Bat shit crazy Elizabeth is at it again, now she wants to take over companies.

What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

Hey, Pocahontas wants to federalize states rights even though state rights usurp the Fed! Guess the Fed just went ahead and usurped that as well, and now Pokey wants to invent "capitalistic socialism." Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!
You’re hopeless... keep living in the land of spin of it makes you happy but you sound like a bitter fool.

Reality is, Obama was sympathetic to immigrants, both legal and illegal, and also to people in need around the world. He tried to find compromise and solutions despite a gridlock congress that would not allow anything to get done. He did enforced the border and deport many people, that’s a fact. If we had to choose between soft and hard to label his immigration policies he would be on the softer side, that was his politics. He didn’t invite illegals to sneak over the border, that’s just a stupid statement. Get real.

He did enforced the border and deport many people, that’s a fact.

Do you feel he enforced enough? Deported enough?
He deported between 400k and 230k each year of his two terms. Some feel he did too much and others feel that it wasn’t enough. It all depends on ones politics and how they feel about the issue. He represented a party and constituents that have a relatively soft stance on immigration policy so I think he did an ok job given the circumstances.

He deported between 400k and 230k each year of his two terms.

Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?

Some feel he did too much and others feel that it wasn’t enough.

And how do you feel?
Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?
Based on the stats I looked up. If you have different numbers then post them and we can discuss.

And how do you feel?
I said how I felt. I think he did an ok job. I liked the DACA effort, I’ve seen reports that border agents felt like their hands were tied which if true I think Obama could have done better on.

But also don’t forget. He tried to do several things that congress either blocked or watered down.

For example

(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday proposed cutting $1 billion from President Barack Obama's $3.7 billion emergency funding request to deal with a surge of some 57,000 undocumented Central American children across the southern border.

Obama on July 8 asked lawmakers to approve $3.7 billion to bolster border security and speed deportation proceedings, but Congress has yet to take action on the request. At a luncheon on Tuesday, Senate Democrats discussed what their response should be.

U.S. Senate Democrats cut $1 billion from Obama border request

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE.

Well, shoot. One third of 435,000 is only 145,000.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?

He did enforced the border and deport many people, that’s a fact.

Do you feel he enforced enough? Deported enough?
He deported between 400k and 230k each year of his two terms. Some feel he did too much and others feel that it wasn’t enough. It all depends on ones politics and how they feel about the issue. He represented a party and constituents that have a relatively soft stance on immigration policy so I think he did an ok job given the circumstances.

He deported between 400k and 230k each year of his two terms.

Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?

Some feel he did too much and others feel that it wasn’t enough.

And how do you feel?
Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?
Based on the stats I looked up. If you have different numbers then post them and we can discuss.

And how do you feel?
I said how I felt. I think he did an ok job. I liked the DACA effort, I’ve seen reports that border agents felt like their hands were tied which if true I think Obama could have done better on.

But also don’t forget. He tried to do several things that congress either blocked or watered down.

For example

(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday proposed cutting $1 billion from President Barack Obama's $3.7 billion emergency funding request to deal with a surge of some 57,000 undocumented Central American children across the southern border.

Obama on July 8 asked lawmakers to approve $3.7 billion to bolster border security and speed deportation proceedings, but Congress has yet to take action on the request. At a luncheon on Tuesday, Senate Democrats discussed what their response should be.

U.S. Senate Democrats cut $1 billion from Obama border request

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE.

Well, shoot. One third of 435,000 is only 145,000.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
He deported between 400k and 230k each year of his two terms. Some feel he did too much and others feel that it wasn’t enough. It all depends on ones politics and how they feel about the issue. He represented a party and constituents that have a relatively soft stance on immigration policy so I think he did an ok job given the circumstances.

He deported between 400k and 230k each year of his two terms.

Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?

Some feel he did too much and others feel that it wasn’t enough.

And how do you feel?
Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?
Based on the stats I looked up. If you have different numbers then post them and we can discuss.

