coffee:
I'll play this back to you when we expand the SCOTUS. :lol:

And you think that is a good road to go down?
You say it like it’s a guarantee that Dems will win the presidency and the senate.

Will you still be ok with it if trump wins, and we retain the senate? I’m betting you won’t.

Where as people with morals and principles (known as conservatives) are not ok with either side doing it. If Trump wins and decides to pack the court and add seats, I’d be against that as well.

Because those of us who aren’t fools know that is a bad road to go down.
If Trump and the Republican Senate steal the election America is over, so it won't make much difference.

And yes, it's absolutely the correct path. The must be an escalation from the Democrats in order to achieve a mutual bipartisan de-escalation. It's the only way. Otherwise we are only ceding to Republican dirty tricks and illegality.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?
How does asking leading questions on cases that are in the courts in an attempt to get her to violate her independence from the rest of the government influence advance advise and consent?

Knowing full well she is forbidden from answer specific questions or hypothetical questions, how is it they are advancing advise and consent?
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

Props, girl friend. Finally a leftist admits you think Ginsburg is full of shit
Again, you think you're clever when it's just poor reading comprehension. I didn't criticize her for not answering, I just said that you don't need notes when you aren't going to answer the questions.

What else ya got, Short Bus? :lol:
She's not answering any questions.
Tissue, doll? :coffee:
I'll play this back to you when we expand the SCOTUS. :lol:

And you think that is a good road to go down?
You say it like it’s a guarantee that Dems will win the presidency and the senate.

Will you still be ok with it if trump wins, and we retain the senate? I’m betting you won’t.

Where as people with morals and principles (known as conservatives) are not ok with either side doing it. If Trump wins and decides to pack the court and add seats, I’d be against that as well.

Because those of us who aren’t fools know that is a bad road to go down.
If Trump and the Republican Senate steal the election America is over, so it won't make much difference.

And yes, it's absolutely the correct path. The must be an escalation from the Democrats in order to achieve a mutual bipartisan de-escalation. It's the only way. Otherwise, we are only ceding to Republican dirty tricks and illegality.
Dirty tricks and illegality are the realms of the Democrats. The only way this country comes to an end is if the left gets power and packs the court.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?
How does asking leading questions on cases that are in the courts in an attempt to get her to violate her independence from the rest of the government influence advance advise and consent?

Knowing full well she is forbidden from answer specific questions or hypothetical questions, how is it they are advancing advise and consent?
How about if she starts telling the truth instead of lying?

She's not answering any questions.
Tissue, doll? :coffee:
I'll play this back to you when we expand the SCOTUS. :lol:

And you think that is a good road to go down?
You say it like it’s a guarantee that Dems will win the presidency and the senate.

Will you still be ok with it if trump wins, and we retain the senate? I’m betting you won’t.

Where as people with morals and principles (known as conservatives) are not ok with either side doing it. If Trump wins and decides to pack the court and add seats, I’d be against that as well.

Because those of us who aren’t fools know that is a bad road to go down.
If Trump and the Republican Senate steal the election America is over, so it won't make much difference.

And yes, it's absolutely the correct path. The must be an escalation from the Democrats in order to achieve a mutual bipartisan de-escalation. It's the only way. Otherwise we are only ceding to Republican dirty tricks and illegality.

You really are warped. I know you won’t listen to me, and will probably just insult me or call me a right wing nutjob or something like that, but trust me... your perspective is completely out of whack with reality. I don’t know you, and you may be a wonderful person. Hell, you may be a phenomenal person who means well and truly believes you are in the side of the angels. I promise you, you are not. You are absolutely supporting the side that will bring about the downfall of this nation.
Please, take several steps back and reconsider things.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?
How does asking leading questions on cases that are in the courts in an attempt to get her to violate her independence from the rest of the government influence advance advise and consent?

Knowing full well she is forbidden from answer specific questions or hypothetical questions, how is it they are advancing advise and consent?
You can't take every question and say "I can't answer that because it may come before me on the court".

Can they ask her if murder is illegal, or is she prohibited from answering because a murder case could come before the court? :auiqs.jpg:
Judges can't just wake up one day and say 'I have an agenda. I like guns. I hate guns. I like abortion. I hate abortion.' and walk in like a royal queen and impose their will on the world
She's not answering any questions.
Tissue, doll? :coffee:
I'll play this back to you when we expand the SCOTUS. :lol:

And you think that is a good road to go down?
You say it like it’s a guarantee that Dems will win the presidency and the senate.

Will you still be ok with it if trump wins, and we retain the senate? I’m betting you won’t.

Where as people with morals and principles (known as conservatives) are not ok with either side doing it. If Trump wins and decides to pack the court and add seats, I’d be against that as well.

Because those of us who aren’t fools know that is a bad road to go down.
If Trump and the Republican Senate steal the election America is over, so it won't make much difference.

And yes, it's absolutely the correct path. The must be an escalation from the Democrats in order to achieve a mutual bipartisan de-escalation. It's the only way. Otherwise, we are only ceding to Republican dirty tricks and illegality.
Dirty tricks and illegality are the realms of the Democrats. The only way this country comes to an end is if the left gets power and packs the court.
The Republican dirty tricks and illegality has been proven. That fact doesn't give one shit whether you believe it of not.

