Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

That's all the Democrats can do - they know ACB is one of the most qualified candidates ever.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Please enlighten us and post in which rulings she made her faith overrode the law. Failing that, admit you're simply afraid of a strong conservative woman.
You ready for your significant other to have the starring roll in the handmaid's tale?
Which rulings? Be specific. Or admit you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.
Answer the question.
Defend its premise. The premise of your question is that somehow, someway, putting ACB on the bench will result in The Handmaid's Tale moving from the land of fiction into reality. That premise is false, and you don't get an answer to such a question.

Here's another question exhibiting the same weakness that also deserves no answer. When did you stop beating your wife?

You get one more chance, then it's obvious that you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Please enlighten us and post in which rulings she made her faith overrode the law. Failing that, admit you're simply afraid of a strong conservative woman.
You ready for your significant other to have the starring roll in the handmaid's tale?
Which rulings? Be specific. Or admit you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.
Answer the question.
Defend its premise. The premise of your question is that somehow, someway, putting ACB on the bench will result in The Handmaid's Tale moving from the land of fiction into reality. That premise is false, and you don't get an answer to such a question.

Here's another question exhibiting the same weakness that also deserves no answer. When did you stop beating your wife?

You get one more chance, then it's obvious that you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.
I'm not married, can I assume from your question that you beat yours regularly?
They've spent how many hours asking her questions? What a waste of time. Nobody is going to change their mind.

Just have the vote and get it over with.
They are simply checking the box indicating that hearings were held.

It sounds like each of the Senators is just trying to make a case for their own re-election.

"Look at me, I'm pretending to do important work. Vote for me again."
They've spent how many hours asking her questions? What a waste of time. Nobody is going to change their mind.

Just have the vote and get it over with.
They are simply checking the box indicating that hearings were held.

It sounds like each of the Senators is just trying to make a case for their own re-election.

"Look at me, I'm pretending to do important work. Vote for me again."
Yep.. The hearing act as free campaign ads for current senators.

But Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was showcased just how qualified she is to be a judge during Sen. John Cornyn's line of questioning during her second day of confirmation hearings.

"Most of us have multiple notebooks and books and things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to in answering our questions?"

Barrett held up the only notepad she had.

"Is there anything on it?" Cornyn asked.

"The letterhead that says United States Senate," Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett had been answering tough questions for hours, and with many hours to go, about potential rulings, Supreme Court precedents, and her past rulings and opinions all without needing extra help.


Even ABC noted how she has not used any help.

She is beyond good. She's going to be great.

Slam Dunk confirmation.

And fuck people like Camel-A Harris who will oppose her based on percieved rullings in the future. Harris either does not know the constitution or she flat out ignores us. In other words she is either ignorant or subversive.

And you pricks on the left nominated her.

Harris is 100 times more dangerous than donny the reality show boi.

And Barrett is Rocking it !!!!!!

Go Amy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Thank You Donald Trump (Mr. Reality Start) for nominating a Grade A+++ judge to the Scotus.
So she's a well prepared religious whack-job.

Still has no place on any court, much less the big one.
Please enlighten us and post in which rulings she made her faith overrode the law. Failing that, admit you're simply afraid of a strong conservative woman.
You ready for your significant other to have the starring roll in the handmaid's tale?
Which rulings? Be specific. Or admit you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.
Answer the question.
Defend its premise. The premise of your question is that somehow, someway, putting ACB on the bench will result in The Handmaid's Tale moving from the land of fiction into reality. That premise is false, and you don't get an answer to such a question.

Here's another question exhibiting the same weakness that also deserves no answer. When did you stop beating your wife?

You get one more chance, then it's obvious that you're just afraid of a strong conservative woman.
I'm not married, can I assume from your question that you beat yours regularly?
Apparently you lack reading comprehension and missed the part where I said that question doesn't deserve an answer.

I see further that you refuse to defend the false premise of your question and therefore are obviously afraid of strong conservative women. There is no reason whatsoever to believe The Handmaid's Tale will become reality. You're just afraid of a woman. Dance all you want, the bottom line remains that you said something you can't defend.

Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.
You people come up with the silliest shit.

Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.

Issues such as . . . how much the Democrats hate Trump being able to appoint a new Justice? Yeah, that really hit her hard. *eye roll*

Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.
The Repubs should have just voted her in and not have this farce.

And miss out on watching the Democrats make fools of themselves publicly? Dude, it's been a hard year, and we need our entertainment wherever we can find it.

Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.
Can't say what those issues are, can you?

Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.

They've exposed 2 things, her brilliance and their inability to acknowledge it. People like you are disgusting and repulsive.
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Its unfortunate. She sounds like a really smart justice and will be a credit. She won't ever be seen as deserving because of these unfortunate circumstances though.... This is why you don't change the rules Harry. This is why you don't change the rules Mitch.


Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.
Name one and please explain how they exposed her.

Actually, Democrats have revealed several inconsistencies in her previous judicial rulings. For instance, you can't take guns away from a felon, but you can deny them the right to vote. How does that make sense? Not only is it inconsistent, it is dangerous. Once enough felons can't vote, but they can have guns, what the hell do you think is going to happen? Oh wait, maybe it already is starting. Then there was the case from Wisconsin about a guy killing his wife. In Wisconsin, well it is not illegal to kill your wife if you have a good reason. Religious nut Barrett thought that the dude might have had a good reason. WOW. That is kind of scary.

She has repeatedly danced around severability. That is what the ACA case will turn on. If she really is not a judicial activists, then she will vote to maintain the ACA. Hard to argue that you can't "sever" the penalty from the legislation when the penalty is now zero. In effect, that is what this administration has already done. But the case coming before the SCOTUS argues that since the penalty is zero the entire legislation must be scrapped.

The inconsistencies you think the Democrats revealed in her rulings were actually just in your comprehension abilities. She did not rule "you can't take guns from felons, but you can deny them the right to vote"; she DID write a dissent in the case of a man who was convicted of mail fraud, stating that it was a violation of the Second Amendment to permanently bar someone convicted of a non-violent felony from gun ownership. Her dissent said not a damned thing about voting whatsoever; that's just some half-assed connection that YOU want to shoehorn in there.

Give us a quote of ACB saying, "Because of my religious beliefs, I think it's okay for men to kill their wives." Otherwise, the only thing that's scary is that you believe you can make shit up based solely on your "I hate religious Republicans, I think they're eeeeeevil!!!" Prove it with something beyond, "My leaders in the Senate TOLD me to think this is what happened!"

The entire last half of your partisan screed of bullshit frankly disqualifies you from deserving our time and consideration as a real and serious person. Feel free to redeem yourself in your next attempt, if you can. I won't hold my breath.

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