Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Please enlighten us and post in which rulings she made her faith overrode the law. Failing that, admit you're simply afraid of a strong conservative woman.
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She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?

Your moron patrol (all the left wing senators) have already declared their intentions.

So your question is moot (as well as either ignorant or two-faced).
The Republicans said they would confirm her before ever hearing a word she said. Because they are cowardly lapdogs.
Which of the democrats had not made up their minds before the hearing started? I'd like names.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.

Only in your low-life opinion. Which you are welcomed to have (and which she'll defend for you as she sis on the court and does a stellar job).

Your claim she is a religious whack job is parraoting your masters and you have no thoughts of your own (which is understandable in many ways).

She's going to be great.

Go Amy.
You want your significant other in the starring role of "the handmaid's tale"?

That's where this is headed.
Which of her past rulings gives you that idea? Or are you just afraid of a strong conservative woman? Maybe she should know her place and stay there.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
They're not asking her any fucking questions. Idiots got nothing.
#1 - it's a waste of time

#2 - there's no reason to treat this as a normal confirmation hearing. It's a theft.
Theft is against the law. This is not. See the difference?
Look who you are asking. In my short time here, I’ve quickly realized this person (synthaholic), is a complete tard.
I bet money she refers to all the rioting as “peaceful protests”, and says Antifa “is an idea”.
I'm just waiting for one of the Democrats to slip-up and say, "JUSTICE Coney-Barrett, er..., uh...."

Democrats are finding themselves in the un-enviable task of trying to 'slander' / 'smear' 'Mary Poppins'....and are failing miserably.

It appears that there is some integrity remaining in the legal world. Who would have guessed?
Even Scalia and Thomas disagreed sometimes. there's even a course at Harvard Law School called "Scalia V Thomas"

different doesn't mean deficient. we're just different people with different opinions like raindrops
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
They're not asking her any fucking questions. Idiots got nothing.
Klobuchar: Is voter intimidation legal?
Barrett: I can't answer, in case it comes before the court.
Klobuchar: It is illegal. *reads the law out loud* This law has been on the books for decades.
Barrett: sits there looking stupid.

Feinstein: Can the president move or delay an election?
Barrett: I can't answer, in case it comes before the court.
Feinstein: It's in the Constitution, Judge.
Barrett: sits there looking stupid.

Try again.

And as to sitting there looking stupid....if you means she sits there looking at senators like they were as dumb as Joe Biden...I would agree.

I'm not sure how else you CAN look at Democrats except to wonder who dressed them this morning so that they didn't go out without their pants on.
This is unbelievable! even for the Demon-Rats .....I am totally speechless!o_Oo_Oo_O

Demonrat Senator Mazie Hirono asks Amy Connie Barrett - listen to this please - if she has ever committed rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She asked Amy if she ever commited rape????????????????


The Democrats are insane.:cuckoo:
That should have prompted peals of loud, sustained laughter from the entire chamber, and Hirono should have slunk away in shame, never to be heard from again.

If Democrats had any sense of shame, they wouldn't be Democrats.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
Pssss....psssss...psss I have a secret that everyone should know----sometimes chosing to remain silent and not feed the trolls with any information is the BEST THING you can do especially in legal proceedings.
How does that advance advise and consent?
Because it sends the clear message that the justice will approach each case and rule on its merits instead of political calculations. Man, what ARE they teaching kids in school these days?

That they should get a trophy for breathing in and out.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Please enlighten us and post in which rulings she made her faith overrode the law. Failing that, admit you're simply afraid of a strong conservative woman.
You ready for your significant other to have the starring roll in the handmaid's tale?

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.

Only in your low-life opinion. Which you are welcomed to have (and which she'll defend for you as she sis on the court and does a stellar job).

Your claim she is a religious whack job is parraoting your masters and you have no thoughts of your own (which is understandable in many ways).

She's going to be great.

Go Amy.
You want your significant other in the starring role of "the handmaid's tale"?

That's where this is headed.
Which of her past rulings gives you that idea? Or are you just afraid of a strong conservative woman? Maybe she should know her place and stay there.
Answer the question.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Please enlighten us and post in which rulings she made her faith overrode the law. Failing that, admit you're simply afraid of a strong conservative woman.
You ready for your significant other to have the starring roll in the handmaid's tale?
Which rulings? Be specific. Or admit you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.

Only in your low-life opinion. Which you are welcomed to have (and which she'll defend for you as she sis on the court and does a stellar job).

Your claim she is a religious whack job is parraoting your masters and you have no thoughts of your own (which is understandable in many ways).

She's going to be great.

Go Amy.
You want your significant other in the starring role of "the handmaid's tale"?

That's where this is headed.
Which of her past rulings gives you that idea? Or are you just afraid of a strong conservative woman? Maybe she should know her place and stay there.
Answer the question.
The premise of your question is false. Defend it. In which of her rulings did her faith override the law? It's very simple.


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But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Please enlighten us and post in which rulings she made her faith overrode the law. Failing that, admit you're simply afraid of a strong conservative woman.
You ready for your significant other to have the starring roll in the handmaid's tale?
Which rulings? Be specific. Or admit you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.
Answer the question.

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