Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?
How does asking leading questions on cases that are in the courts in an attempt to get her to violate her independence from the rest of the government influence advance advise and consent?

Knowing full well she is forbidden from answer specific questions or hypothetical questions, how is it they are advancing advise and consent?
How about if she starts telling the truth instead of lying?

She isn't lying. You can go ahead and find all the leftwing articles you want that distort and spin what she has said in the past, but yesterday she proved that she was the smartest person in the room
The democrats proved they are literally insane.

That said, the brilliant Senator John Kennedy from the formerly great state of Louisiana asked her real questions as would Professor Kingsfield of the Paper Chase. Senator Kennedy asked her what in the fuck is the 9th Amendment and she alluded to what someone else called it instead of stating the fact it means federally protected rights cannot trample on personal rights of individuals. For example, Black Lives Matters terrrorists might THINK they are expressing their 1st Amendment rights, but when they block traffic, assault, and murder people, that violates the 9th Amendment among other things like state and local law.

Nevertheless, she is honest and not a Europhobe like the piece of shit she is replacing, so it is all good.
And as predicted... CNN avoids all of the embarrassing questions and grandstanding by Democrats and, also as predicted - list several "concerns" raised by democrats - but either shortened what her answer was - or didn't bother to report it.
CNN is just absolute garbage.
Like I said yesterday, most Americans did not watch 5 seconds of the hearing - and CNN and their co-conspirators in the hearing worked together to paint a picture of her that is totally false.
Barrett’s answer to whether a President has a right to delay an election was downright pathetic.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?
How does asking leading questions on cases that are in the courts in an attempt to get her to violate her independence from the rest of the government influence advance advise and consent?

Knowing full well she is forbidden from answer specific questions or hypothetical questions, how is it they are advancing advise and consent?
How about if she starts telling the truth instead of lying?

You have Joy Reid on your twitter feed.
You are.the DMFOTP!
After watching a couple of hours of the hearing yesterday, I think it is clear this is the type of a person you want on the bench. No matter what side you are on, it was crystal clear she was the smartest person in the room.
Democrats threw a lot at her, and her perfectly succinct answers repeatedly dismantled their miss-characterizations. I loved how this woman sat there patiently allowing these idiots to rant on about something and then she unflinchingly provides a short answer that made them look like the clowns they were.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:

Props, girl friend. Finally a leftist admits you think Ginsburg is full of shit
Again, you think you're clever when it's just poor reading comprehension. I didn't criticize her for not answering, I just said that you don't need notes when you aren't going to answer the questions.

What else ya got, Short Bus? :lol:

What notes? The blank pad of paper? What are you talking about Syndi? You were high when you watched the hearings, weren't you? Be honest.

Oops, you said this:

" You can't take every question and say "I can't answer that because it may come before me on the court".

So give an example of something she said that for about an issue that would not come before the court ...

Barrett doesn't need any notes.
When you refuse to answer questions why would you need notes?

Its like Trump: when he doesn’t have his teleprompter he’s a blathering idiot, but he’s not answering questions, either, just deflecting and lying.

So you did call Ginsburg a stupid lying bitch, just like I said. So what is the issue you have with Ginsburg? Where did she go wrong?
I’d ask you to point out trumps tyrannical acts, or instances of him over stepping his powers, etc.
But you can’t, because he hasn’t.
Prohibiting administration members from testifying in front of Congressional oversight and hearings.

That was easy.

And you are wrong.


No no. Let her carry on. She makes an absolute fool of herself.

I’m curious synthaholic, who did trump prevent from testifying? And what were the circumstances of this?
I’ll give you a clue... executive privilege has been claimed a billion times before. And in the instance of the Mueller witch hunt, was more than appropriate.

Since he is such a dictator, care to show any other examples of Trump over stepping his authority?

And since the thought of such things horrifies you, how would you feel if shown several instances of Obama undoubtedly over stepping his authority? What about instances of him doing things that he himself said were unconstitutional?
Would you care?

Probably not.

It’s like talking to a democrat Bot.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
They're not asking her any fucking questions. Idiots got nothing.
#1 - it's a waste of time

#2 - there's no reason to treat this as a normal confirmation hearing. It's a theft.

A theft?? The seat belongs to liberal democrats?
Please explain.

Syndi: Sure, I'll explain. I WWWWHHHAANNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTT it! So it's mine, give it to me!

Nope. She's the best of the best, sugarplum.

Someone who has been a judge less than three years and has never been in a courtroom is the best of the best?

Another example of your low standards. Which you want. Louie Gohmert, Marsha Blackburn, Virginia Foxx, Ted Yoho - conservatives embrace the unintelligent, the mediocre, the unsophisticated. They are inferior so they don’t want anyone superior being in any position of authority. ‘Idiocracy’ is the right-wing playbook.

She still knows Constitutional law more than most judges.
That's where the rubber meets the road. Sorry she didn't spend her time hearing about a speeding ticket, or a jaywalk violation.

Where are you getting that bullshit, idiot?

Nope. She's the best of the best, sugarplum.

Someone who has been a judge less than three years and has never been in a courtroom is the best of the best?

Another example of your low standards. Which you want. Louie Gohmert, Marsha Blackburn, Virginia Foxx, Ted Yoho - conservatives embrace the unintelligent, the mediocre, the unsophisticated. They are inferior so they don’t want anyone superior being in any position of authority. ‘Idiocracy’ is the right-wing playbook.

She still knows Constitutional law more than most judges.
That's where the rubber meets the road. Sorry she didn't spend her time hearing about a speeding ticket, or a jaywalk violation.

Where are you getting that bullshit, idiot?

From her resume, you ignorant fuck.
But, first you would have to learn to read, synth.
Yale prof calls for ‘civil disobedience’ to stop Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

“In response to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the president’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, several professors at leading universities are comparing the Republican Party to Nazis and Confederates. Others expressed a willingness to do ‘whatever it takes’ to make sure that the Republicans are not successful.”​

So they think they can stop this Constitutional Process with riots?



Yale-Tard: “To fight Republicans on Trump's court appointment, which can come any day now, it will take more than ‘procedural’ measures."​

He also said that the Republicans “have become the new Confederacy” in the current political system.

If he is that biased against them, their papers should be independently graded, and past papers should be examined for inherent bias.

Michael E. Mann


It's very simple: If there's an "R" next to the name, they are a threat to American democracy and must be voted out. #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

Michael Mann is clown with the Hockey-Stick fraud.

The self-righteous witch-burner continues:

Prof. Michael E. Mann


Donald Trump is now openly employing Nazi eugenicist rhetoric in his campaign of fear, hatred and bigotry. This has become a pure battle between good and evil.

Later, he noted that “The Republican Party is the evil ring of power" with Trump representing Sauron — the fictional archvillain from the Lord of the Rings franchise.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.

Only in your low-life opinion. Which you are welcomed to have (and which she'll defend for you as she sis on the court and does a stellar job).

Your claim she is a religious whack job is parraoting your masters and you have no thoughts of your own (which is understandable in many ways).

She's going to be great.

Go Amy.
You want your significant other in the starring role of "the handmaid's tale"?

That's where this is headed.

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