And how do you feel?
I said how I felt. I think he did an ok job. I liked the DACA effort, I’ve seen reports that border agents felt like their hands were tied which if true I think Obama could have done better on.

But also don’t forget. He tried to do several things that congress either blocked or watered down.

For example

(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday proposed cutting $1 billion from President Barack Obama's $3.7 billion emergency funding request to deal with a surge of some 57,000 undocumented Central American children across the southern border.

Obama on July 8 asked lawmakers to approve $3.7 billion to bolster border security and speed deportation proceedings, but Congress has yet to take action on the request. At a luncheon on Tuesday, Senate Democrats discussed what their response should be.

U.S. Senate Democrats cut $1 billion from Obama border request

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE.

Well, shoot. One third of 435,000 is only 145,000.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.
He deported between 400k and 230k each year of his two terms.

Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?

Some feel he did too much and others feel that it wasn’t enough.

And how do you feel?
Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?
Based on the stats I looked up. If you have different numbers then post them and we can discuss.

And how do you feel?
I said how I felt. I think he did an ok job. I liked the DACA effort, I’ve seen reports that border agents felt like their hands were tied which if true I think Obama could have done better on.

But also don’t forget. He tried to do several things that congress either blocked or watered down.

For example

(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday proposed cutting $1 billion from President Barack Obama's $3.7 billion emergency funding request to deal with a surge of some 57,000 undocumented Central American children across the southern border.

Obama on July 8 asked lawmakers to approve $3.7 billion to bolster border security and speed deportation proceedings, but Congress has yet to take action on the request. At a luncheon on Tuesday, Senate Democrats discussed what their response should be.

U.S. Senate Democrats cut $1 billion from Obama border request

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE.

Well, shoot. One third of 435,000 is only 145,000.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.

Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

All the older stats were almost exclusively interior removals.

So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

Sure I can, as your own chart shows, the interior removals of Obama were on a downward trend.

It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people

Tons. 64% of them in 2013 were caught near the border, not removed from the interior.
Based on the historic definition, or his altered definition?
Based on the stats I looked up. If you have different numbers then post them and we can discuss.

And how do you feel?
I said how I felt. I think he did an ok job. I liked the DACA effort, I’ve seen reports that border agents felt like their hands were tied which if true I think Obama could have done better on.

But also don’t forget. He tried to do several things that congress either blocked or watered down.

For example

(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday proposed cutting $1 billion from President Barack Obama's $3.7 billion emergency funding request to deal with a surge of some 57,000 undocumented Central American children across the southern border.

Obama on July 8 asked lawmakers to approve $3.7 billion to bolster border security and speed deportation proceedings, but Congress has yet to take action on the request. At a luncheon on Tuesday, Senate Democrats discussed what their response should be.

U.S. Senate Democrats cut $1 billion from Obama border request

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE.

Well, shoot. One third of 435,000 is only 145,000.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.

Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

All the older stats were almost exclusively interior removals.

So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

Sure I can, as your own chart shows, the interior removals of Obama were on a downward trend.

It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people

Tons. 64% of them in 2013 were caught near the border, not removed from the interior.
So what? we are still talking about 100s of thousands of people a year! You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture. He funded the border. He deported illegal immigrants, he focused on criminals, he tried to help children with DACA. He wasn’t a birder Nazi but he also want that bad for a democrat. But most importantly he didn’t invite illegals across the border
Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE.

Well, shoot. One third of 435,000 is only 145,000.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.

Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

All the older stats were almost exclusively interior removals.

So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

Sure I can, as your own chart shows, the interior removals of Obama were on a downward trend.

It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people

Tons. 64% of them in 2013 were caught near the border, not removed from the interior.
So what? we are still talking about 100s of thousands of people a year! You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture. He funded the border. He deported illegal immigrants, he focused on criminals, he tried to help children with DACA. He wasn’t a birder Nazi but he also want that bad for a democrat. But most importantly he didn’t invite illegals across the border

Excuse me? Obama sent them a Hallmark card with DACA , what you forgot we then got swamped with illegal children ???

