Basics of Immigration Law (DACA)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
With respect to immigration, the representatives of the People, in Congress formulate the policies of the United States. The President executes the Law. The President doesn’t make the law. He can try to influence public opinion, and he can try to get Congress to pass laws that he wants, but Congress makes the laws, and the President implements them.

At the present time, there are about 20 million people living in this country ILLEGALLY. That means, in violation of law. Some of them were brought here as children, and did not voluntarily come here.

President Obama wanted Congress to pass a law that gave such people a “free pass,” and basically REPEAL the law with respect to these people - because Obama did not have the power to legalize these people. Congress declined.

So Obama made up a new law, then implemented it. It is not a matter of “opinion” that what he did was illegal, unconstitutional, and a gross violation of his oath of office. It is a fact.

The number that is tossed about is 800,000 – the number of “dreamers” who Obama’s pretend law would have protected. But there was and is no such law; they remain in the country illegally.

Leftists like to say that among those “800,000” (the real number is unknowable), there are “doctors, first responders, heroes,” and so forth.

So what? Among people on death row, there are probably some pretty nice people…doesn’t make them any less guilty or less subject to their punishment.

Children are always hurt when their parents are criminals and get caught. It is unfortunate, but sometimes reality sucks. It is said that these “800,000” pay taxes and contribute to society in many ways. Again, so what? Most of them DO NOT, and regardless, that is irrelevant to the legal realities.

If the Trumpster were thinking shrewdly, he would simply say, I’m going to enforce the law as it is. These people are no longer immune from deportation. If Congress would like to change that, they can pass a bill and send it to me, and I’ll give it due consideration. Until then…Hasta la vista, y’all!
The D in DACA stands for delayed. The delay is over. You had years to get your shit together. If you didn't bother to do that, pack up. It's time to go.
Well I guess the problem is that under current law, these Dreamers can't get their mierda together. They would have to go back to Mexico and GET IN LINE!

A word on repatriation.

We speak of deportation is though it were a prison sentence. Nonsense. There is nothing wrong with Mexico, and if these people were as wonderful and productive and creative as American Leftists keep telling us, then why isn't Mexico clamoring to get them back? Couldn't they be wonderful and productive and creative IN MEXICO?

Of course Leftists tell us that "many of them don't even speak SPANISH!"

Bullshit. Certainly, among 800,000 there are a few who don't speak Spanish fluently, but give them a couple weeks south of the border and they will be better than all right in Spanish.

And finally let's look at the REAL reason to legitimize these Dreamers. When their parents are rounded up for the criminals they are, and The Donald tries to send the BACK, we will hear: "My GOD! Now we are breaking up FAMILIES!" Bullshit on steroids. If they don't want their families to be broken up, the parents and kids can all go in their Canadian-built minivans.

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