Bathroom Wars’ Goal: Humiliate the American Normal Majority

this talks about Totalitarianism. and guess what party is using it now? People better wake up before it's too late.

by John Hayward23 Apr 2016

23 Apr, 2016 23 Apr, 2016
Welcome to life in totalitarian America, where even going to the bathroom and identifying the sex of an adult have now become intensely political acts.
Totalitarianism is about the politicization of everything, and once people’s careers can be destroyed by the New Bathroom Order if they publicly object to the once-bizarre idea of men in the ladies’ room–we’re there. Ask the now-unemployed Curt Schilling.

Totalitarianism is about using force to gain political goals. You can’t get more coercive than forcing the vast majority of people to endorse the utterly bizarre just to accommodate the allegedly hurt feelings of an almost undetectably small percentage of the population. So for the sake of each transgendered person’s hurt feelings, two thousand ordinary folk must be forced to ignore what their eyes and hearts tell them … and be publicly slandered as quasi-racist bigots if they murmur any objection.

Moreover, Americans have already solved the problem: They just politely ignore the fact that public bathrooms are quietly used by transsexuals–both those who look like the other sex and those who really don’t look like the other sex. That decent-minded, live-and-let-live compromise means Americans don’t have to pretend that men are women, and they can call the police if they feel threatened, for example, when a transsexual wants to use a changing room in a school.

But the progressives’ hostility to Americans’ civic compromises was always an element of the gay marriage crusade, as well. It was clear that the amount of coercive force unleashed upon society to make gay marriage work was far, far greater than the coercion necessary to allow civil unions to quietly operate alongside normal marriage. Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, we went from soft-focus “Love Wins” to the nation’s judges’ gaveling out legal threats: “Bake that cake, or lose your entire business.”

As my old colleague Erick Erickson put it, “You Will Be Made to Care” amid an ever-increasing level of coercion, strife, and bitterness. You will now be made to care about men who claim they “identify” as women, while pushing their way past you and into public restrooms that were once the preserve of wives, mothers, girlfriends, and daughters.

It’s going to take a great deal of money, manpower, and regulation to get the New Bathroom Order up and running.

Remodeling public restroom facilities to create more individual, lockable, unisex rooms is one way to reduce the new humiliation, but it would be very expensive.

We’ll probably need some kind of Ministry of the Crapper, where bureaucrats and judges can separate perverts and goofballs and award official-transgender permits to “authentic” transgendered and gender-confused individuals. A great deal of taxpayer money will be spent, and many new rules will be written by many well-paid functionaries. So what’s not to like, for those of a totalitarian bent?

Better still–for the totalitarians–the level of animosity in society will keep growing, as well. A populace stressed out by paranoia and angry accusations of bigotry will be less likely to cooperate, compete, and live in harmony. Instead of local civic cooperation, they’ll resort to government and police when they have to deal with the next dispute that once could be resolved quietly by a healthy civic society. The politicization of everything naturally leads to the enforcement of everything. Debates become bitter because the stakes are higher, and we cannot simply agree to disagree.

Dr. Theodore Dalrymple made this point in a 2005 interview when he described political correctness as “communism writ small.” ( you can read that at: FrontPage Magazine - Our Culture, What’s Left Of It)

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better,” Dalrymple said, adding:

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

ALL of it here:
Bathroom Wars' Goal: Humiliate the American Normal Majority

Yo, this falls under State Law, not Federal, Congress passed no Laws concerning Faggots! When, and if they do? I will work hard to Vote every Republican out of office, period! These little sissies in Congress, they need to find some Balls, don`t care where, but better do it fast! They need to tell the ""Immoral Democrats"" that they are the minorities, not the majority!!! So, this new Leader in Congress, stop acting like John Boehner, and find some Balls, unless you are a Faggot?

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Totalitarianism is about using force to gain political goals.

Actually, it is not.

Totalitarianism (TT) is a form of government that permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government. In the broadest sense, totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. Totalitarianism is often distinguished from dictatorship, despotism, or tyranny by its supplanting of all political institutions with new ones and its sweeping away of all legal, social, and political traditions.

