Barry goes into pacifist mode again....

"Bookworm" again? What black and white movie do you live in where that is something people actually say as an insult? Do you have some fear of books brought on by childhood trauma, or have you just been poked in the eye too many times? You are one strange old man.

I'm all for reducing and modernizing but not unilaterally.

Apparently, the current crank theory is that offering to negotiate with the Russians over reductions is "unilateral reduction" and "weakness".

This would be yet another reason why no one takes the ODS cranks seriously. They're off in their own fantasy world, which is not connected to the world which most people live in.

Putin laughed at Barry's plea and called him a liar. So how about your bonafides? You got any background in the miliary or aero-space or are you just another leftist pinhead talkin out your bookworm ass? :eusa_eh:

I was a TOW anti-armor missile systems repair and maint. guy in the Army, my eldest son after my own heart was in the Air Farce and worked on the ICBM silos in Montana. I am so proud of him.
I was a TOW anti-armor missile systems repair and maint. guy in the Army, my eldest son after my own heart was in the Air Farce and worked on the ICBM silos in Montana. I am so proud of him.'re way ahead of me or anybody else here in the subject then. I had a brother-in-law who wrenched on B-52s who flew to fail-safe and back around the clock. He diagramed the arming process on a paper napkin once in a bar where we were getting hammered. Then he ran the VW we were in into a cable blocking off the exit to the parking lot....we both hit the windshield and popped it out....funny as hell except we both had a stiff neck the next day. :eusa_angel:
Putin laughed at Barry's plea and called him a liar.

Um ... sure. Yeah, that was all over the news. Not.

So how about your bonafides? You got any background in the miliary or aero-space or are you just another leftist pinhead talkin out your bookworm ass?

Navy vet, used to run nuclear reactors. Then I went into aerospace. Navigation systems, mostly.

Oh, it's the tritium that wears out in H-bombs and boosted A-bombs. Half-life of 12 years, so it has to be replenished regularly.
Even by reducing our nuke arsenal by 1/3 we can still destroy the Earth two times over our adversaries.

Of course, but Ivan's plan has always been to hit our missle silos with their own MIRVs to disable our counter-attack. I'm all for reducing and modernizing but not unilaterally. Barry needed a change of subject in Berlin......the Pentagon will tell him to get lost if he orders that kind of reduction.

You're behind the times. They could get every one of our silos, impossible, and still be totally destroyed by our subs.
You're behind the times. They could get every one of our silos, impossible, and still be totally destroyed by our subs.

Don't talk with your mouth full, son. :doubt:

That all you got? I guess you haven't a clue about the kind of firepower the subs carry and how many warheads they can deliver. If you did, you'd talk about it. Since you don't, you have to settle for a laughable put down.
You're behind the times. They could get every one of our silos, impossible, and still be totally destroyed by our subs.

Don't talk with your mouth full, son. :doubt:

That all you got? I guess you haven't a clue about the kind of firepower the subs carry and how many warheads they can deliver. If you did, you'd talk about it. Since you don't, you have to settle for a laughable put down.

Listen, neither of us know how many ICBMs our submarine service carries. If it were sufficient to destroy all the offensive nuclear forces that confront us IN TWO THEATRES, then our land-based missles would have been scraped long ago. Were they? NO. How about the second leg of the triad....have our SAC bombers been grounded? NO. Pull your head outta your ass before we have to do this dance again.
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You're behind the times. They could get every one of our silos, impossible, and still be totally destroyed by our subs.

Don't talk with your mouth full, son. :doubt:

That all you got? I guess you haven't a clue about the kind of firepower the subs carry and how many warheads they can deliver. If you did, you'd talk about it. Since you don't, you have to settle for a laughable put down.

And wasn't he the same guy demanding everyone else's credentials? :confused:
Don't talk with your mouth full, son. :doubt:

That all you got? I guess you haven't a clue about the kind of firepower the subs carry and how many warheads they can deliver. If you did, you'd talk about it. Since you don't, you have to settle for a laughable put down.

Listen, neither of us know how many ICBMs our submarine service carries. If it were sufficient to destroy all the offensive nuclear forces that confront us IN TWO THEATRES, then our land-based missles would have been scraped long ago. .

No they wouldn't. That's kind of stupid.
Obama is in a perpetual teenage mode where everybody is swayed by his "brilliant oratory" and endearing offers of friendship which naturally will solved all the world's problems!

While Obama is reducing the power of the US, all his enemies are laughing at him behind his back and not believing their stroke of luck as having such a fool for an enemy!

The more this Obozo Clown talks, the stronger the enemies become. :mad:
Obama is in a perpetual teenage mode where everybody is swayed by his "brilliant oratory" and endearing offers of friendship which naturally will solved all the world's problems!

While Obama is reducing the power of the US, all his enemies are laughing at him behind his back and not believing their stroke of luck as having such a fool for an enemy!

The more this Obozo Clown talks, the stronger the enemies become. :mad:

I know, right? He thought the rest of the world would swoon like the morons at his rallies 6 years ago. But then he BOWED to the jap emperor....if my USMC uncle, who was wounded on Saipan, had lived to see that I don't think the Secret Service could have kept him off the Boy King. Then he BOWED to that jackass saudi prince....I about hurled. Then he BOWED to the chinese PM.....I was numb at that point.

He sat through the Iran "greens" uprising doing nothing. He turned Egypt over to the muslim brotherhood. He turned Libya over to al-Qaida. He ran his mouth an hour after the bin-Laden takedown resulting in AQ hotshots scattering into the wind. He called the jihadist shooting at Ft.Hood "workplace violence". He let his own friend Chris Stevens be sodomized and murdered by AQ....froze when asked how fast the SFG could get wheels up to save the Annex. He's not even a joke....he's a bad smell. And now he thinks he'll be cutting our nuclear birds by a third......wait until the Joint Chiefs get him in a room alone on that will never happen. And Putin knows and laughed at him and called him a much for the "reset" with those cavemen.

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