Kavanaugh Then and Now

you dont know??

well we can start off with cops and their qualified immunity and them move to those granted immunity for testimony in other cases,,

and if thats not enough for you then what about diplomatic immunity,,

and of course we cant ignore senators that are immune for things that happen on the senate floor,
they get both criminal and civil immunity,,

so in reality it only makes sense that POTUS would have the same thing,,
First off cops have only qualified immunity and should not.

Second defendants can get limited immunity for certain acts because it is in the interest of justice to get testimony that would otherwise not be available.

Neither has anything to do with this ruling
First off cops have only qualified immunity and should not.

Second defendants can get limited immunity for certain acts because it is in the interest of justice to get testimony that would otherwise not be available.

Neither has anything to do with this ruling
it has everything to do with it,,

youre just mad this whole thing just blew up in your face,,

if all the tens of thousands of people I listed can have immunity then it only makes sense POTUS also has it,,

of course that immunity can be taken away through a due process,,

we may not like it but its the way things are,,
it has everything to do with it,,

youre just mad this whole thing just blew up in your face,,

if all the tens of thousands of people I listed can have immunity then it only makes sense POTUS also has it,,

of course that immunity can be taken away through a due process,,

we may not like it but its the way things are,,
It does NOT make sense.

If the President wants to go arrest felons at gun point. Fine. Go for it.

If he gets immunity from prosecution because he has valuable testimony to convict someone else? Fine

And Senators do NOT have immunity
Now he was principled a few years ago? Keep your lame stories straight. A few years ago liars claimed he was a terrible human being.

They're following the Constitution and balancing out power. In a word their job. We live in a democratic republic. It has been that way from the inception. The democrats basically have a monarchy with Biden as King Figurehead. What we have is a Bureaucracy. A country run by unelected people, who answer to no one. Our history is not one of using the courts to eliminate political opponents. Now we can't say that due to Biden.

All of this.
It does NOT make sense.

If the President wants to go arrest felons at gun point. Fine. Go for it.

If he gets immunity from prosecution because he has valuable testimony to convict someone else? Fine

And Senators do NOT have immunity
youre just going to have to get over it,,

thousands of people have immunity for a wide range of things for different reasons,,

POTUS is just one of them,,

you dont know??

well we can start off with cops and their qualified immunity and them move to those granted immunity for testimony in other cases,,

and if thats not enough for you then what about diplomatic immunity,,

and of course we cant ignore senators that are immune for things that happen on the senate floor,
they get both criminal and civil immunity,,

so in reality it only makes sense that POTUS would have the same thing,,

Don't forget sovereign immunity governments as a whole get for some things.
By Conover Kennard — July 2, 2024
We're witnessing the most corrupt Supreme Court in our lives
Hmmm, the most diverse court in history is now coming under attack for its dishonesty. gee, wonder if this is a white liberal attack. :spank:
, and it's unsurprising that they can now accept gratuities. Clarence Thomas might need a new RV soon, so pay up if you need a favor. If you want democracy demolished and the presidency turned into a monarchy, they are there for you. And, of course, it's not surprising that Justices like Brett Kavanaugh lied during his confirmation. Either that, or he's been having lunch with the likes of Nick Fuentes and did an about-face.

Look how principled he was just a few years ago:
He also said, "No one is above the law in our constitutional system," adding that the presidency is not a monarchy.

It is amazing the lies these Justices have told regarding this and Roe and their supposed "originalist" philosophy

What we are really witness to here is what happens when spoiled white elitists lose their rubber stamp, watching as what was once a court of divine province for white liberals, their "amen corner" now amounts to nothing more than just plain old dull jurists who won't let them have their way and are now feeling the ugly of not getting everything they want just because they want it...

...as for the article and author, its a typical white liberal journalistic hit piece...look up the meaning of both "Con" and "Canard" as it relates to the author with the most apropos name in journalism.
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Hmmm, the most diverse court in history is now coming under attack for its dishonesty. gee, wonder if this is a white liberal attack. :spank:

What we are really witness to here is what happens when spoiled white elitists lose their rubber stamp, watching as what was once a court of divine province for white liberals, their "amen corner" now amounts to nothing more than just plain old dull jurists who won't let them have their way and are now feeling the ugly of not getting everything they want just because they want it...

...as for the article and author, its a typical white liberal journalistic hit piece...look up the meaning of both "Con" and "Canard" as it relates to the author with the most apropos name in journalism.

Conservatives have the Court and WE LOVE IT

Conservatives have the Court and WE LOVE IT

Would you be any different if it were 9-3 democrat favor? And you were shoving leftists court rulings down our throats? Nope!

Besides, this scotus has been pretty fair, they’ve handed down rulings that were not favorable to repubs.
Would you be any different if it were 9-3 democrat favor? And you were shoving leftists court rulings down our throats? Nope!

Besides, this scotus has been pretty fair, they’ve handed down rulings that were not favorable to repubs.


Shooting down college loan forgiveness?

The Speech and Debate clause explicitly excepts FELONIES

Read it jackass
and that is determined through a due process,,

youre just going to have to get over it that like the tens of thousands of people with immunity POTUS is included,,

if you would like to go through a due process and remove that immunity you are free to try,,

until then stop boring us with your lies and deflections,,
He was always a terrible human being.

We warned you

He was lying his ass off
Those questions should never have been asked. No Justice should EVER be asked how they would rule on ANY case that might come before them. They are supposed to treat every case on its merits, not placate some dumb democrat who's afraid his sacred cow will get gored.

Conservatives have the Court and WE LOVE IT

constitutional conservatives are whats supposed to be on the court not liberals who intend on twisting the meanings of the constitution to subvert the constitution,,
It does NOT make sense.
That's because you are a simpleton who lives in a fake world constructed by fruit loop Democrats. The POTUS can't be constantly threatened with imprisonment by his opponents for every decision he/she makes. Otherwise you may as well just abolish the president and vice president and let those gas bags in congress make all the decisions. FFS get a grip on the real world you dumb asses.
Or even Joe Biden himself, with his “ha ha! I’m just going to ignore scotus and do student loan forgiveness anyway!”

He’s for the law, until he’s not for the law…
The Court shot it down and Biden abided their decision.

Yes he went about it in a much more limited way that the Court had not ruled against.

That’s how this works

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