BBC refuses to address black violence in the U.K.

Now fo course...our American media would never,never do anything like that? Right?

'Trevor Phillips has accused the BBC of “whitewashing” crime stories by not addressing the high number of black-on-black stabbings, and warned politicians and police to stop ignoring the links between race and gang violence.'

Former Equality Chief Accuses BBC of ‘Whitewashing’ Black Knife Crime
A few years ago, a BBC exec publically admitted the broadcast organization is Left Wing oriented.

And their inherent bias is further justified by the anti Hate speech laws where every Black could easily be Muslim.

It is safer to avoid criticizing Blacks for fear of violating the anti hate speech laws, I'd guess.
BBC = British Bullshit Corporation

but I guess y'all know that already

Absolutely scum across the and may be even worse scum, than the Deep State Globalists USA.

BBC = British Bullshit Corporation

but I guess y'all know that already

It bugs me when someone tries to look sophisticated by claiming they consume honest and objective news by watching the BBC.

Farking poseuers.
Absolutely scum across the and maybeven worse scum, than the Deep State Globalists USA.

The British government has seemingly made a deal with Islamists to maintain law and order in the U.K. and to do nothing to stop Islamization.

In fact, the Brits aggressively stamp out anti-Islamic protests and anti- Islam leaders like Tommy Robinson.
And let me guess, it's not British blacks, it's "refugees" ?

Several generations of Blacks, Browns and other colors immigrated to the Mother country from their British ruled Colonies. Many of them from Muslim majority countries or countries where Muslim populations are around 50% of the total demographic is considered, iinm.

U.S. or any Western powers involvement of any kind in Muslim countries is used by would-be Islamists to indebt us to the valiant soldier or local friendly government official or War bride or shady businessman or loyal interpreter. They are then able to parlay their service to U.S. or the U.K. or France or etc. in exchange for a Visa to the Western country.

And when even the most devoted and courageous Muslim friend in Iraq or Afghanistan (or in the case of the U.K., the British Army stationed in India and later, Pakistan) comes to the Mother country to live and in a generation or two, their progeny are Jihadis.

That's why I support our forces coming home.
......according to the MSM/blacks there is no black violence/etc--and/or it's not as critical as the racists like the ones in Chicago 2am in the morning -20 below wind chill

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