Batteries Not Included (Democracy)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an American elegy inspired by Batteries Not Included.

Signing off,



As humanity made its computer networks very sophisticated and complicated, an alien creature called the 'Xenomorph' wanted to invade Earth and create confusion by inserting Internet-viruses. However, a galactic humanoid warrior named Alas was chasing the Xenomorph and followed it to Earth. When Alas arrived, he realized humans were fascinated by computing 'trophies' such as NASDAQ and Silicon Valley.


Alas tried to corner the Xenomorph in an abandoned warehouse right outside Manhattan (New York, USA). The Xenomorph demanded to know why this 'human race' was so focused on electricity and wires and microchips, and Alas told it that computers made commerce and communication much easier and more efficient for human civilization. The Xenomorph wanted to know why Alas thought it should be banished from Earth, and Alas told it that humans needed ample space and empathy to coordinate its ambitious 'capitalism initiatives.' Who would win this argument?


As Alas continued to wrestle with the Xenomorph, an angel of God named Gabriel decided to descend to Earth and guide the work of U.S. First Lady Melania Trump who was having difficulties fending off the numerous anti-TrumpUSA criticisms as speculations and rumors of her husband's (U.S. President Donald Trump) scandalous sex-accusations flew in the press. Gabriel told First Lady Melania to remain calm and try to deliver messages of cheer and find inspiration and optimism herself by surfing on Facebook (the globally-popular social networking website) and perusing what modern-day consumers cared about (in terms of public bulletin-board access, photo-sharing, and business advertisements!). Gabriel told this to Melania in a dream, and when Melania woke, she felt revitalized and decided to look through Facebook for a good 2 hours(!).


After a very important meeting regarding the successful peace initiative between North Korea and South Korea during the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, President Donald Trump decided to take a breather and rest at the White House. That's when First Lady Melania walked into his private room to talk with him. Melania wanted to know what Donald thought about the scope and reach of capitalism in a modern pedestrian world gauged by consumerism daydreams and shopping habits. Donald told her he thought that commerce/consumerism was making the world somewhat 'obsessed' with computers. Melania agreed but showed Donald some nifty Facebook pages which reflected pedestrian daydreams regarding 'commercial pen-pal activity' on the Internet. Donald admitted that perhaps computers facilitates some needed 'society play.' Melania wanted Donald to carry some of that 'capitalism-idealism' into D.C. (lest America fall far short of the 'vision' of Camelot!).


As Donald thought about what Melania told him, he realized her advice bore much fruit. He decided to commission a special artist to make a portrait/painting of the First Lady, so he could market the painting as a 'token' of modern society-customs based 'political friendship' between the government and the people. "Perhaps the Americans think I'm too disattached from the needs/dreams of everyday people, and maybe this First Lady painting will show them that I'm interested in sharing White House family-sentiments with the public!" The painting was, of course, posted on Facebook and got lots and lots of hits.


Alas knew that the Xenomorph would eye all this activity and try to subvert it. The Xenomorph would realize that all this Melania-Facebook business would lead Americans to dream that consumerism was! Therefore, the Xenomorph resolved to destroy the computing hubs in America (starting with the NSA's special cyber-management division). To intercept the Xenomorph, Alas decided to create a Facebook anti-virus shell-algorithm, as the new Hollywood (USA) sci-fi horror film Alien: Covenant was making a splash and creating discussions about 'modernism paranoia.' Was this to be a values-oriented fairy-tale or a tech-monstrosity omen?




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