based on wimps' comments on this forum


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm glad I'm near the end of my life!
It is truly disgusting to read how pervasive the "nanny" mentality is of people younger then me! I know there are members of the younger generation such as my son who are NOT dependent on laws to do the right and responsible things but reading some of the people here that evidently feel (NOT THINK) there is a need for MORE AND MORE laws,rules and regulations my confidence in the USA is shaken!

A nation that has been a beacon to people around the world is now looked at as being out of touch, wimps, a toothless old lion!

And why shouldn't that be the perception when Obama continually berates independent, self reliance, and greater reliance on the nanny state!
All the evidence of Obama's actions point to his being ashamed of the USA as his wife said she was proud for the first time..!

But not only has Obama torn down the USA in the world's eye but he frequently takes direct actions to harm the USA ... and isn't that a form of treason?

I mean why would he encourage Canada to sell oil they WANTED to sell to the USA to China?
"“The Keystone decision was a slap in the face to Canada and it's making ... Efforts to boost support for selling oil to China may be having an impact."
Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone

And NOT only is Obama's direct action harmful to the nation's security, but will be harmful to our coastland!
What environmentally driven reason is there to have 1 million barrels a day riding in a tanker frought with crew errors, bad weather, equipment failures potentially destroying 1,000s of MILES of ocean and millions of wildlife?

All that risk PLUS oil going to China that would have made cheaper gas here!

Consequently I don't understand the wimps especially on this board that not only excuse this treason but ENcOURAGE IT!
And then ask for more! "There oughta be a law against texting and driving" is the ultimate illustration of the wimpification of the the USA!

As I said I'm kind of glad I'm in the fall of my life because based on what I see in the future my son and granddaughter are going to have it a lot tougher and economically a lot more dangerous! Gas at $7.00/ steak at $10/lb.! Government rationing of when you can see a doctor.. death panels advising my son to let me die on an ice flow!
I feel your pain man. I really do.

I feel your pain man. I really do.


That pain you feel is from the frontal lobotomy you must have had to love this piece of crap painting.

Didn't change yer handle yet ay? Your fellow Dems aint gonna like that. OWS is dead. Time to get onboard. Your new DNC Marching-Orders are...'HOORAY FOR WALLSTREET!!' Now get that handle changed right away...Or else. :)
I feel your pain man. I really do.

the_forgotten_man.jpg mean that this time the Neo-Cons won't point their finger at the poor man in the picture and call him an lazy, unemployed, good-for-nothing fuck off?

And say that he's just a drag on society?

That if he simply tried he could get a great job or start his own business?

That there are no poor people unless they want to be poor?

And that we should deprive him of all safety nets since all they do is enable people like the poor person in this picture?

Or that the reason the person in the picture is poor is because he wants to suck the government tit?

When did you change your thinking? :confused:
I feel your pain man. I really do.

the_forgotten_man.jpg mean that this time the Neo-Cons won't point their finger at the poor man in the picture and call him an lazy, unemployed, good-for-nothing fuck off?

And say that he's just a drag on society?

That if he simply tried he could get a great job or start his own business?

That there are no poor people unless they want to be poor?

And that we should deprive him of all safety nets since all they do is enable people like the poor person in this picture?

Or that the reason the person in the picture is poor is because he wants to suck the government tit?

When did you change your thinking? :confused:

Yeah, try again. This time try being concise and coherent. No one knows what the fuck your last rant was about. Good luck. :)
It's the Second Pub Great Depression, and now the SECOND Pub Do Nothing congress, brainwashed dittoheads. But we're getting out of this despite your powermad, greedy, bought off heroes. Change the channel, hoping for your recovery shytteheads. See sig pp1...
I feel your pain man. I really do.

the_forgotten_man.jpg mean that this time the Neo-Cons won't point their finger at the poor man in the picture and call him an lazy, unemployed, good-for-nothing fuck off?

And say that he's just a drag on society?

That if he simply tried he could get a great job or start his own business?

That there are no poor people unless they want to be poor?

And that we should deprive him of all safety nets since all they do is enable people like the poor person in this picture?

Or that the reason the person in the picture is poor is because he wants to suck the government tit?

When did you change your thinking? :confused:

It all depends on whether the guy is a registered D or R. Another factor, did he carry a misspelled sign and wear a silly hat to a teabagger get together? Does he always carry a gun and Bible in his pickup?

See what I mean? Its not a simple, cut and dried question.

