Bathroom issue makes Republicans look dumb: Transgenderism is Genetic



No, Trannies are more often than not those people with Chromosome syndromes.

What sex do YOU as a society choose for the Hermaphrodite?

Wait, so all tranies are hermaphrodites? :eek:

You can't make this shit up, folks - this is the Hillary voter!
What sex do YOU as a society choose for the Hermaphrodite?

Hermaphorodism is a naturally biological anomoly. Transgenderism is a social phenomenon based on the sexist belief that men and women had different emotions and different roles in society.

Hermaphorodism is a naturally biological anomoly. Transgenderism is a social phenomenon based on the sexist belief that men and women had different emotions and different roles in society.

It is also extremely rare; as you say, an anomaly.

Men and women have very different emotions.
It's ridiculous that Republicons think they can ban people from using the restroom of their choice. A law that has NEVER existed until this past couple years.

When Transgenderism, more than being gay, is proven to be genetic.

There are all sorts of genetic issues, even women (with women genitalia) who have been banned from the Olympics because even though they were born women, they have an XY Chromosome, though you could never tell.

People have XXY chromosomes, people have XYY Chromosomes.

There are women with XY, men with XX, and there are mosaics, whose cells actually have a combination of XY and XX.
Trannies have a MENTAL problem. Chromosome syndromes are PHYSICAL. Get it yet?
Yes, they are insane. We shouldn't let the insane do whatever they want, or encourage their delusions.
Men and women have very different emotions.

That's the argument of the transgender crowd. However, men and women have the same emotions. It is society that treats men and women differently, telling us one or the other emotional condition/reaction is acceptable based on our gender.
Men and women have very different emotions.

That's the argument of the transgender crowd. However, men and women have the same emotions. It is society that treats men and women differently, telling us one or the other emotional condition/reaction is acceptable based on our gender.

Complete nonsense.
Gender Differences in Emotional Response: Inconsistency between Experience and Expressivity
Gender differences in emotional responses: a psychophysiological study. - PubMed - NCBI
It's ridiculous that Republicons think they can ban people from using the restroom of their choice. A law that has NEVER existed until this past couple years.

When Transgenderism, more than being gay, is proven to be genetic.

There are all sorts of genetic issues, even women (with women genitalia) who have been banned from the Olympics because even though they were born women, they have an XY Chromosome, though you could never tell.

People have XXY chromosomes, people have XYY Chromosomes.

There are women with XY, men with XX, and there are mosaics, whose cells actually have a combination of XY and XX.

You miss the big picture.

Men who "feel" they are women (and vice versa) and dress as the opposite gender they were born have been using the bathroom of their "choice" without anyone the wiser or bothered by it. By making it a LAW, you've now said to ANY man (or woman) that it is okay for THEM to use whatever bathroom/locker room they feel like. Now Pervy Paul can go into the girls room, claiming "I FEEL LIKE A WOMAN" and have easier access to being pervy and, by law, no one can stop him until he gets caught doing the perv.

Had the fed just shut the hell up and butted out, the problem that didn't exist still wouldn't exist and the law would remain as it was. No one was discriminated against.

Schools need to stop humoring/catering/encouraging CHILDREN that they can "choose" their gender. No, they can't. Are there one offs, people with screwed up xy genes? Yup. And? The 99.7% who do not have any type of gender issue/confusion should not have to accommodate the 0.03% who do.
It's ridiculous that Republicons think they can ban people from using the restroom of their choice.
People have XXY chromosomes, people have XYY Chromosomes.

There are women with XY, men with XX, and there are mosaics, whose cells actually have a combination of XY and XX.

OK, test every boy/man saying they're a girl and vice versa. One hair or cheek swab will do. Don't get bummed though when you find out that 99.9999999999999% of these demented people show up perfectly normal XX females or Xy males.

You ain't gonna win this one pal. Get mentally prepared for it. :itsok: Girls are organizing in schools across the country and suing the BO Administration for sexual harassment imposed upon them by adults "you will undress in front of boys or your education will suffer!" It's over. Kaput. Done. You lost this round by pushing it too far, too quickly.

No matter how many specials on "The Wormhole" you baited Morgan Freeman to do alleging the cheek swab will settle the matter once and for all.

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