Barrett Answers Questions With No Notes - She Is Rocking Awesome

Democrats can't attack her faith.
Despite Horono being the only one dumb enough to 'go there', they can't accuse her of sexual misconduct
After ACB used the 'Ginsburg Rule' to exempt her from saying how she will rule in future cases, Democrats can only speculate / Fear-Monger.
They can - and have - attempted to attack her on the ACA, but that has gone nowhere.

She is literally a squeaky-lean, brilliant, honorable, Constitution-minded extremely qualified Judge. The only reason they have for opposing her is the one reason they can not admit - she is not a Leftist Extremist who will legislate from the bench.

I can't believe Klobuchar just pointed out that 20 years ago, she did some work on Bush V Gore, and that with her confirmation, there will be THREE Justices, 2 of whom were seated by Trump, on hte Court.

Talk about stretching...

Bush v. Gore was a screwed up ruling. Not that I am complaining. Not sure Gore would have been the man Bush was after 9/11.

Screwed up in what way? It didn't give you the result you wanted, so that made it bad and wrong? You screwed the pooch on your attempt to analyze ACB's dissent (in fact, you didn't even get that it was a dissent, not a ruling) on felons and guns, so let's see if you can cite THIS one correctly.
ACB was an excellent choice by Trump.
I’m already looking forward to seeing who Trump chooses if he gets a 4th pick in his 2nd term. :)
She'll be confirmed, the left will assume the fetal position and Trump wins again

It's over

^^ This time this actually happened, I was there!!

Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.

That is how all of them are put into the Supreme Court. Dems haven't exposed anything, they have tried but she seems a lot smarter than most of those asking the questions. She is a great choice as the Democrats can't really touch her. If only the Democrats had not started whittling away the nuclear option. Funny thing, I said when the Dems started this that it would comeback and bite them in the ass, and it has, big time. Let's hope this teaches our politicians a lesson.

Actually, she will only be confirmed because of numbers. And nothing else.

But that arrogance will be so duly noted when the time comes and the court is expanded.

She won't have that same look on her face when she becomes irrelevant as far as her rulings are concerned.

As far as the Dems are concerned, they've exposed her on a number of issues.

You serve Satan well.
She's not answering any questions. :lol:
They're not asking her any fucking questions. Idiots got nothing.
Klobuchar: Is voter intimidation legal?
Barrett: I can't answer, in case it comes before the court.
Klobuchar: It is illegal. *reads the law out loud* This law has been on the books for decades.
Barrett: sits there looking stupid.

Feinstein: Can the president move or delay an election?
Barrett: I can't answer, in case it comes before the court.
Feinstein: It's in the Constitution, Judge.
Barrett: sits there looking stupid.
Wrong again asshat. As are the two moronic Dims you suck up to. Dumb fuck Klobuchar doesn’t realize you must take the actual situation into account. Not a generalization. Claims do not merit a response without proof. So Klobuchar looks like an ass. Just like you. Feinstein Iies as usual. There are situations that differ. Of course that ass employed a Chinese spy for decades so she looks stupid. You lose again. Dims look stupid again. As do you.
Its unfortunate. She sounds like a really smart justice and will be a credit. She won't ever be seen as deserving because of these unfortunate circumstances though.... This is why you don't change the rules Harry. This is why you don't change the rules Mitch.

"It's so unfortunate that we're going to refuse to recognize her brilliance and capability because all we care about is partisan politics. This is why Republicans should NEVER deny us anything: because we will retaliate by withholding our approval, which we KNOW you desperately want!"

Somehow, I think ACB will manage to soldier on under the burden of your refusal to consider anything outside of your nose up the DNC's ass.
ACB was an excellent choice by Trump.
I’m already looking forward to seeing who Trump chooses if he gets a 4th pick in his 2nd term. :)

Dear God, and the oldest Justice currently is Breyer. Can you imagine if Trump were to replace yet another leftist stalwart? Space aliens from the next galaxy over would be complaining about the noise from all the leftist heads exploding.

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