But it IS a stupid, dishonest and insulting "painting".
I'm glad I'm near the end of my life!
It is truly disgusting to read how pervasive the "nanny" mentality is of people younger then me! I know there are members of the younger generation such as my son who are NOT dependent on laws to do the right and responsible things but reading some of the people here that evidently feel (NOT THINK) there is a need for MORE AND MORE laws,rules and regulations my confidence in the USA is shaken!

A nation that has been a beacon to people around the world is now looked at as being out of touch, wimps, a toothless old lion!

And why shouldn't that be the perception when Obama continually berates independent, self reliance, and greater reliance on the nanny state!
All the evidence of Obama's actions point to his being ashamed of the USA as his wife said she was proud for the first time..!

But not only has Obama torn down the USA in the world's eye but he frequently takes direct actions to harm the USA ... and isn't that a form of treason?

I mean why would he encourage Canada to sell oil they WANTED to sell to the USA to China?
"“The Keystone decision was a slap in the face to Canada and it's making ... Efforts to boost support for selling oil to China may be having an impact."
Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone

And NOT only is Obama's direct action harmful to the nation's security, but will be harmful to our coastland!
What environmentally driven reason is there to have 1 million barrels a day riding in a tanker frought with crew errors, bad weather, equipment failures potentially destroying 1,000s of MILES of ocean and millions of wildlife?

All that risk PLUS oil going to China that would have made cheaper gas here!

Consequently I don't understand the wimps especially on this board that not only excuse this treason but ENcOURAGE IT!
And then ask for more! "There oughta be a law against texting and driving" is the ultimate illustration of the wimpification of the the USA!

As I said I'm kind of glad I'm in the fall of my life because based on what I see in the future my son and granddaughter are going to have it a lot tougher and economically a lot more dangerous! Gas at $7.00/ steak at $10/lb.! Government rationing of when you can see a doctor.. death panels advising my son to let me die on an ice flow!

Well... enjoy your remaining days being consumed with hate towards your fellow Americans.... May you live forever.
I feel your pain man. I really do.

the_forgotten_man.jpg mean that this time the Neo-Cons won't point their finger at the poor man in the picture and call him an lazy, unemployed, good-for-nothing fuck off?

And say that he's just a drag on society?

That if he simply tried he could get a great job or start his own business?

That there are no poor people unless they want to be poor?

And that we should deprive him of all safety nets since all they do is enable people like the poor person in this picture?

Or that the reason the person in the picture is poor is because he wants to suck the government tit?

When did you change your thinking? :confused:

Yeah, try again. This time try being concise and coherent. No one knows what the fuck your last rant was about. Good luck. :)

Sorry if the truth hurts but it is what it is and you can't change it.
[ame=]All in the Family TV Intro (70's) - YouTube[/ame]
I feel the exact same way. It's hard to believe this country is invested with creatures like rdean and truthmatters.

I'm glad I'm near the end of my life!
It is truly disgusting to read how pervasive the "nanny" mentality is of people younger then me! I know there are members of the younger generation such as my son who are NOT dependent on laws to do the right and responsible things but reading some of the people here that evidently feel (NOT THINK) there is a need for MORE AND MORE laws,rules and regulations my confidence in the USA is shaken!

A nation that has been a beacon to people around the world is now looked at as being out of touch, wimps, a toothless old lion!

And why shouldn't that be the perception when Obama continually berates independent, self reliance, and greater reliance on the nanny state!
All the evidence of Obama's actions point to his being ashamed of the USA as his wife said she was proud for the first time..!

But not only has Obama torn down the USA in the world's eye but he frequently takes direct actions to harm the USA ... and isn't that a form of treason?

I mean why would he encourage Canada to sell oil they WANTED to sell to the USA to China?
"“The Keystone decision was a slap in the face to Canada and it's making ... Efforts to boost support for selling oil to China may be having an impact."
Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone

And NOT only is Obama's direct action harmful to the nation's security, but will be harmful to our coastland!
What environmentally driven reason is there to have 1 million barrels a day riding in a tanker frought with crew errors, bad weather, equipment failures potentially destroying 1,000s of MILES of ocean and millions of wildlife?

All that risk PLUS oil going to China that would have made cheaper gas here!

Consequently I don't understand the wimps especially on this board that not only excuse this treason but ENcOURAGE IT!
And then ask for more! "There oughta be a law against texting and driving" is the ultimate illustration of the wimpification of the the USA!

As I said I'm kind of glad I'm in the fall of my life because based on what I see in the future my son and granddaughter are going to have it a lot tougher and economically a lot more dangerous! Gas at $7.00/ steak at $10/lb.! Government rationing of when you can see a doctor.. death panels advising my son to let me die on an ice flow!
I feel your pain man. I really do.


