Many terrorists are Muslims because their countries don't have the will or the power to go and attack the world superpowers, and even though Muslims associate with each other, they don't seem to like to form large countries together.

Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.
Many terrorists are Muslims because their countries don't have the will or the power to go and attack the world superpowers, and even though Muslims associate with each other, they don't seem to like to form large countries together.

Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

And embedded in their religion.

As if war isn't embedded in Christianity.

The crusades. Beyond that into the days of the empires with the Germans, Dutch, British, French, Spanish and Portuguese going around colonizing and warring with everyone.

Then WW1 and WW2, then the US's wars of the last 70 years.

Did you forget all of this? Oh, there's more, wars in Africa, in Latin America, you know...

The Iraqi War in 2003, which caused all these problems, wasn't started by Muslims, it was started by the US, mostly Christian with a Christian C-in-C invading and then messing it all up.
Many terrorists are Muslims because their countries don't have the will or the power to go and attack the world superpowers, and even though Muslims associate with each other, they don't seem to like to form large countries together.

Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???
Its the Muslim religion and any who practice it.

France has been letting them into their country for decades and that is now beginning to bite them in the ass.

If they booted all Muslims out and didn't let anymore in then the only thing they would have to watch for is terrorists trying to get in.

If they'd have "let them in" (wasn't actually letting them in, it was making their homeland a part of France and then they decided to move from that part of France to another part of France, like Paris) and then treated them well, then they wouldn't be having the problems they're having now.
Many terrorists are Muslims because their countries don't have the will or the power to go and attack the world superpowers, and even though Muslims associate with each other, they don't seem to like to form large countries together.

Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.
Arabs are not to ‘blame,’ neither are Muslims.

Fear, ignorance, and hate are to blame.

Individuals commit acts of terror, they are alone responsible, they are alone to blame – neither religions nor ethnic groups commit acts of terror.

The old: 'THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM!!!!!' Good grief!

Dude.... give it up. We're waaaaay past this kind of BS.

it's like the FGM debate "IT AIN'T ISLAM---ITS JUST THAT

What is terrorism? What's the difference between terrorism and what the US did in Iraq?

The only difference is one is done by a country and the other isn't. Is it better if you get your ass killed by a country rather than by a group that don't have a country? Even when they get a country, like ISIS, everyone ignores that it's a piece of land and they have a government because it's inconvenient and they can't then call them terrorists.

It's all about how you present it.

Remember, cowboys = good, injuns = bad. Cowboys committing genocide, injuns protecting their homeland from invasion.

Yet it wasn't presented like the latter, was it?
Many terrorists are Muslims because their countries don't have the will or the power to go and attack the world superpowers, and even though Muslims associate with each other, they don't seem to like to form large countries together.

Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas
Many terrorists are Muslims because their countries don't have the will or the power to go and attack the world superpowers, and even though Muslims associate with each other, they don't seem to like to form large countries together.

Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas

As opposed to American kids who go to school, or see on TV about how bad Mooslims are. Don't you see it's the same?

But then again this doesn't happen everywhere. It happens in poor places. But you don't know enough about Islam in different places to be able to see that it isn't cultural for Islam. It might be cultural in Egypt, in Palestine, in Iraq, but not in Malaysia or Indonesia.
Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas

As opposed to American kids who go to school, or see on TV about how bad Mooslims are. Don't you see it's the same?

But then again this doesn't happen everywhere. It happens in poor places. But you don't know enough about Islam in different places to be able to see that it isn't cultural for Islam. It might be cultural in Egypt, in Palestine, in Iraq, but not in Malaysia or Indonesia.

your post is nonsensical----in fact I know lots about different places ---muslims from ALL OVER THE WORLD -----INDONESIA??? Of course I know people from Indonesia---and India and Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran and...and....
sorry-----but I do. IT's CULTURAL I read the koran
before you were born and began 'knowing' muslims
from here and there more than 50 years ago----and even
their victims. Killing for ISLAAAAAAM ---happens to be something 'holy' the "muhummad" of the truck is,, RIGHT NOW ---IN Jannah------on this very HOLY JUMAH----they are singing the praises of muhummad abu truck
Its the Muslim religion and any who practice it.

France has been letting them into their country for decades and that is now beginning to bite them in the ass.

If they booted all Muslims out and didn't let anymore in then the only thing they would have to watch for is terrorists trying to get in.

If they'd have "let them in" (wasn't actually letting them in, it was making their homeland a part of France and then they decided to move from that part of France to another part of France, like Paris) and then treated them well, then they wouldn't be having the problems they're having now.

Another idiot making excuses for murderers.

Another idiot who finds Muslims innocent of any wrong doing.

Its people like you who make it possible for Muslims to do what they do. Idiots like you always have an excuse.

Grow the fuck up you useless fuck.;
Its the Muslim religion and any who practice it.

France has been letting them into their country for decades and that is now beginning to bite them in the ass.

If they booted all Muslims out and didn't let anymore in then the only thing they would have to watch for is terrorists trying to get in.

