It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas

As opposed to American kids who go to school, or see on TV about how bad Mooslims are. Don't you see it's the same?

But then again this doesn't happen everywhere. It happens in poor places. But you don't know enough about Islam in different places to be able to see that it isn't cultural for Islam. It might be cultural in Egypt, in Palestine, in Iraq, but not in Malaysia or Indonesia.

your post is nonsensical----in fact I know lots about different places ---muslims from ALL OVER THE WORLD -----INDONESIA??? Of course I know people from Indonesia---and India and Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran and...and....
sorry-----but I do. IT's CULTURAL I read the koran
before you were born and began 'knowing' muslims
from here and there more than 50 years ago----and even
their victims. Killing for ISLAAAAAAM ---happens to be something 'holy' the "muhummad" of the truck is,, RIGHT NOW ---IN Jannah------on this very HOLY JUMAH----they are singing the praises of muhummad abu truck

You've not provided any evidence, you're just saying "well I know some people from these countries and therefore I'm right".

interesting response PROVE IT-----ok weirdo YOU PROVE YOU KNOW SOMETHING_------supply the pertinent parts of your C. V.

So your response to me tell you to back up your argument is to talk about my C.V.

Wow, this thread is just for the shit chuckers, isn't it? To just play stupid games.
Its the Muslim religion and any who practice it.

France has been letting them into their country for decades and that is now beginning to bite them in the ass.

If they booted all Muslims out and didn't let anymore in then the only thing they would have to watch for is terrorists trying to get in.

If they'd have "let them in" (wasn't actually letting them in, it was making their homeland a part of France and then they decided to move from that part of France to another part of France, like Paris) and then treated them well, then they wouldn't be having the problems they're having now.

Another idiot making excuses for murderers.

Another idiot who finds Muslims innocent of any wrong doing.

Its people like you who make it possible for Muslims to do what they do. Idiots like you always have an excuse.

Grow the fuck up you useless fuck.;

Wow, your argument is an insult.....

And your argument pretty much bullshit.

Where's that ignore button, I can sniff 'em out, the ones not worth bothering with.

Ignore away clueless.

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