That pain you feel is from the frontal lobotomy you must have had to love this piece of crap painting.

Didn't change yer handle yet ay? Your fellow Dems aint gonna like that. OWS is dead. Time to get onboard. Your new DNC Marching-Orders are...'HOORAY FOR WALLSTREET!!' Now get that handle changed right away...Or else. :)

If I change my screen name it will be something to specifically piss you off like Paul-tatoes all rotten or The AntiPaul.
I feel the exact same way. It's hard to believe this country is invested with creatures like rdean and truthmatters.

I'm glad I'm near the end of my life!
It is truly disgusting to read how pervasive the "nanny" mentality is of people younger then me! I know there are members of the younger generation such as my son who are NOT dependent on laws to do the right and responsible things but reading some of the people here that evidently feel (NOT THINK) there is a need for MORE AND MORE laws,rules and regulations my confidence in the USA is shaken!

A nation that has been a beacon to people around the world is now looked at as being out of touch, wimps, a toothless old lion!

And why shouldn't that be the perception when Obama continually berates independent, self reliance, and greater reliance on the nanny state!
All the evidence of Obama's actions point to his being ashamed of the USA as his wife said she was proud for the first time..!

But not only has Obama torn down the USA in the world's eye but he frequently takes direct actions to harm the USA ... and isn't that a form of treason?

I mean why would he encourage Canada to sell oil they WANTED to sell to the USA to China?
"“The Keystone decision was a slap in the face to Canada and it's making ... Efforts to boost support for selling oil to China may be having an impact."
Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone

And NOT only is Obama's direct action harmful to the nation's security, but will be harmful to our coastland!
What environmentally driven reason is there to have 1 million barrels a day riding in a tanker frought with crew errors, bad weather, equipment failures potentially destroying 1,000s of MILES of ocean and millions of wildlife?

All that risk PLUS oil going to China that would have made cheaper gas here!

Consequently I don't understand the wimps especially on this board that not only excuse this treason but ENcOURAGE IT!
And then ask for more! "There oughta be a law against texting and driving" is the ultimate illustration of the wimpification of the the USA!

As I said I'm kind of glad I'm in the fall of my life because based on what I see in the future my son and granddaughter are going to have it a lot tougher and economically a lot more dangerous! Gas at $7.00/ steak at $10/lb.! Government rationing of when you can see a doctor.. death panels advising my son to let me die on an ice flow!

Surprise, surprise. :eusa_whistle:
I'm glad I'm near the end of my life!
It is truly disgusting to read how pervasive the "nanny" mentality is of people younger then me! I know there are members of the younger generation such as my son who are NOT dependent on laws to do the right and responsible things but reading some of the people here that evidently feel (NOT THINK) there is a need for MORE AND MORE laws,rules and regulations my confidence in the USA is shaken!

A nation that has been a beacon to people around the world is now looked at as being out of touch, wimps, a toothless old lion!

And why shouldn't that be the perception when Obama continually berates independent, self reliance, and greater reliance on the nanny state!
All the evidence of Obama's actions point to his being ashamed of the USA as his wife said she was proud for the first time..!

But not only has Obama torn down the USA in the world's eye but he frequently takes direct actions to harm the USA ... and isn't that a form of treason?

I mean why would he encourage Canada to sell oil they WANTED to sell to the USA to China?
"“The Keystone decision was a slap in the face to Canada and it's making ... Efforts to boost support for selling oil to China may be having an impact."
Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone

And NOT only is Obama's direct action harmful to the nation's security, but will be harmful to our coastland!
What environmentally driven reason is there to have 1 million barrels a day riding in a tanker frought with crew errors, bad weather, equipment failures potentially destroying 1,000s of MILES of ocean and millions of wildlife?

All that risk PLUS oil going to China that would have made cheaper gas here!

Consequently I don't understand the wimps especially on this board that not only excuse this treason but ENcOURAGE IT!
And then ask for more! "There oughta be a law against texting and driving" is the ultimate illustration of the wimpification of the the USA!

As I said I'm kind of glad I'm in the fall of my life because based on what I see in the future my son and granddaughter are going to have it a lot tougher and economically a lot more dangerous! Gas at $7.00/ steak at $10/lb.! Government rationing of when you can see a doctor.. death panels advising my son to let me die on an ice flow!

I stopped reading after the first sentence or so.

