Battling the Odds


Apr 1, 2011
What extraordinary measures do you take as an individual for the flu seasons? Do you depend on the flu shots given within the community? Or do you have your own methods?
I do don't flu shots. The worst flu I ever had was after I'd had a flu shot. I keep 'public' contact areas clean and sprayed with, keyboard, door knobs, keys, commode handle and faucets, etc. Keep fresh hand towels in the bathroom. Clean countertops with bleach weekly. Wash my hands after handling money. Take vitamins as always, maybe extra vitamin C, lots of fluids and try to get enough rest . You can't control the behavior of others though, and you have to go living your life in public areas. I try to wash my hands whenever I come back in from visiting or an errand.
We also don't take the flu shots. One year I did take my children to get them, but it didn't seem to make any difference in their tolerance.

We have methods that seem to work, they just aren't the popular ones. :lol:
Wash. Your. Hands. A LOT! And keep your hands away from your face. Best way to avoid getting sick. Also wash things like keyboards, phones, remotes, DOORKNOBS!, light switches, kitchen cabinet knobs, etc.

I was driving home from a viewing waaaay back in 1988 or so. Half hour ride home. At the start I was fine. Half way through swallowed and thought 'hmmm, my throat feels funny'. By the time I got home the Shanghai flu had me. Never had the flu before or since and don't ever want to get it again!
Maintaining good health and avoiding stress, using nutritive supplements that supports immune system and keeping the surroundings clean are the preventive measures to be taken against flu.
Wash. Your. Hands. A LOT! And keep your hands away from your face. Best way to avoid getting sick. Also wash things like keyboards, phones, remotes, DOORKNOBS!, light switches, kitchen cabinet knobs, etc.

I was driving home from a viewing waaaay back in 1988 or so. Half hour ride home. At the start I was fine. Half way through swallowed and thought 'hmmm, my throat feels funny'. By the time I got home the Shanghai flu had me. Never had the flu before or since and don't ever want to get it again!

There seems some seasons that no amount of mere physical cleanliness matters... I don't always wash my hands so much and don't even think about it much because for years my hands had always been in some form of water for the biggest part of my day... I used to be fanatical with lysol and clorox... and still can be during certain times, but not nearly as much. From what I can remember the one year I had been the sickest of my adult life so far has been the one year I got a flu shot that was provided for by the company I worked at then. They had said the only way it was possible for me to get so sick was if I had already been sick without symptoms. ??? I just know it was a most difficult year and one that I could least afford to miss work in. So much of my life, even married, has been about living with the next paycheck already owed... so optimum health always was important, just not always a primary focus.

Maintaining good health and avoiding stress, using nutritive supplements that supports immune system and keeping the surroundings clean are the preventive measures to be taken against flu.

*This* is a biggy. Avoiding stress or becoming better accomplished at self-soothing methods that effectively shed the daily amounts in such a way that they do not linger through the week... Nutritive supplements and such are another big one in our home... Sometimes I hear Eminem's rant "Mom, what's up with you and all these pills." BUT it is also sometimes worth those moments of self-doubt and a mother's worry... :) Happy to have you Mariah. :) I'm kinda new too...
i work during the winter...with the public and their will go thru the entire staff...we generally refer to it as some mystery crud.....last year's was bad.....right when you thought you were over knocked your dick in the dirt again
*lola* I should probably wear hats... I just cannot seem to get used to the feel of them unless it's so cold I HAVE to then I'm distracted from the feel of it.
I smoke heavily.

Hence all those nonsmokers with the flu avoid me.

Smokers with the flu are usually too sick to be out in public.
My mother and her husband are also heavy smokers but they rarely seem to get the flu. They have plenty of days when they don't feel well, but it's most likely depression for them. Smoking does not always mean bad health. It seems to depend on the individual.
Drink a glass orange juice every morning and night and eat chicken noddle soup if I start to feel sick. seems to work as I hardly ever get sick and when I do it is just sniffles.
What extraordinary measures do you take as an individual for the flu seasons? Do you depend on the flu shots given within the community? Or do you have your own methods?

I get my flu shots...and sanitize my hands after touching anything in public. I wash my hands and change my clothes the instant i get home.

I harass anyone coughing or sneezing without covering their fucking mouths!
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Wash. Your. Hands. A LOT! And keep your hands away from your face. Best way to avoid getting sick. Also wash things like keyboards, phones, remotes, DOORKNOBS!, light switches, kitchen cabinet knobs, etc.

I was driving home from a viewing waaaay back in 1988 or so. Half hour ride home. At the start I was fine. Half way through swallowed and thought 'hmmm, my throat feels funny'. By the time I got home the Shanghai flu had me. Never had the flu before or since and don't ever want to get it again!

Girl after my very own heart!!! I love my sanitizing wipes!!
Granny says, "Eat yer vegetables...
Veggies Help Fight Genetic Heart Attack Risk
October 14, 2011 - Study finds healthier eating can turn off the risk gene
A new study finds that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce the danger of heart disease among people at highest risk. Scientists found healthier eating can turn off the risk gene and mitigate the risk of heart attack. Researchers studied a large group of more than 27,000 people whose genetic makeup, or genotype, includes a unique gene associated with an increased risk of heart attack. The scientists wanted to know whether diet could modify this gene variant, known as 9p21.

Co-author and McMaster University epidemiologist Sonia Anand says they found it could. “Among people with the high risk genotype, their risk of heart attack was about 30 percent increased. However, when they consumed a diet high in raw vegetables and fruits, this risk returned to 1.0 or that of someone who doesn’t have the high risk genotype.” The research - one of the largest gene-diet interaction studies ever conducted on heart disease - included people from five ethnicities - European, South Asian, Chinese, Latin American and Arab - who were already taking part in heart studies.

The results, published in the journal PloS Medicine, show that a minimum of two servings a day of raw fruits, vegetables and berries seemed to protect people against the adverse effects of the bad gene. Although, Anand says, more is better. “My advice is to consume as many servings of fruits and or vegetables per day as a way to prevent heart disease, especially if you may have a family history of early disease or a genetic risk factor for heart disease.”

Health officials have long recommended this heart-healthy diet to protect against heart disease and other chronic diseases like stroke and cancer, but Anand says that only a minority of those people act on it. “Perhaps genetic information will motivate a larger section of society to actually make positive behavior changes.” The next step in Anand's research is to study the mechanisms that trigger or silence the gene-diet interaction. A better understanding of how it works could point the way to new treatments for people with genetic heart attack risk.

I take some modest precautions.

When flue season is upon us, I draw up the drawbridge over the moat and order the guards to shoot anyone approaching the compound.

For added measure we burn the bodies of those who were foolish enough to enter the editec compound's parimeter death zones.
I am a clean freak as it is, I am very meticulous about hygiene I always wash my hands and shower several times a day, I do get the flu shot too because I get them free at my job every year.

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