If they'd have "let them in" (wasn't actually letting them in, it was making their homeland a part of France and then they decided to move from that part of France to another part of France, like Paris) and then treated them well, then they wouldn't be having the problems they're having now.

Another idiot making excuses for murderers.

Another idiot who finds Muslims innocent of any wrong doing.

Its people like you who make it possible for Muslims to do what they do. Idiots like you always have an excuse.

Grow the fuck up you useless fuck.;

Claudette-----something I learned----almost 50 years ago-----
Iranians DESPISE arabs. Dani is Iranian. There is a history-----arabs overran Iran-----and murdered them in the
millions---------first insult. ---- Then GENGHIS KHAN----killed
something like more than half the people in Iran. Genghis Khan actually BECAME A MUSLIM AND IMPOSED that filth
on his extensive empire------but he was such a bastard----that muslims, today-----acutally deny that he took up islam-----in fact---he did ----of course he may not have been the nicest muslim in the world. In any case ----arabs and mongols are hated by Iranians-----but they like their sickening religion
Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas

As opposed to American kids who go to school, or see on TV about how bad Mooslims are. Don't you see it's the same?

But then again this doesn't happen everywhere. It happens in poor places. But you don't know enough about Islam in different places to be able to see that it isn't cultural for Islam. It might be cultural in Egypt, in Palestine, in Iraq, but not in Malaysia or Indonesia.

American kids "go to school and see how on TV how bad moooslims are''???? I was once an American kid---born right here and never so much as touched "foreign" soil till age
30. I grew up in THE USA-----one of the ORIGINAL COLONY states-------I learned "WORLD" history in public
school. All the kids in my town went to THE SAME
HIGH SCHOOL--all spoke English -------and-----most of the
people did not know a muslim from a martian. Muslim was not a topic when I was a kid---- At age 20 I had a job that brought me into contact with muslims---from foreign lands---I got invited to a mosque----where I heard a rant (in English)---
regarding ------"Christians" ---(at that time muslim concept of
americans) ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAAM My hosts were muslims from south east asia------I was horrified.-----
I did comment on the "sermon"-----my hosts had no idea what
bothered me-----afterall ---JOOOS WERE NOT EVEN MENTIONED
Many terrorists are Muslims because their countries don't have the will or the power to go and attack the world superpowers, and even though Muslims associate with each other, they don't seem to like to form large countries together.

Many muslims are terrorists just like many American boys play baseball. It's CULTURAL

And embedded in their religion.

As if war isn't embedded in Christianity.

The crusades. Beyond that into the days of the empires with the Germans, Dutch, British, French, Spanish and Portuguese going around colonizing and warring with everyone.

Then WW1 and WW2, then the US's wars of the last 70 years.

Did you forget all of this? Oh, there's more, wars in Africa, in Latin America, you know...

The Iraqi War in 2003, which caused all these problems, wasn't started by Muslims, it was started by the US, mostly Christian with a Christian C-in-C invading and then messing it all up.

anyone interested in the filth of Iraq over the past 60 years----READ THE BIOGRAPHY OF THE BAATHIST PIG---Saddam Hussein-----mass murderer for ALLAH---imperialist pig ----the piece of scum PAID any family that could tie a bomb to the stinking ass of one of its daughters for the purpose of murdering children FOR ALLAH. ------for more fun he murdered shiits and kurds in the tens of thousands----per
episode. But he was JUSTIFIED----because he claimed
since he got hanged ----muslims have recently decided that he
is not really descended from abu kharah. That decision has
no relationship to the fact that he was a mass murderer and paid the families of filth sharmoootahs to tie bombs to their asses-------THAT STUFF WAS HIS "good deeds"
No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas

As opposed to American kids who go to school, or see on TV about how bad Mooslims are. Don't you see it's the same?

But then again this doesn't happen everywhere. It happens in poor places. But you don't know enough about Islam in different places to be able to see that it isn't cultural for Islam. It might be cultural in Egypt, in Palestine, in Iraq, but not in Malaysia or Indonesia.

your post is nonsensical----in fact I know lots about different places ---muslims from ALL OVER THE WORLD -----INDONESIA??? Of course I know people from Indonesia---and India and Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran and...and....
sorry-----but I do. IT's CULTURAL I read the koran
before you were born and began 'knowing' muslims
from here and there more than 50 years ago----and even
their victims. Killing for ISLAAAAAAM ---happens to be something 'holy' the "muhummad" of the truck is,, RIGHT NOW ---IN Jannah------on this very HOLY JUMAH----they are singing the praises of muhummad abu truck

You've not provided any evidence, you're just saying "well I know some people from these countries and therefore I'm right".
Its the Muslim religion and any who practice it.

France has been letting them into their country for decades and that is now beginning to bite them in the ass.

If they booted all Muslims out and didn't let anymore in then the only thing they would have to watch for is terrorists trying to get in.

