Barr's major "unforced error" for the sake of Trump

Mueller's report cleared Trump and here you are nit picking anything and everything you can to try to salvage your bullshit.

Its UNSANITARY to pull "facts" out of your ass....Even Barr's BIASED little letter did NOT say that Trump was exonerated.......Look up what "exonerated" means and THEN keep showing your stupidity by saying that "Mueller's cleared Trump"........

Your moronic posts prove EXACTLY why Trump stated that he "loves the poorly educated"
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Still no collusion and no obstruction...

So, let me get this straight....Although you state that the report is NOT out yet.........Your fucked up, half brain has "concluded "......No collusion and no obstruction.......

Is there an adult around??? (but, fear fellow Trump cult members "think" you're very clever......LMAO)
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I thought this was an open and shut case of Collusion by Trump and/or his campaign?????

NO, you dimwit........"Collusion" is NOT a indictable crime........Collusion shows how unethical, immoral and stupid the Trump campaign was to ask (...."Russia, if you're listening") a hostile foreign power to help this idiot win a campaign by smearing the opponent. is up for smarter voters than you to determine if Trump is a slime bucket and forgive him because you......hate democracy.
I have never heard of a judge granting a. view of Grand Jury testimony. I don't believe there ever has been.

Bill Clinton's grand jury testimony was released.......

Richard Nixon's grand jury testimonies were going to be released....but Nixon resigned before the release...They were released many years later.
You people are bat shit crazy.

Mueller's report cleared Trump and here you are nit picking anything and everything you can to try to salvage your bullshit.

You people sure are whinny little shits.'ve seen the report?
Still no collusion and no obstruction...

So, let me get this straight....Although you state that the report is NOT out it.........Your fucked up, half brain has "concluded "......No collusion and no obstruction.......

Is there an adult around??? (but, fear fellow Trump cult members "think" you're very clever......LMAO)

1. Barr summarized the report, as prescribed by Law. What part of "no collusion, no obstruction" don't you comprehend? Are you one of those low IQ dems?

2. The "redacted" report will be out in a week or two, and it will still say "no collusion, no obstruction". You are slow learners, take all the time you need to understand what "no collusion, no obstruction" means.
I have never heard of a judge granting a. view of Grand Jury testimony. I don't believe there ever has been.

the Dems don't want to have the report released because there are several criminal proceedings that releasing now will kibosh. They want to make sure they get more convictions.

We are only talking 10 days before Barr releases it. You can wait 10 days...

You are right. Grand Jury testimony is never released to anyone.

If they can't wait ten days then tough shit.
Fucking democrats just want chaos and turmoil. Dumbasses mofo’s.
Poor CRCs.....hitching their wagon on a cheating scumbag crook.
In your imagination, what "consequences" is Barr suffering?

As of MANY legal circles.........Barr's reputation has gone from a respected just another paid-for Trump stooge........

THAT is what I deem to be the "consequences"....You may not like it and disagree,.but, so what?.....
What part of "no collusion, no obstruction" don't you comprehend? Are you one of those low IQ dems?

Here's the relevant line from Barr's cute, little letter.......Have a grown up explain it to you....LOL

Mueller’s report states that “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him” on the obstruction of justice issue.
In your imagination, what "consequences" is Barr suffering?

As of MANY legal circles.........Barr's reputation has gone from a respected just another paid-for Trump stooge........

THAT is what I deem to be the "consequences"....You may not like it and disagree,.but, so what?.....

With all due respect, Nat, but that sleazy, unsolicited job application, putting Trump above the law by way of creating a presidential exception to the legal provisions prohibiting obstruction of justice, has done him in already - at least it should have. And yet, even after Barr's "summary" that wasn't, Comey argued, in public, Barr should be given the benefit of the doubt.

So, I'd say these "consequences" are mostly a figment of your imagination, and his suffering even more so. He's AG in good standing with his master, which appears to be what he wanted, desperately. There may be more to come in case Barr so obviously and grossly misrepresented Mueller's report that even the sleaziest of his friends can't quite approve of it.

Fat chance, I'd say.
Sock Puppet alert.

Dude. AT least TRY to hide it.

"Free and democratic Ukraine?

You mean the Ukraine invaded by Russia...right?
It would have been a reasonable and wise decision by Barr to have received the Mueller report on a Friday night, and issue a statement that would basically state this:

I have received from the special counsel a lengthy report (400 pages) with various summaries by his team members. The complexities within this report will precipitate weeks of review and we will need to implement the following procedures:

1. For the sake of full transparency, we will petition an appropriate judge to rule on what segments of grandjury testimonies may or may not be disclosed.

2. We will also need the help of Mueller's team in perhaps excluding from any public findings any or all statements within the Mueller report that could jeopardize future and on-going investigations entrusted to the various other jurisdictions.

Given these important procedures to be undertaken, the DOJ will release to the various congressional committees the Mueller report (with statements on the reasons for any redactions,) no later than the end of this April.

BUT........Barr, instead, chose to serve his master, Trump, over the legitimacy of his office of an impartial AG......and he is now suffering the consequences of his biased decision to prejudicially "clear" Trump....

A grave mistake......
Barr repeatedly made claims about Mueller assisting in this.

I'd love to hear the back story there.

Was he ever even in the building?
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How about freer and more democratic Ukraine? Ukraine is no longer the puppet of Russia. They do have a way to go in the realm of freedom and democracy, but they aren't under the thumb the were 5 years ago
What part of "no collusion, no obstruction" don't you comprehend? Are you one of those low IQ dems?

Here's the relevant line from Barr's cute, little letter.......Have a grown up explain it to you....LOL

Mueller’s report states that “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him” on the obstruction of justice issue.

Ha, using a larger font doesn't mean that you win the argument.
So the Mueller report does not exonerate Trump from obstruction.
Does "innocent until proven guilty" mean anything to you?
Does the Mueller report find Trump guilty of obstruction? NO IT DOES NOT

Maybe this makes more sense to you:

It would have been a reasonable and wise decision by Barr to have received the Mueller report on a Friday night, and issue a statement that would basically state this:

I have received from the special counsel a lengthy report (400 pages) with various summaries by his team members. The complexities within this report will precipitate weeks of review and we will need to implement the following procedures:

1. For the sake of full transparency, we will petition an appropriate judge to rule on what segments of grandjury testimonies may or may not be disclosed.

2. We will also need the help of Mueller's team in perhaps excluding from any public findings any or all statements within the Mueller report that could jeopardize future and on-going investigations entrusted to the various other jurisdictions.

Given these important procedures to be undertaken, the DOJ will release to the various congressional committees the Mueller report (with statements on the reasons for any redactions,) no later than the end of this April.

BUT........Barr, instead, chose to serve his master, Trump, over the legitimacy of his office of an impartial AG......and he is now suffering the consequences of his biased decision to prejudicially "clear" Trump....

A grave mistake......

Where was your concern when Rosentstein was running the Mueller witch hunt?

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