Notice the key traits, all of which must be present:
  1. Implemented by a strong central government organization
  2. Subordinates all aspects of an individual's life to the government's authority
  3. Replaces existing political institutions with new ones
  4. Discards legal, social and political customs
It's bad enough that John Hayward doesn't know what TT is. That he relies on the odds his readers don't know what it is and is not, beyond it being something we as a nation don't want, is worse. That you are among that readership and failed to validate whether the man's opening premise -- that TT is in play in the "bathroom" legislation is worst of all. Why? Because in abdicating your responsibility to "trust but verify," you've also opened yourself up to be cowed into someone else's line of thinking.

  1. Implemented by a strong central government organization
  2. Subordinates all aspects of an individual's life to the government's authority
  3. Replaces existing political institutions with new ones
  4. Discards legal, social and political customs
If you don't see how that is taking shape here now? I don't know what to tell ya because you are asleep....

Please corroborate your remarks with something credible that illustrates anything the federal government has done that constitutes all four of the key elements of TT. Heck, on the "bathroom issue," the federal government has passed no laws at all.

I will be glad to do so....

#1 Implemented by a strong central government organization

Arizona attempted to implement strong illegal immigration restrictions but the federal "gubermint" whose authority is only within the confines of the city/state that is the District Of Columbia said that illegals coming over the border is a federal issue....really? Do tell? Seems that the federal gubermint is flexing it's puny muscles.
Next we have the BLM going, a federal agency declaring that certain land that has already been paid for no longer belongs to them...and this bullshit goes back to the 1980's where the BLM and the banks colluded to steal valuable farm land that could be sold to massive corporations that USA.INC owns majority stock in. A SCOTUS ruling in 1992 ruled that this corporate entity had indeed stolen and defrauded the farmers and even to this day the settlement for everyone involved in the class action lawsuit has been delayed due to protocols enacted by lawyers that work on behalf of this corporate entity.

#2 Subordinates all aspects of an individual's life to the government's authority.

We are not under natural law or "Law of the Land" but we are under admiralty law because America is actually a corporate entity thus no real laws are passed but rather acts, statutes and codes because corporations cannot pass laws. Under the UCC, they tell with other corporate entities which is your ALL-CAPS strawman that was created with your birth certificate that was printed on bond paper due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 that made every U.S citizen (Not an American sovereign) surety on the debt to secure funding from the international bankers so that the alleged 19 essential services required by a gubermint could be funded and it is a "for profit venture". There are over 800,000 acts, statutes and codes all designed to generate revenue for this corporate entity. Since 1980, there has been a 600 percent rise in revenue for composite "gubermint" in the means of traffic tickets and other fees and court costs associated with the corporate entity of any state, county, city or town. Our e-mails, internet searches, anything written on social media, text and phone calls are tracked and compressed into data with the 80 Fusion centers placed strategically all over USA.INC...that compressed data is then sent to the massive NSA center in Utah that assigns what they call a "threat matrix" this one of our sheeple...or do we have a potential dissident that does not approve or appreciate the policies of this corporate entity??? Maybe we need to keep an eye on him and place him or her under a "Must watch List"....seems pretty "authoritive" to me......

Replaces existing political institutions with new ones:

Both political parties have been co-opted by communists and neocons and they both work hand in hand...that one was easy to explain.

Discards legal, social and political customs: I REALLY need to explain this one???? If I have to do that? You are obviously too fucking stupid to grasp what I have posted. JFK gave a great speech about this very topic and if you can't see how that has happened? Why and the fuck would I waste my time trying to explain it to you?

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?


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Totalitarianism is about using force to gain political goals.

Actually, it is not.

Totalitarianism (TT) is a form of government that permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government. In the broadest sense, totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. Totalitarianism is often distinguished from dictatorship, despotism, or tyranny by its supplanting of all political institutions with new ones and its sweeping away of all legal, social, and political traditions.

