Barrycades: Obama Tries To Shut Down Privately Owned Mt. Vernon

Last night Obama called in Congress for a meeting to tell them that he's not open to negotiation. The only purpose of the meeting was to give the press something to report to the low-information voters.

I haven't been following...but seriously?????

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Obama says "I bent over backwards to work with Republicans" in an interview last night on NBC then tells them he's not negotiating anything.

Which one is a lie?

Since when?
He didn't even work with his own party in the first two years of his Administration.
The President does not have a relationship with congress at all, like all the other Presidents have done.
I didn't see President Obama placing the barriers in your trollography.

Fact: The Senate passed a budget in March.

Fact: Boehner refused to name members of the conference committee (that is, engage in the normal and usual practice of compromise).

Fact: Republican candidates for the H. of Rep. campaigned on "shutting the government done".

Fact: Boehner is a lair as well as an incompetent.

Fact: The author of the OP is a joke, in risk of losing his license to troll.

Fact: Obama treated closing Mt Vernon as a higher priority than sending help to the Benghazi Consulate

Thanks so much for sharing.

Seems to me they are desperate....being that this shutdown is closing in on them in more ways than one! The parking lots at Mt Vernon are co-owned by NPs and Mt Vernon Ladies Asso, but they forgot :)lol:) to mention that. The parking lots have since re-opened, but let's make this an Obama fault! :lol::lol:
Fact: Obama treated closing Mt Vernon as a higher priority than sending help to the Benghazi Consulate

Thanks so much for sharing.

Seems to me they are desperate....being that this shutdown is closing in on them in more ways than one! The parking lots at Mt Vernon are co-owned by NPs and Mt Vernon Ladies Asso, but they forgot :)lol:) to mention that. The parking lots have since re-opened, but let's make this an Obama fault! :lol::lol:

The parking lots got more attention from Obama than Chris Stevens final pleas for help
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Thanks so much for sharing.

Seems to me they are desperate....being that this shutdown is closing in on them in more ways than one! The parking lots at Mt Vernon are co-owned by NPs and Mt Vernon Ladies Asso, but they forgot :)lol:) to mention that. The parking lots have since re-opened, but let's make this an Obama fault! :lol::lol:

The parking lots got more attention from Obama than Chris Stevens final please for help

Ha,ha, and who was behind the "No funding for more security" in Benghazi? Republicans....:lol::lol:

Seems like a repeat.....blame Obama for the crap the GOP creates.
Seems to me they are desperate....being that this shutdown is closing in on them in more ways than one! The parking lots at Mt Vernon are co-owned by NPs and Mt Vernon Ladies Asso, but they forgot :)lol:) to mention that. The parking lots have since re-opened, but let's make this an Obama fault! :lol::lol:

The parking lots got more attention from Obama than Chris Stevens final please for help

Ha,ha, and who was behind the "No funding for more security" in Benghazi? Republicans....:lol::lol:

Seems like a repeat.....blame Obama for the crap the GOP creates.

The funding had NOTHING to do with it.



It's an excuse for the Low Information Voter

"What difference does it make?"

Obama bin Funneking arms to AQ and Syrian Rebels through Benghazi
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Ha,ha, and who was behind the "No funding for more security" in Benghazi? Republicans....:lol::lol:
Reality disagrees.

Dems accuse GOP of cutting security funding in Libya despite majority Dem support for vote | The Daily Caller
House Democrats opened Wednesday’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing by attacking Republicans for cuts to embassy security funding — cuts that only happened thanks to overwhelming support from House Democrats, including House Oversight Committee Ranking Democratic member Rep. Elijah Cummings. In fact, more House Democrats – 149 of them — voted for the cuts than did House Republicans, of which 147 voted for them.​
But you'll continue bitterly clinging to the lie you were programmed with. Guaranteed.
Seems like a repeat.....blame Obama for the crap the GOP creates.
Which Republicans ordered NPS to close a park it doesn't own?

Obama Fucks America
Need health care coverage? Just dial 1-800-F**KYO to reach Obamacare?s national hotline | The Daily Caller

Need health insurance? The Obama administration has you covered. Simply dial 1-800-FUCKYO to reach the next available health-care provider.