If they'd have "let them in" (wasn't actually letting them in, it was making their homeland a part of France and then they decided to move from that part of France to another part of France, like Paris) and then treated them well, then they wouldn't be having the problems they're having now.

Another idiot making excuses for murderers.

Another idiot who finds Muslims innocent of any wrong doing.

Its people like you who make it possible for Muslims to do what they do. Idiots like you always have an excuse.

Grow the fuck up you useless fuck.;

Wow, your argument is an insult.....
No, what you're displaying is just called a desire to make stuff up and pretend it's real.

what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas

As opposed to American kids who go to school, or see on TV about how bad Mooslims are. Don't you see it's the same?

But then again this doesn't happen everywhere. It happens in poor places. But you don't know enough about Islam in different places to be able to see that it isn't cultural for Islam. It might be cultural in Egypt, in Palestine, in Iraq, but not in Malaysia or Indonesia.

American kids "go to school and see how on TV how bad moooslims are''???? I was once an American kid---born right here and never so much as touched "foreign" soil till age
30. I grew up in THE USA-----one of the ORIGINAL COLONY states-------I learned "WORLD" history in public
school. All the kids in my town went to THE SAME
HIGH SCHOOL--all spoke English -------and-----most of the
people did not know a muslim from a martian. Muslim was not a topic when I was a kid---- At age 20 I had a job that brought me into contact with muslims---from foreign lands---I got invited to a mosque----where I heard a rant (in English)---
regarding ------"Christians" ---(at that time muslim concept of
americans) ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAAM My hosts were muslims from south east asia------I was horrified.-----
I did comment on the "sermon"-----my hosts had no idea what
bothered me-----afterall ---JOOOS WERE NOT EVEN MENTIONED

What the hell are you going on about? Can you make sensible posts, PLEASE??
Its the Muslim religion and any who practice it.

France has been letting them into their country for decades and that is now beginning to bite them in the ass.

If they booted all Muslims out and didn't let anymore in then the only thing they would have to watch for is terrorists trying to get in.

If they'd have "let them in" (wasn't actually letting them in, it was making their homeland a part of France and then they decided to move from that part of France to another part of France, like Paris) and then treated them well, then they wouldn't be having the problems they're having now.

Another idiot making excuses for murderers.

Another idiot who finds Muslims innocent of any wrong doing.

Its people like you who make it possible for Muslims to do what they do. Idiots like you always have an excuse.

Grow the fuck up you useless fuck.;

Wow, your argument is an insult.....

And your argument pretty much bullshit.
The simple solution is to ban all guns worldwide, don't let them drive trucks or planes, and keep any and all explosives away from them. Then all the terrorist will go away, all bad things will stop, Islam will become peaceful. Oh, and we have to be nicer, because if you say mean things they don't like that either.
what did I "make up"???

It's not cultural. That's what you made up.

no? a child goes to a mosque and gets lectures on
stories about the great HEROES who put bombs on their asses -----and then decides to do it himself and "it is not
'cultural'" A muslim kid need never see a "westerner" or
a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu in order to HATE THEM------
it is part of his childhood like Santa Claus is part of the
childhood of WASPS in Texas

As opposed to American kids who go to school, or see on TV about how bad Mooslims are. Don't you see it's the same?

But then again this doesn't happen everywhere. It happens in poor places. But you don't know enough about Islam in different places to be able to see that it isn't cultural for Islam. It might be cultural in Egypt, in Palestine, in Iraq, but not in Malaysia or Indonesia.

your post is nonsensical----in fact I know lots about different places ---muslims from ALL OVER THE WORLD -----INDONESIA??? Of course I know people from Indonesia---and India and Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran and...and....
sorry-----but I do. IT's CULTURAL I read the koran
before you were born and began 'knowing' muslims
from here and there more than 50 years ago----and even
their victims. Killing for ISLAAAAAAM ---happens to be something 'holy' the "muhummad" of the truck is,, RIGHT NOW ---IN Jannah------on this very HOLY JUMAH----they are singing the praises of muhummad abu truck

You've not provided any evidence, you're just saying "well I know some people from these countries and therefore I'm right".

interesting response PROVE IT-----ok weirdo YOU PROVE YOU KNOW SOMETHING_------supply the pertinent parts of your C. V.
Its the Muslim religion and any who practice it.

France has been letting them into their country for decades and that is now beginning to bite them in the ass.

If they booted all Muslims out and didn't let anymore in then the only thing they would have to watch for is terrorists trying to get in.

If they'd have "let them in" (wasn't actually letting them in, it was making their homeland a part of France and then they decided to move from that part of France to another part of France, like Paris) and then treated them well, then they wouldn't be having the problems they're having now.

Another idiot making excuses for murderers.

Another idiot who finds Muslims innocent of any wrong doing.

Its people like you who make it possible for Muslims to do what they do. Idiots like you always have an excuse.

Grow the fuck up you useless fuck.;

Wow, your argument is an insult.....

And your argument pretty much bullshit.

Where's that ignore button, I can sniff 'em out, the ones not worth bothering with.

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