Expanding the court isn't packing the court, and even if it was it's perfectly legal - the only standard that Republicans about. Not traditions, not norms, not comity, not bi-partisanship.

So fuck 'em. You will reap what you sow, and when a unified Democratic Congress and POTUS start making ironclad voting rights laws that tie state funding, you bigots are going to be in the wilderness where you fucking belong. And the new Justice Department is going to put an end to these militia thugs, too, and these Proud Boys, and all the other incel cosplayers and we're all going to find out that Q is only some reddit poster (because that's who Q is. :lol: )
She's not answering any questions.
Tissue, doll? :coffee:
I'll play this back to you when we expand the SCOTUS. :lol:

And you think that is a good road to go down?
You say it like it’s a guarantee that Dems will win the presidency and the senate.

Will you still be ok with it if trump wins, and we retain the senate? I’m betting you won’t.

Where as people with morals and principles (known as conservatives) are not ok with either side doing it. If Trump wins and decides to pack the court and add seats, I’d be against that as well.

Because those of us who aren’t fools know that is a bad road to go down.
If Trump and the Republican Senate steal the election America is over, so it won't make much difference.

And yes, it's absolutely the correct path. The must be an escalation from the Democrats in order to achieve a mutual bipartisan de-escalation. It's the only way. Otherwise we are only ceding to Republican dirty tricks and illegality.

You really are warped. I know you won’t listen to me, and will probably just insult me or call me a right wing nutjob or something like that, but trust me... your perspective is completely out of whack with reality. I don’t know you, and you may be a wonderful person. Hell, you may be a phenomenal person who means well and truly believes you are in the side of the angels. I promise you, you are not. You are absolutely supporting the side that will bring about the downfall of this nation.
Please, take several steps back and reconsider things.
Yeah, not into dictators. Hard pass.
She's not answering any questions.
Tissue, doll? :coffee:
I'll play this back to you when we expand the SCOTUS. :lol:

And you think that is a good road to go down?
You say it like it’s a guarantee that Dems will win the presidency and the senate.

Will you still be ok with it if trump wins, and we retain the senate? I’m betting you won’t.

Where as people with morals and principles (known as conservatives) are not ok with either side doing it. If Trump wins and decides to pack the court and add seats, I’d be against that as well.

Because those of us who aren’t fools know that is a bad road to go down.
If Trump and the Republican Senate steal the election America is over, so it won't make much difference.

And yes, it's absolutely the correct path. The must be an escalation from the Democrats in order to achieve a mutual bipartisan de-escalation. It's the only way. Otherwise we are only ceding to Republican dirty tricks and illegality.

You really are warped. I know you won’t listen to me, and will probably just insult me or call me a right wing nutjob or something like that, but trust me... your perspective is completely out of whack with reality. I don’t know you, and you may be a wonderful person. Hell, you may be a phenomenal person who means well and truly believes you are in the side of the angels. I promise you, you are not. You are absolutely supporting the side that will bring about the downfall of this nation.
Please, take several steps back and reconsider things.
Yeah, not into dictators. Hard pass.
A dictator.
I’d ask you to point out trumps tyrannical acts, or instances of him over stepping his powers, etc.
But you can’t, because he hasn’t.

Your comment is ignorant, and it seems you are just perfectly content to be ignorant.


Nope. She's the best of the best, sugarplum.

Someone who has been a judge less than three years and has never been in a courtroom is the best of the best?

Another example of your low standards. Which you want. Louie Gohmert, Marsha Blackburn, Virginia Foxx, Ted Yoho - conservatives embrace the unintelligent, the mediocre, the unsophisticated. They are inferior so they don’t want anyone superior being in any position of authority. ‘Idiocracy’ is the right-wing playbook.

Hubris, my dearest Synthaholic, once chief maven of the flame room where creative means of character assassination were so important. Thanks for your not being too harsh on me back when I posted as freedombecki, and for being your dear self, bumbling around the boards like a bull in a china closet. You may have never been without any real cause except a tad bit of personality immolation. Your disappearance was surely to defend the country, oh, or not. But, just to say welcome back, sordid of, oops I mean, sort of. You may now resume your eating of conservative livers as I'm sure your devotion to rolling or turning your socks will occupy your mind. And, <giggle> of course it's silly season.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?
How does asking leading questions on cases that are in the courts in an attempt to get her to violate her independence from the rest of the government influence advance advise and consent?

Knowing full well she is forbidden from answer specific questions or hypothetical questions, how is it they are advancing advise and consent?
You can't take every question and say "I can't answer that because it may come before me on the court".

Can they ask her if murder is illegal, or is she prohibited from answering because a murder case could come before the court? :auiqs.jpg:
Hey stupid, those idiots are asking SPECiFiC questions about specific cases. But that requires you to remove your head from your ass and face reality. You obviously enjoy showing how stupid you are short bus. Note you ignore the slapping you got on Kagan's utter lack of qualifications.
What a waste of fucking time trying to explain anything to this person. If you ever wonder why the country is so divided is is because of people like this... but they are too ignorant to understand their contribution.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Ginsburg left us with our marching orders: no Supreme Court confirmation until the next president is inaugurated.

RBG was a woman who never let any man silence her. The most fitting tribute to her is to refuse to be silenced and to stop Donald from stealing her Supreme Court seat.

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