Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

Democrats aren’t even in a hearing they’re in their office trying to come up with gotcha question.. Anybody here that voted for a Democrat you’re a complete terrorist to this country you are treasonous
I think that the vast majority of people who vote for biden except vermin scum politicians, simply hate Trump or they are incredibly stupid.

Nope. She's the best of the best, sugarplum.

Someone who has been a judge less than three years and has never been in a courtroom is the best of the best?

Another example of your low standards. Which you want. Louie Gohmert, Marsha Blackburn, Virginia Foxx, Ted Yoho - conservatives embrace the unintelligent, the mediocre, the unsophisticated. They are inferior so they don’t want anyone superior being in any position of authority. ‘Idiocracy’ is the right-wing playbook.

She still knows Constitutional law more than most judges.
That's where the rubber meets the road. Sorry she didn't spend her time hearing about a speeding ticket, or a jaywalk violation.

Or a corporate law case. Or a murder case. Or a property case. Or ANY cases.


No, you are unfit to render an opinion on her. You have no law degree, no obvious advanced degree of any sort, no visible means of support, no visible skill at anything other than whining.

Barrett is one of the most accomplished women in the WORLD. I know that is hard for a bottom dweller, like you, to understand. Your area of knowledge is so tiny, but this woman would run rings around her sleep.
I am investing in coat hanger companies right now.

Exactly the level of "business acumen" I would expect from someone whose psych meds are clearly no longer working.
Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), will be remembered for asking something no one else asked. During her time to question Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Hirono asked, “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

Barrett had children in the room when Hirono effectively asked if she had ever been a pimp.

There was nothing in Barrett’s record to prompt the question, it was asked out of pure spite. Hirono is garbage for asking it and so are the Democrats for not condemning her.
I am investing in coat hanger companies right now.

Exactly the level of "business acumen" I would expect from someone whose psych meds are clearly no longer working.
Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), will be remembered for asking something no one else asked. During her time to question Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Hirono asked, “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

Barrett had children in the room when Hirono effectively asked if she had ever been a pimp.

There was nothing in Barrett’s record to prompt the question, it was asked out of pure spite. Hirono is garbage for asking it and so are the Democrats for not condemning her.

When hirono asked that question I immediately began thinking about what sort of false claim they are going to hit her with at the end.

It will be a doozy. They will probably claim she is a secret lesbian and sexually harassed some law clerk.
Democrats aren’t even in a hearing they’re in their office trying to come up with gotcha question.. Anybody here that voted for a Democrat you’re a complete terrorist to this country you are treasonous
I think that the vast majority of people who vote for biden except vermin scum politicians, simply hate Trump or they are incredibly stupid.
If the media reported the news Accurately for 10 seconds a day Democrats wouldn’t exist

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.

Only in your low-life opinion. Which you are welcomed to have (and which she'll defend for you as she sis on the court and does a stellar job).

Your claim she is a religious whack job is parraoting your masters and you have no thoughts of your own (which is understandable in many ways).

She's going to be great.

Go Amy.
You want your significant other in the starring role of "the handmaid's tale"?

That's where this is headed.

It would be great if you somehow raise the level of your innuendo to the point it didn't sound like a 3rd grader posted it.

Please show us who she's turned into the handmaiden's tale so far.

And since you won't be able to, I'll just go ahead and invite you to go fuck yourself now.
I am investing in coat hanger companies right now.

Exactly the level of "business acumen" I would expect from someone whose psych meds are clearly no longer working.
Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), will be remembered for asking something no one else asked. During her time to question Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Hirono asked, “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

Barrett had children in the room when Hirono effectively asked if she had ever been a pimp.

There was nothing in Barrett’s record to prompt the question, it was asked out of pure spite. Hirono is garbage for asking it and so are the Democrats for not condemning her.

Did a whole thread on that moron.

Faun was yacking about mediocre GOP senators all the while I was reading this.


Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.
Name one and please explain how they exposed her.

Actually, Democrats have revealed several inconsistencies in her previous judicial rulings. For instance, you can't take guns away from a felon, but you can deny them the right to vote. How does that make sense? Not only is it inconsistent, it is dangerous. Once enough felons can't vote, but they can have guns, what the hell do you think is going to happen? Oh wait, maybe it already is starting. Then there was the case from Wisconsin about a guy killing his wife. In Wisconsin, well it is not illegal to kill your wife if you have a good reason. Religious nut Barrett thought that the dude might have had a good reason. WOW. That is kind of scary.

She has repeatedly danced around severability. That is what the ACA case will turn on. If she really is not a judicial activists, then she will vote to maintain the ACA. Hard to argue that you can't "sever" the penalty from the legislation when the penalty is now zero. In effect, that is what this administration has already done. But the case coming before the SCOTUS argues that since the penalty is zero the entire legislation must be scrapped.
Barrett’s answer to whether a President has a right to delay an election was downright pathetic.

Only if you think a judge's job is to declare law according to their personal opinion. If you think a judge's job is to wait for an actual legal case to arise, then listen to the arguments of both sides and consider the evidence presented, then she gave exactly the correct answer.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.

Only in your low-life opinion. Which you are welcomed to have (and which she'll defend for you as she sis on the court and does a stellar job).

Your claim she is a religious whack job is parraoting your masters and you have no thoughts of your own (which is understandable in many ways).

She's going to be great.

Go Amy.
You want your significant other in the starring role of "the handmaid's tale"?

That's where this is headed.

It would be great if you somehow raise the level of your innuendo to the point it didn't sound like a 3rd grader posted it.

Please show us who she's turned into the handmaiden's tale so far.

And since you won't be able to, I'll just go ahead and invite you to go fuck yourself now.

Frankly, my respect goes down a notch for anyone who actually read all the way through that crime against the English language. It disappears entirely for anyone who thought it didn't reek. Don't even get me started on people who think it was brilliant and prophetic and are literally incapable of relating to any issue without bringing it up. I crap better literature than that travesty.
Klobuchar is pissed. She is holding it together but she is furious that the hearing is going on.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
is a setup...the Republican senator gave her a heads up.

And your heads up means something else entirely.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
They're not asking her any fucking questions. Idiots got nothing.
Klobuchar: Is voter intimidation legal?
Barrett: I can't answer, in case it comes before the court.
Klobuchar: It is illegal. *reads the law out loud* This law has been on the books for decades.
Barrett: sits there looking stupid.

Feinstein: Can the president move or delay an election?
Barrett: I can't answer, in case it comes before the court.
Feinstein: It's in the Constitution, Judge.
Barrett: sits there looking stupid.

Try again.

And as to sitting there looking stupid....if you means she sits there looking at senators like they were as dumb as Joe Biden...I would agree.
Democrats can't attack her faith.
Despite Horono being the only one dumb enough to 'go there', they can't accuse her of sexual misconduct
After ACB used the 'Ginsburg Rule' to exempt her from saying how she will rule in future cases, Democrats can only speculate / Fear-Monger.
They can - and have - attempted to attack her on the ACA, but that has gone nowhere.

She is literally a squeaky-lean, brilliant, honorable, Constitution-minded extremely qualified Judge. The only reason they have for opposing her is the one reason they can not admit - she is not a Leftist Extremist who will legislate from the bench.

I can't believe Klobuchar just pointed out that 20 years ago, she did some work on Bush V Gore, and that with her confirmation, there will be THREE Justices, 2 of whom were seated by Trump, on the Court.

Talk about stretching...
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