Notice the key traits, all of which must be present:
  1. Implemented by a strong central government organization
  2. Subordinates all aspects of an individual's life to the government's authority
  3. Replaces existing political institutions with new ones
  4. Discards legal, social and political customs
It's bad enough that John Hayward doesn't know what TT is. That he relies on the odds his readers don't know what it is and is not, beyond it being something we as a nation don't want, is worse. That you are among that readership and failed to validate whether the man's opening premise -- that TT is in play in the "bathroom" legislation is worst of all. Why? Because in abdicating your responsibility to "trust but verify," you've also opened yourself up to be cowed into someone else's line of thinking.

  1. Implemented by a strong central government organization
  2. Subordinates all aspects of an individual's life to the government's authority
  3. Replaces existing political institutions with new ones
  4. Discards legal, social and political customs
If you don't see how that is taking shape here now? I don't know what to tell ya because you are asleep....

Please corroborate your remarks with something credible that illustrates anything the federal government has done that constitutes all four of the key elements of TT. Heck, on the "bathroom issue," the federal government has passed no laws at all.

I will be glad to do so....

#1 Implemented by a strong central government organization

Arizona attempted to implement strong illegal immigration restrictions but the federal "gubermint" whose authority is only within the confines of the city/state that is the District Of Columbia said that illegals coming over the border is a federal issue....really? Do tell? Seems that the federal gubermint is flexing it's puny muscles.

Next we have the BLM going, a federal agency declaring that certain land that has already been paid for no longer belongs to them...and this bullshit goes back to the 1980's where the BLM and the banks colluded to steal valuable farm land that could be sold to massive corporations that USA.INC owns majority stock in. A SCOTUS ruling in 1992 ruled that this corporate entity had indeed stolen and defrauded the farmers and even to this day the settlement for everyone involved in the class action lawsuit has been delayed due to protocols enacted by lawyers that work on behalf of this corporate entity.

#2 Subordinates all aspects of an individual's life to the government's authority.

We are not under natural law or "Law of the Land" but we are under admiralty law because America is actually a corporate entity thus no real laws are passed but rather acts, statutes and codes because corporations cannot pass laws. Under the UCC, they tell with other corporate entities which is your ALL-CAPS strawman that was created with your birth certificate that was printed on bond paper due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 that made every U.S citizen (Not an American sovereign) surety on the debt to secure funding from the international bankers so that the alleged 19 essential services required by a gubermint could be funded and it is a "for profit venture". There are over 800,000 acts, statutes and codes all designed to generate revenue for this corporate entity. Since 1980, there has been a 600 percent rise in revenue for composite "gubermint" in the means of traffic tickets and other fees and court costs associated with the corporate entity of any state, county, city or town. Our e-mails, internet searches, anything written on social media, text and phone calls are tracked and compressed into data with the 80 Fusion centers placed strategically all over USA.INC...that compressed data is then sent to the massive NSA center in Utah that assigns what they call a "threat matrix" this one of our sheeple...or do we have a potential dissident that does not approve or appreciate the policies of this corporate entity??? Maybe we need to keep an eye on him and place him or her under a "Must watch List"....seems pretty "authoritive" to me......

Replaces existing political institutions with new ones:

Both political parties have been co-opted by communists and neocons and they both work hand in hand...that one was easy to explain.

Discards legal, social and political customs: I REALLY need to explain this one???? If I have to do that? You are obviously too fucking stupid to grasp what I have posted. JFK gave a great speech about this very topic and if you can't see how that has happened? Why and the fuck would I waste my time trying to explain it to you?

References please.

This contradicts your points re: #1. Either the U.S. is not a corporate entity or it is. If the U.S. is a corporate entity, then your remarks in #1 do not apply for the "rules" you note there are corporate ones not governmental ones. Again, TT requires that the entity "running things" be a national government, not a national corporation.

I'm willing to take on the counterargument to your argument(s), but your argument must be consistent throughout. You don't get to have your cake -- the U.S. federal government is a government -- and eat it too -- the U.S. federal government is a corporation.

To have a complete argument, yes, you do. I cannot read your mind, nor will I try to.

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?



Truly, one more in a long line of inconsistencies, and ironies of which the Left is guilty.....

They need an unimpeded federal government to protect all the poor, helpless minority victims from the nasty, mean, hateful, violent white Christian majority....but they are fine with sending out little girls into the rest room alone with mentally imbalanced troglodytes.