Far from being a mistype, that’s the official number that Health and Human Services wants Americans to dial when seeking health care. Obamacare’s national call center really did list its number as 1-800-318-2596, helpfully spelling out President Barack Obama’s tendency to blatantly flip the bird in plain view.

After allowing for the lack of letters attached to 1 on a traditional American telephone keypad, the number spells out a clear message. For every duped voter, every young invincible weighing the cost of a penalty versus a newly tripled yearly deductible, every ailing old granny in a wheelchair (whom, remember, Paul Ryan wants to push off a cliff) who needs adequate and affordable health care, Obama’s message is:

1-800-3(F) 8(U) 2(C) 5(K) 9(Y) 6(O).

That’s 1-800-FUCKYO.​
Seems to me they are desperate....being that this shutdown is closing in on them in more ways than one! The parking lots at Mt Vernon are co-owned by NPs and Mt Vernon Ladies Asso, but they forgot :)lol:) to mention that. The parking lots have since re-opened, but let's make this an Obama fault! :lol::lol:

Better read the OP again. It is there. :lol: :lol:

The parking lots are co-owned by Mount Vernon and the NPS, but require no immediate maintenance at all, meaning the decision to close them down was completely unnecessary.

Ha,ha, and who was behind the "No funding for more security" in Benghazi? Republicans.....


Published on Oct 10, 2012
At a Congressional Hearing, State Department: Budget Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions At Benghazi (10/10/12)
I didn't see President Obama placing the barriers in your trollography.

Fact: The Senate passed a budget in March.
So did the House. Then what happened?

Fact: Boehner refused to name members of the conference committee (that is, engage in the normal and usual practice of compromise).

Fact: Republican candidates for the H. of Rep. campaigned on "shutting the government done".

Fact: Boehner is a lair as well as an incompetent.

The liar part is all that's needed.
Obama's a prick and he surrounds himself with pricks and the people who work for him suffer from "trickle down prickiness".

Check this out. Obama's "Team of Mean" is on a high.

Gov’t shutdown spreads to beaches of Normandy

By Associated Press

October 2, 2013 | 9:02am

Gov’t shutdown spreads to beaches of Normandy

The D-Day invasion is remembered at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial which has been closed because of the government shutdown.PARIS — Tourists travelling to Omaha Beach to pay their respects to the 9,387 military dead at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial will find it closed, a victim of the U.S. government’s partial shutdown.

The site overlooking the D-Day invasion beaches is one of 24 U.S. military cemeteries overseas that have closed to visitors since Monday. Ten more cemeteries in France, as well as others in various European countries as well as Mexico, Panama, Tunisia and the Philippines, will remain closed for the duration of the shutdown.


Gov?t shutdown spreads to beaches of Normandy | New York Post
This President and his Gang hate everything that is American and patriotic.

What Obama wants is to cause as much misery as he can out of all this.....despicable tyrant that he is!
This President and his Gang hate everything that is American and patriotic.

What Obama wants is to cause as much misery as he can out of all this.....despicable tyrant that he is!

...and he is a real big pain in the ass too!
Barrycades: Feds Try to Shut Down Privately Owned Mount Vernon


“Deliberate effort by Obama to hurt the public”

Paul Joseph Watson
October 3, 2013

The National Park Service erected barricades to shut down parking lots surrounding Mount Vernon despite the fact that the tourist destination is privately owned, another example of how the feds are deliberately worsening the government shut down.

Mount Vernon is the former plantation of George Washington and is owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, which doesn’t receive any government funding. The attraction’s official website reads, “NO SHUTDOWN HERE – The Federal government may be shut down, but Washington’s home remains open. Mount Vernon has remained a private non-profit for more than 150 years.”

However, a dispute began when the National Park Service began putting up barricades to block off the facility’s car park, blockading the entrance as well as a spot where tour buses turn around.

The parking lots are co-owned by Mount Vernon and the NPS, but require no immediate maintenance at all, meaning the decision to close them down was completely unnecessary.

The feds even blocked off a small area consisting of just three parking spaces.

After blogger Stephen Gutowski exposed the situation, Newt Gingrich got in on the act, tweeting, “The tour bus turnaround at Mount Vernon has been closed by federal police. This is deliberate effort by Obama to hurt the public. Disgusting.”