Life is worth celebrating regardless of the political climate. I cherish such simple moments as seeing great grades and comments on my granddaughters school work. Or the simple wave goodbye as they get on the bus. You can not control the events that will take place, prepare and enjoy whatever time you have here.
I'm glad I'm near the end of my life!
It is truly disgusting to read how pervasive the "nanny" mentality is of people younger then me! I know there are members of the younger generation such as my son who are NOT dependent on laws to do the right and responsible things but reading some of the people here that evidently feel (NOT THINK) there is a need for MORE AND MORE laws,rules and regulations my confidence in the USA is shaken!

A nation that has been a beacon to people around the world is now looked at as being out of touch, wimps, a toothless old lion!

And why shouldn't that be the perception when Obama continually berates independent, self reliance, and greater reliance on the nanny state!
All the evidence of Obama's actions point to his being ashamed of the USA as his wife said she was proud for the first time..!

But not only has Obama torn down the USA in the world's eye but he frequently takes direct actions to harm the USA ... and isn't that a form of treason?

I mean why would he encourage Canada to sell oil they WANTED to sell to the USA to China?
"“The Keystone decision was a slap in the face to Canada and it's making ... Efforts to boost support for selling oil to China may be having an impact."
Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone

And NOT only is Obama's direct action harmful to the nation's security, but will be harmful to our coastland!
What environmentally driven reason is there to have 1 million barrels a day riding in a tanker frought with crew errors, bad weather, equipment failures potentially destroying 1,000s of MILES of ocean and millions of wildlife?

All that risk PLUS oil going to China that would have made cheaper gas here!

Consequently I don't understand the wimps especially on this board that not only excuse this treason but ENcOURAGE IT!
And then ask for more! "There oughta be a law against texting and driving" is the ultimate illustration of the wimpification of the the USA!

As I said I'm kind of glad I'm in the fall of my life because based on what I see in the future my son and granddaughter are going to have it a lot tougher and economically a lot more dangerous! Gas at $7.00/ steak at $10/lb.! Government rationing of when you can see a doctor.. death panels advising my son to let me die on an ice flow!

Talk about a whinny little bitch.

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
I'm glad I'm near the end of my life!
It is truly disgusting to read how pervasive the "nanny" mentality is of people younger then me! I know there are members of the younger generation such as my son who are NOT dependent on laws to do the right and responsible things but reading some of the people here that evidently feel (NOT THINK) there is a need for MORE AND MORE laws,rules and regulations my confidence in the USA is shaken!

A nation that has been a beacon to people around the world is now looked at as being out of touch, wimps, a toothless old lion!

And why shouldn't that be the perception when Obama continually berates independent, self reliance, and greater reliance on the nanny state!
All the evidence of Obama's actions point to his being ashamed of the USA as his wife said she was proud for the first time..!

But not only has Obama torn down the USA in the world's eye but he frequently takes direct actions to harm the USA ... and isn't that a form of treason?

I mean why would he encourage Canada to sell oil they WANTED to sell to the USA to China?
"“The Keystone decision was a slap in the face to Canada and it's making ... Efforts to boost support for selling oil to China may be having an impact."
Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone

And NOT only is Obama's direct action harmful to the nation's security, but will be harmful to our coastland!
What environmentally driven reason is there to have 1 million barrels a day riding in a tanker frought with crew errors, bad weather, equipment failures potentially destroying 1,000s of MILES of ocean and millions of wildlife?

All that risk PLUS oil going to China that would have made cheaper gas here!

Consequently I don't understand the wimps especially on this board that not only excuse this treason but ENcOURAGE IT!
And then ask for more! "There oughta be a law against texting and driving" is the ultimate illustration of the wimpification of the the USA!

As I said I'm kind of glad I'm in the fall of my life because based on what I see in the future my son and granddaughter are going to have it a lot tougher and economically a lot more dangerous! Gas at $7.00/ steak at $10/lb.! Government rationing of when you can see a doctor.. death panels advising my son to let me die on an ice flow!

I stopped reading after the first sentence or so.

Life is worth celebrating regardless of the political climate. I cherish such simple moments as seeing great grades and comments on my granddaughters school work. Or the simple wave goodbye as they get on the bus. You can not control the events that will take place, prepare and enjoy whatever time you have here.

We don't agree on much but that was a wonderful post. :clap2:
I feel your pain man. I really do.


That pain you feel is from the frontal lobotomy you must have had to love this piece of crap painting.

Didn't change yer handle yet ay? Your fellow Dems aint gonna like that. OWS is dead. Time to get onboard. Your new DNC Marching-Orders are...'HOORAY FOR WALLSTREET!!' Now get that handle changed right away...Or else. :)

Or else what?

The fuck are you talking about, retard?

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