Liberals should allowed to attain political power in any civilized society.

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?



You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money? The result will be you have more private bathrooms, not simply one gender specific bathroom. The cost of this will impact McDonalds, Burger King, businesses like that, together with a higher minimum wage, lawsuits, and such, the Democrats will either drive them out of business or make a Big Mac cost 10$.

Democrats are all about destroying the USA, nothing more.
When 2-3 percent of the population can turn an entire country upside-down with their odd sexual proclivities, it is a problem that needs to be dealt with by that population in the strongest terms possible.

Either stand up or kneel, but do something other than wait, and make it clear.
Standing on the head is voluntary...

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?



Truly, one more in a long line of inconsistencies, and ironies of which the Left is guilty.....

They need an unimpeded federal government to protect all the poor, helpless minority victims from the nasty, mean, hateful, violent white Christian majority....but they are fine with sending out little girls into the rest room alone with mentally imbalanced troglodytes.

Liberals should allowed to attain political power in any civilized society.

Yeah, if you haven't seen a tranny in yer public terlet as of yet, you never will, they are not the type you fantasize about for propaganda purposes..

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?



The only result will be more toilet seats that have pee all over them.

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?



You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money? The result will be you have more private bathrooms, not simply one gender specific bathroom. The cost of this will impact McDonalds, Burger King, businesses like that, together with a higher minimum wage, lawsuits, and such, the Democrats will either drive them out of business or make a Big Mac cost 10$.

Democrats are all about destroying the USA, nothing more.

"You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money?"

Actually, it's not that at all.
The Left is all about eliminating any associations with morality, spirituality, values, or any view that that humans are any different from lower forms of life.

And, in general, Leftists are a lower form...atavistic at best. on demand (supported by abortion), unisex bathrooms, etc., are all part of their worldview.

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?



You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money? The result will be you have more private bathrooms, not simply one gender specific bathroom. The cost of this will impact McDonalds, Burger King, businesses like that, together with a higher minimum wage, lawsuits, and such, the Democrats will either drive them out of business or make a Big Mac cost 10$.

Democrats are all about destroying the USA, nothing more.

"You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money?"

Actually, it's not that at all.
The Left is all about eliminating any associations with morality, spirituality, values, or any view that that humans are any different from lower forms of life.

And, in general, Leftists are a lower form...atavistic at best. on demand (supported by abortion), unisex bathrooms, etc., are all part of their worldview.

Damn, for a supposed Jesuit, you sure have a lot of mental masturbation conflicts...
this talks about Totalitarianism. and guess what party is using it now? People better wake up before it's too late.

by John Hayward23 Apr 2016

23 Apr, 2016 23 Apr, 2016
Welcome to life in totalitarian America, where even going to the bathroom and identifying the sex of an adult have now become intensely political acts.
Totalitarianism is about the politicization of everything, and once people’s careers can be destroyed by the New Bathroom Order if they publicly object to the once-bizarre idea of men in the ladies’ room–we’re there. Ask the now-unemployed Curt Schilling.

Totalitarianism is about using force to gain political goals. You can’t get more coercive than forcing the vast majority of people to endorse the utterly bizarre just to accommodate the allegedly hurt feelings of an almost undetectably small percentage of the population. So for the sake of each transgendered person’s hurt feelings, two thousand ordinary folk must be forced to ignore what their eyes and hearts tell them … and be publicly slandered as quasi-racist bigots if they murmur any objection.

Moreover, Americans have already solved the problem: They just politely ignore the fact that public bathrooms are quietly used by transsexuals–both those who look like the other sex and those who really don’t look like the other sex. That decent-minded, live-and-let-live compromise means Americans don’t have to pretend that men are women, and they can call the police if they feel threatened, for example, when a transsexual wants to use a changing room in a school.

But the progressives’ hostility to Americans’ civic compromises was always an element of the gay marriage crusade, as well. It was clear that the amount of coercive force unleashed upon society to make gay marriage work was far, far greater than the coercion necessary to allow civil unions to quietly operate alongside normal marriage. Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, we went from soft-focus “Love Wins” to the nation’s judges’ gaveling out legal threats: “Bake that cake, or lose your entire business.”