Numerous other sites around DC have been unnecessarily closed by the NPS and other federal agencies in what critics are labeling a cynical political stunt which only serves to punish the American people.

In some cases, efforts to shut down these sites actually require more manpower and resources than if they had been left open, highlighting the fact that this is an act of partisan theater by the Obama administration to pin the blame for the government shutdown on Republicans and opponents of Obamacare.

- Numerous hiking and biking trails throughout the greater DC region, despite requiring zero immediate maintenance or patrols, have been closed down. Irate citizens are merely flouting the law and using them anyway.

- The NPS has stationed officers along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal that runs 184 miles from Washington, D.C. to Cumberland, Maryland to make sure nobody uses the bike paths. It would have required less manpower to keep this trail open. The handles on all the well pumps have also been removed.

- The feds also shut down a tiny park in which children play on fake turtles, prompting angry mothers to remove the barriers, only to see them put back up. “The park is extremely small and sort of seems pointless to block off,” reports the Daily Caller.

- Lincoln Park in DC, which is known to be used by several Democratic Senators, was not shut down, but numerous national parks across Montana were closed.

- The most widely reported case occurred at the World War II memorial in DC, where the NPS tried to prevent veterans from seeing the monument by erecting barriers and even threatening vets with arrest. The veterans stormed through the barricades anyway. “People had to spend hours setting up barricades where there are never barricades to prevent people from seeing the World War II monument because they’re trying to play a charade,” Senator Rand Paul told Fox News.

Senior Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee are considering opening up an investigation into where the Obama administration directly ordered the “outrageous” closure of the memorial as part of a ploy to “make the current lapse in appropriations as conspicuous and painful to the public as possible,” according to the letter from chairman Doc Hastings, R-Wash., and subcommittee chairman Rob Bishop, R-Utah.​

This is not an isolated case.
The Obama admin is on a mission to squeeze every drop of political advantage he can.
He has ordered the federal government to make sure what is shut down will hurt the most.
I didn't see President Obama placing the barriers in your trollography.

Fact: The Senate passed a budget in March.

Fact: Boehner refused to name members of the conference committee (that is, engage in the normal and usual practice of compromise).

Fact: Republican candidates for the H. of Rep. campaigned on "shutting the government done".

Fact: Boehner is a lair as well as an incompetent.

Fact: The author of the OP is a joke, in risk of losing his license to troll.

A budget that the Senate knew would not only make it through the House, but the same budget Obama would veto if it got to his desk...
You may now provide a link to the budget proposal and the timeline of same.
I didn't see President Obama placing the barriers in your trollography.

Fact: The Senate passed a budget in March.

Fact: Boehner refused to name members of the conference committee (that is, engage in the normal and usual practice of compromise).

Fact: Republican candidates for the H. of Rep. campaigned on "shutting the government done".

Fact: Boehner is a lair as well as an incompetent.

Fact: The author of the OP is a joke, in risk of losing his license to troll.

Who gave the orders to blockade Mt Vernon, and who does this person work for/get orders from? It certainly isnt congress, but I guarantee the chain ends at the President.

Your guarantee has no value. As for your conclusion, THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING.
You can bury your head in the sand.
This comes straight from the White House.
Seems to me they are desperate....being that this shutdown is closing in on them in more ways than one! The parking lots at Mt Vernon are co-owned by NPs and Mt Vernon Ladies Asso, but they forgot :)lol:) to mention that. The parking lots have since re-opened, but let's make this an Obama fault! :lol::lol:

The parking lots got more attention from Obama than Chris Stevens final please for help

Ha,ha, and who was behind the "No funding for more security" in Benghazi? Republicans....:lol::lol:

Seems like a repeat.....blame Obama for the crap the GOP creates.

You're so full of shit your eyes must be a very deep brown.

The old ashtray thrower that headed up the State Department or her moronic minions couldn't figure out how to slash extravagant expenses at other Embassy locations.

The dumb bitch couldn't figure out how to move personnel from secure locations such as Ottawa, London, Belfast, Paris etc to supply Benghazi and Stevens with some form of protection.

Oh and btw the State Department did hire a Libyan Militia to protect Stevens. Did you know that asshole?

They had enough money to pay a militia. Of course the militia crapped out on Stevens, but Hillary was paying them.

What a swell fucking idea that was eh?

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