The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.

Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

All the older stats were almost exclusively interior removals.

So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

Sure I can, as your own chart shows, the interior removals of Obama were on a downward trend.

It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people

Tons. 64% of them in 2013 were caught near the border, not removed from the interior.
So what? we are still talking about 100s of thousands of people a year! You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture. He funded the border. He deported illegal immigrants, he focused on criminals, he tried to help children with DACA. He wasn’t a birder Nazi but he also want that bad for a democrat. But most importantly he didn’t invite illegals across the border

Excuse me? Obama sent them a Hallmark card with DACA , what you forgot we then got swamped with illegal children ???


Daca was for kids who were already here.
Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE.

Well, shoot. One third of 435,000 is only 145,000.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.

Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

All the older stats were almost exclusively interior removals.

So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

Sure I can, as your own chart shows, the interior removals of Obama were on a downward trend.

It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people

Tons. 64% of them in 2013 were caught near the border, not removed from the interior.
So what? we are still talking about 100s of thousands of people a year! You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture. He funded the border. He deported illegal immigrants, he focused on criminals, he tried to help children with DACA. He wasn’t a birder Nazi but he also want that bad for a democrat. But most importantly he didn’t invite illegals across the border

You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture.

In 2013, he said he deported 3 cherries when he only deported 1.
That's the big picture.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.

Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

All the older stats were almost exclusively interior removals.

So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

Sure I can, as your own chart shows, the interior removals of Obama were on a downward trend.

It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people

Tons. 64% of them in 2013 were caught near the border, not removed from the interior.
So what? we are still talking about 100s of thousands of people a year! You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture. He funded the border. He deported illegal immigrants, he focused on criminals, he tried to help children with DACA. He wasn’t a birder Nazi but he also want that bad for a democrat. But most importantly he didn’t invite illegals across the border

Excuse me? Obama sent them a Hallmark card with DACA , what you forgot we then got swamped with illegal children ???

Yeah, I’ve heard the spin narrative. I’m trying to talk facts and reality here.
The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about? What number are you looking for? Obama funded the border, he focused deportations on criminals and crossers, he tried to deal with the undocumented with DACA. He was a democrats so he obviously wasn’t goong to be a border hawk but I honestly don’t know what you are so bitter about.

I’m looking at historical charts and I’m just not seeing this period in our history that had these huge deportations that you think Obama failed to meet. When was this golden era?


The changes in stats started under Bush and Obama deported more than Bush... so what exactly are you complaining about?

I'm pointing out that the claim that Obama was this awesome border enforcer, "Just look at those deportation numbers!" is a lie. Just look at your chart, Obama had fewer interior removals than Bush.
First of all I wouldn’t expect a democrat to be an awesome border enforcer, nor did I ever claim that he was, you just made that up. I said I thought he did an ok job and pointed out what I liked and disliked. Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare. It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people, contrary to your idiotic claim that he invited illegals to come over.

Second, the stats aren’t there to track interior and border deportations from most of Bush and other past admins So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

All the older stats were almost exclusively interior removals.

So you can’t really say one way or another how they compare.

Sure I can, as your own chart shows, the interior removals of Obama were on a downward trend.

It is blarringly obvious that he deported a lot of people

Tons. 64% of them in 2013 were caught near the border, not removed from the interior.
So what? we are still talking about 100s of thousands of people a year! You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture. He funded the border. He deported illegal immigrants, he focused on criminals, he tried to help children with DACA. He wasn’t a birder Nazi but he also want that bad for a democrat. But most importantly he didn’t invite illegals across the border

You’re picking cherries and ignoring the big picture.

In 2013, he said he deported 3 cherries when he only deported 1.
That's the big picture.
The measurement for statistics changed under Bush. Obama simply said what the numbers were. Again, your picking cherries.

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