As my old colleague Erick Erickson put it, “You Will Be Made to Care” amid an ever-increasing level of coercion, strife, and bitterness. You will now be made to care about men who claim they “identify” as women, while pushing their way past you and into public restrooms that were once the preserve of wives, mothers, girlfriends, and daughters.

It’s going to take a great deal of money, manpower, and regulation to get the New Bathroom Order up and running.

Remodeling public restroom facilities to create more individual, lockable, unisex rooms is one way to reduce the new humiliation, but it would be very expensive.

We’ll probably need some kind of Ministry of the Crapper, where bureaucrats and judges can separate perverts and goofballs and award official-transgender permits to “authentic” transgendered and gender-confused individuals. A great deal of taxpayer money will be spent, and many new rules will be written by many well-paid functionaries. So what’s not to like, for those of a totalitarian bent?

Better still–for the totalitarians–the level of animosity in society will keep growing, as well. A populace stressed out by paranoia and angry accusations of bigotry will be less likely to cooperate, compete, and live in harmony. Instead of local civic cooperation, they’ll resort to government and police when they have to deal with the next dispute that once could be resolved quietly by a healthy civic society. The politicization of everything naturally leads to the enforcement of everything. Debates become bitter because the stakes are higher, and we cannot simply agree to disagree.

Dr. Theodore Dalrymple made this point in a 2005 interview when he described political correctness as “communism writ small.” ( you can read that at: FrontPage Magazine - Our Culture, What’s Left Of It)

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better,” Dalrymple said, adding:

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

ALL of it here:
Bathroom Wars' Goal: Humiliate the American Normal Majority
The thread premise is true idiocy – no one is advocating for ‘totalitarianism.’

And it is conservatives who, for the most part, are hostile to compromise, not ‘progressives.’

Seeking to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law is yet another example of the fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty common to most on the right, the right’s propensity for authoritarianism, and the desire of most conservatives to compel conformity.

Indeed, ‘bathroom wars’ is about conservatives seeking to humiliate transgender Americans in a moronic effort to get them to ‘stop being transgender,’ to force them back into the shadows of society, so that the ‘normal majority’ is not made to feel uncomfortable.

In fact, the notion of ‘normal majority’ illustrates the bigotry common to most on the right, and their unwarranted fear of transgender Americans.

I'm thinkin' that making all bathrooms unisex across the country might be a good thing.

1. We only have to have one type bathroom instead of two in schools, public buildings, etc... thereby cutting costs on construction.

2. When some culture not familiar to the United States culture demands that they require separate toilet facilities from the infidels they can be told 'NO assimilate' because we don't cater to religious preferences.

Isn't being enlightened and progressive fun?



You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money? The result will be you have more private bathrooms, not simply one gender specific bathroom. The cost of this will impact McDonalds, Burger King, businesses like that, together with a higher minimum wage, lawsuits, and such, the Democrats will either drive them out of business or make a Big Mac cost 10$.

Democrats are all about destroying the USA, nothing more.

"You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money?"

Actually, it's not that at all.
The Left is all about eliminating any associations with morality, spirituality, values, or any view that that humans are any different from lower forms of life.

And, in general, Leftists are a lower form...atavistic at best. on demand (supported by abortion), unisex bathrooms, etc., are all part of their worldview.

Damn, for a supposed Jesuit, you sure have a lot of mental masturbation conflicts...

"....for a supposed Jesuit,..."

Back that up, low-life.
We have gotten to the point that one side of the political spectrum equates 'bathroom' etiquette with 'totalitarianism'. If you want the definition of needing to be offended by something and needing a demon to oppose, look no further.

The right wing in the US is in desperate need of intense education on socialism, fascism, democracy, totalitarianism, tyranny, mortal threat, and arm flailing the sky is falling chicken little panic lunacy. Jesus H Chrysler.
The thread premise is true idiocy – no one is advocating for ‘totalitarianism.’

No it's not.

And it is conservatives who, for the most part, are hostile to compromise, not ‘progressives.

