How To Solve Violence In The US? Remove Democrat Run Cities And Bring Back Asylums


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How To Solve Violence In The US? Remove Democrat Run Cities And Bring Back Asylums

2 Jun 2023 ~~ By Brandon Smith

One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care much about the tragedy itself, they only care about how they can use it for political gain. However, it’s very important to understand that this is not only about removing gun rights for leftists – It’s also about creating a false association in the public consciousness that guns = crime.
That is to say, they want to condition people to believe that once guns are gone, crime and murder will be gone also. But, firearms have been an integral part of American society for hundreds of years, and gun ownership has been present through times of relative peace as well as times of increased violence.
In the case of countries like the UK with incredibly strict gun laws, muggings, rape and homicides have been rising with knife attacks in particular increasing by 80%. While it is technically more difficult to murder a person with a knife, it’s also a lot easier for larger, stronger assailants and gangs to succeed in harming people when those people have no equalizer. Disarmament makes life EASIER for criminals, not harder.
So, if guns are not the catalyst for rising violence, then what is? In reality, the very people who want guns taken from the hands of law abiding Americans are the same people largely responsible for the spike in homicide rates. Imagine that…
In the US, violent crimes and murders are exponentially higher in Democrat run cities, many of them with increased gun control measures. In fact, of the top 30 most violent cities in the US, 27 of them are Democrat controlled. Wherever leftists dominate politically, violence, theft, rape and murder are sure to follow. Anti-gun proponents often try to cite high homicide numbers in certain conservative states like Texas, but the majority of those crimes are actually committed in cities run by leftists.
The truth is, blue cities are dragging red states and the rest of the country down. According to the statistics, in theory, if the public was to replace all Democrat city politicians with conservative leadership murder rates would immediately plunge across the US by virtue of policy.
Well, it’s not necessarily an economic problem as many progressive might suggest. The country was hitting peak prosperity in the 1920s and murder rates were still sky high. On the opposite end, the system was still in depression turmoil in the 1930s to 1940s, but homicide rates plunged. So, what caused violent crime to fall in that era?
The only factor that seems to coincide with this period of relative peace is the sudden increase in psychiatric incarceration from around the 1930s onward.
To be sure, in the past there were some terrible practices involving mental health establishments and it doesn’t do anyone any good to repeat those mistakes. In the early days of psychiatry they caste a wide net that caught a lot of dangerous people, but they also locked up anyone with marginal mental problems as well. This led to abuses.
That said, it’s foolish to dismiss the numbers; asylums worked. They helped to reduce murders dramatically. At least 1% of the human population has psychopathic traits (including lack of empathy) and these people cause at least 30% of all crime in the US. At least 3% of the human population exhibits psychotic tendencies, which means they are prone to abrupt violence without treatment. Something has to be done to address the mentally unstable in our nation. Their odds of recidivism are extremely high, and they will keep committing the same crimes over and over again until they are stopped.
This is the elephant in the room that the political left doesn’t want to talk about. They try to hide it with social justice platitudes and feel-good welfare programs, but these things are clearly useless. Separating dangerous and insane people from the rest of the population is the only sure method for saving lives in the long run and keeping civilization intact.
The solution is simple and two-fold: Get rid of leftist leaders in major cities that set violent repeat offenders free, and bring back mental health facilities to lock up the crazies if necessary. This is the ONLY WAY to stop the avalanche of violent crime that awaits Americans as the next few years unfold.

The current push by the Maoist/Marxist Democrat Deep State Progressive cabal is the greatest act of seditions since the Confederacy started the Civil War.
Maoist/Marxist "Progressives" genuinely believe that human Biology was written in pencil, and they can just change or erase any points that are inconvenient with respect to their agendas.
"Progressives" also believed that allowing an unbalanced, extremist cult to take over our educational(?) system was a great idea.
China has applied the Opium Wars history to attack America in partnership with Mexican Narco Cartels to pour drugs into America to those on the edge or totally needing mental health This has severely compromised the homeless and mentally challenged pummeled by constant brainwashing, severe economic hardship and a dozen other reasons.
Those practicing "Political Correctness" and call it "tolerance", even though the PCs themselves are the most narrow-minded, racist and intolerant people in our society.
I’ve said before that the Maoist/Marxist Democrat left has celebrated mental illness for decades, long before this trans crap became a political wedge.
PC Progressive Liberalism is in itself a mental illness. Every policy position they have exposes it.
Drastic times call for drastic measures....

That is only a subset of a greater issue. Crime is primarily social and socio-economical. It has become a major social issue across the West. Listen and read the posters on here, all stripes and pursuassions share one commonality...anger. People are simply more angry today. Cruel, insensitive and uncaring. People are less free and more angry. There may be multiple such correlations that illiustrate the extent of the problem.
That is only a subset of a greater issue. Crime is primarily social and socio-economical. It has become a major social issue across the West. Listen and read the posters on here, all stripes and pursuassions share one commonality...anger. People are simply more angry today. Cruel, insensitive and uncaring. People are less free and more angry. There may be multiple such correlations that illiustrate the extent of the problem.
whatever you think is the greater issue, or the social and socio-economic problems,

Crime must be dealt with by a strong police force and justice system.

We are not simply more angry, we have good reasons to be angry when we see and live the Democratic party destroying our lives.
whatever you think is the greater issue, or the social and socio-economic problems,

Crime must be dealt with by a strong police force and justice system.

