Let's Blow Up A Character Attack On Harris

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A jury of his peers found that he rammed his hand up an unwilling woman’s pussy

That’s sexual assault

And in the Access Hollywood tapes he BRAGGED about such behavior

Ok, if they found him guilty of something, they did so based on evidence right? Show me the evidence that he had any physical contact, sexually, with Carroll.

The access Hollywood tape shouldn’t even matter for 2 reasons.

1) it was locker room talk, and and not evidence of any action

2) even if he did grab women like that, Carroll would have to prove he grabbed HER.

You can’t just say “well he SAID this so he DID that”. Justice doesn’t work like that.

Carroll presented zero evidence. No video, no dna, no eye witnesses, no police report. Couldn’t remember what year it allegedly happened.

Preponderance of evidence is the most flimsy form of evidence that can be used to convict. I’m surprised it’s even allowed.
Ok, if they found him guilty of something, they did so based on evidence right? Show me the evidence that he had any physical contact, sexually, with Carroll.

The access Hollywood tape shouldn’t even matter for 2 reasons.

1) it was locker room talk, and and not evidence of any action

2) even if he did grab women like that, Carroll would have to prove he grabbed HER.

You can’t just say “well he SAID this so he DID that”. Justice doesn’t work like that.

Carroll presented zero evidence. No video, no dna, no eye witnesses, no police report. Couldn’t remember what year it allegedly happened.

Preponderance of evidence is the most flimsy form of evidence that can be used to convict. I’m surprised it’s even allowed.
Wow for someone who claims not to be a Trumper you sure defend him fiercely.

People might think you aren’t honest

If you take issue with the verdict, take it up with the jury

They found him guilty of sexual assault
26 women accusing one man of rape is pretty much evidence. 26 different women are not all lying on one guy.

No it’s not..and yes they do.

In our system of justice, an accusation is not guilt. The burden of proof is supposed to be there.

and yes, there are enough people that hate Trump that they would fabricate lies about him

Why don’t these 26 women all file lawsuits?

Perhaps we need to investigate their claims, if they are being truthful then trump drops out, but if they are lying, then they each pay Trump 10 million in defamation or go to prison for 10’years.
But since se was already an assT DA for Alameda County, it did not help here get anywhere. And then there is the matter of people VOTING for her.

She was appointed by Willie, whom she was sleeping with…that’s very suspicious of using sex to advance her career.

Harris was DEPUTY DA in Alameda county. She didn’t become DA of San Fran until 2003
Nope. You've been hoaxed once again.

No.. get interaction with someone 30 years older than her is a matter of public record.

In most normal circumstances, if we see a young woman with a much older man…we call that a “sugar daddy”…and it would seem so in this case as well.
Wow for someone who claims not to be a Trumper you sure defend him fiercely.

People might think you aren’t honest

If you take issue with the verdict, take it up with the jury

They found him guilty of sexual assault

You fuckers can't tell the truth. You don't have it in you. This is why Harris has ZERO chance, because she's just like you.
Nope. He sure is yours though

Nice Projection as normal.

Id think he would be tame compared to what I want.

Id take a Chain Saw to Federal employees. Massive personnel cuts. 4th tier of govt getting the axe, no having to deal with their BS in the real world.

Start with 80k IRS you guys hired
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