Tell that to the six or seven sovereign governments that the current progressive president has bombed out of existence without Congressional approval much less a Declaration Of War.’

Seeking to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law is yet another example of the fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty common to most on the right, the right’s propensity for authoritarianism, and the desire of most conservatives to compel conformity.

If social justice was truly what the progressives were after then marriage is for 'all mature willing companions' and not just their special minority group. Anything less is bigotry on the progressive liberal part.

Indeed, ‘bathroom wars’ is about conservatives seeking to humiliate transgender Americans in a moronic effort to get them to ‘stop being transgender,’ to force them back into the shadows of society, so that the ‘normal majority’ is not made to feel uncomfortable.

The only thing I'm seeing here is an attempt to humiliate the biologically equipped females of society by forcing them to share a bathroom with someone who has a penis.

In fact, the notion of ‘normal majority’ illustrates the bigotry common to most on the right, and their unwarranted fear of transgender Americans.

There's nothing hard to understand about the concept of people with penises using the men's room and people with vaginas using the women's room.



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Anyone remember (many moons ago) , when business were required to build extra bathrooms for women because of the Difference between the two sexes? now it's back to bickering over transvestites (must be what 100 of them or something) using THE WOMENS bathrooms.. this whole thing is pathetic and people better wake up to why they are using this against them
You think eliminating stand-up urinals will save money? The result will be you have more private bathrooms, not simply one gender specific bathroom. The cost of this will impact McDonalds, Burger King, businesses like that, together with a higher minimum wage, lawsuits, and such, the Democrats will either drive them out of business or make a Big Mac cost 10$.

Democrats are all about destroying the USA, nothing more.

Businesses can just install more stalls with a common sink area.

The only result will be more toilet seats that have pee all over them.

Then we'll all be equal.





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I have to think that the people who are "on" about whether one has a penis or a vagina using the bathroom that corresponds to their genitalia haven't a clue.

If you are among them, please explain what about the folks below makes you think the males pictured should saunter into the ladies room and the females should trundle into the men's.






Every person pictured above is a transsexual. Some are pre-op. Some are post-op.


I don't know about you, but if I walked into a men's room and saw any of pictured pre-sex reassignment surgery (pre-op) males in there, I'd think, "You've gotten into the wrong restroom." If I were in a smug mood, I might think or say, "I think you left your white cane in the stall." Now would I give a damn even as I thought that? Hell no! The reason I went into the restroom would be more important to me than would be their presence there.

But more importantly, I do not see any reason why females of any stripe would find it offensive to encounter the M-->F pre-op transsexuals shown above in the ladies room. Similarly, I don't see any reason why males of any stripe would be put off by encountering the F-->M pre-op transsexuals above in the men's room. Even the ones who are post-op and who haven't had their birth certificate changed have no business being made to use the facilities that are on their birth certificate.

The matter is really quite simple. If a person looks like a man, they should use the men's room. If a person looks like a woman, they should use the ladies' room. That approach has worked for everyone for years. It is absurd that states are passing laws that make that not be the case. Even more preposterous are the wild justifications that folks have invented for why those laws are necessary. The reasons are tantamount to children's fears of the Boogey Man. Then again, I suspect a large share of the folks who imagine all the fantastical "what ifs" the new laws ostensibly protect against literally believe all sorts of things that are even more far fetched.

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The Left is all about eliminating any associations with morality, spirituality, values, or any view that that humans are any different from lower forms of life.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. On the "bathroom issue," non-conservatives are all about allowing one to do as one sees fit, but do it with regard to oneself, and don't force someone else to do it too.
  • Left: If you look like a woman, use the ladies' room. If you look like a man, use the men's room.
    Right: If you look like a woman, but still have a penis, use the men's room. If you look like a man, but still have a vagina, use the men's room.
The left also recognizes that there are more GOP elected officials who have been arrested for sexual misconduct in a restroom than have trans women (M-->F transsexuals).
How many transsexual women have been arrested for misconduct in the restroom? None.

Given the facts above, I am not inclined to be concerned about GOP elected officials misbehaving in the bathroom nor am I concerned about trans women doing so. I don't think we need laws to deal with either situation.

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