We are not simply more angry, we have good reasons to be angry when we see and live the Democratic party destroying our lives.
Yes, accountability of citizens is important, but not all crime or criminals are created equal. Furthermore, who are the role models for todays youth? Even many of their leaders/authority figures don't seem to care about their country or the Rule of Law, so they figure. "why should I"?
whatever you think is the greater issue, or the social and socio-economic problems,

Crime must be dealt with by a strong police force and justice system.

We are not simply more angry, we have good reasons to be angry when we see and live the Democratic party destroying our lives.
You poh thing all ruined you must be destitute
That is only a subset of a greater issue. Crime is primarily social and socio-economical. It has become a major social issue across the West. Listen and read the posters on here, all stripes and pursuassions share one commonality...anger. People are simply more angry today. Cruel, insensitive and uncaring. People are less free and more angry. There may be multiple such correlations that illiustrate the extent of the problem.
For Christ's Sake: people "share one commonality...anger" because things have gotten so much worse under big-government/socialist/fascist rule.

It's as simple as that. Population? No, it has declined in ALL OF THOSE BIG CITIES. The only significant variable is the degree of (attempted) socialist control. They tax the living Sh*t out of the lower and middle class and bend everyone down to pay for big civil works projects that never get done.
That is only a subset of a greater issue. Crime is primarily social and socio-economical. It has become a major social issue across the West. Listen and read the posters on here, all stripes and pursuassions share one commonality...anger. People are simply more angry today. Cruel, insensitive and uncaring. People are less free and more angry. There may be multiple such correlations that illiustrate the extent of the problem.
then shut up and donate all your cash to the family of a druggie somewhere

How To Solve Violence In The US? Remove Democrat Run Cities And Bring Back Asylums

2 Jun 2023 ~~ By Brandon Smith

One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care much about the tragedy itself, they only care about how they can use it for political gain. However, it’s very important to understand that this is not only about removing gun rights for leftists – It’s also about creating a false association in the public consciousness that guns = crime.
That is to say, they want to condition people to believe that once guns are gone, crime and murder will be gone also. But, firearms have been an integral part of American society for hundreds of years, and gun ownership has been present through times of relative peace as well as times of increased violence.
In the case of countries like the UK with incredibly strict gun laws, muggings, rape and homicides have been rising with knife attacks in particular increasing by 80%. While it is technically more difficult to murder a person with a knife, it’s also a lot easier for larger, stronger assailants and gangs to succeed in harming people when those people have no equalizer. Disarmament makes life EASIER for criminals, not harder.
So, if guns are not the catalyst for rising violence, then what is? In reality, the very people who want guns taken from the hands of law abiding Americans are the same people largely responsible for the spike in homicide rates. Imagine that…
In the US, violent crimes and murders are exponentially higher in Democrat run cities, many of them with increased gun control measures. In fact, of the top 30 most violent cities in the US, 27 of them are Democrat controlled. Wherever leftists dominate politically, violence, theft, rape and murder are sure to follow. Anti-gun proponents often try to cite high homicide numbers in certain conservative states like Texas, but the majority of those crimes are actually committed in cities run by leftists.
The truth is, blue cities are dragging red states and the rest of the country down. According to the statistics, in theory, if the public was to replace all Democrat city politicians with conservative leadership murder rates would immediately plunge across the US by virtue of policy.
Well, it’s not necessarily an economic problem as many progressive might suggest. The country was hitting peak prosperity in the 1920s and murder rates were still sky high. On the opposite end, the system was still in depression turmoil in the 1930s to 1940s, but homicide rates plunged. So, what caused violent crime to fall in that era?
The only factor that seems to coincide with this period of relative peace is the sudden increase in psychiatric incarceration from around the 1930s onward.
To be sure, in the past there were some terrible practices involving mental health establishments and it doesn’t do anyone any good to repeat those mistakes. In the early days of psychiatry they caste a wide net that caught a lot of dangerous people, but they also locked up anyone with marginal mental problems as well. This led to abuses.
That said, it’s foolish to dismiss the numbers; asylums worked. They helped to reduce murders dramatically. At least 1% of the human population has psychopathic traits (including lack of empathy) and these people cause at least 30% of all crime in the US. At least 3% of the human population exhibits psychotic tendencies, which means they are prone to abrupt violence without treatment. Something has to be done to address the mentally unstable in our nation. Their odds of recidivism are extremely high, and they will keep committing the same crimes over and over again until they are stopped.
This is the elephant in the room that the political left doesn’t want to talk about. They try to hide it with social justice platitudes and feel-good welfare programs, but these things are clearly useless. Separating dangerous and insane people from the rest of the population is the only sure method for saving lives in the long run and keeping civilization intact.
The solution is simple and two-fold: Get rid of leftist leaders in major cities that set violent repeat offenders free, and bring back mental health facilities to lock up the crazies if necessary. This is the ONLY WAY to stop the avalanche of violent crime that awaits Americans as the next few years unfold.

The current push by the Maoist/Marxist Democrat Deep State Progressive cabal is the greatest act of seditions since the Confederacy started the Civil War.
Maoist/Marxist "Progressives" genuinely believe that human Biology was written in pencil, and they can just change or erase any points that are inconvenient with respect to their agendas.
"Progressives" also believed that allowing an unbalanced, extremist cult to take over our educational(?) system was a great idea.
China has applied the Opium Wars history to attack America in partnership with Mexican Narco Cartels to pour drugs into America to those on the edge or totally needing mental health This has severely compromised the homeless and mentally challenged pummeled by constant brainwashing, severe economic hardship and a dozen other reasons.
Those practicing "Political Correctness" and call it "tolerance", even though the PCs themselves are the most narrow-minded, racist and intolerant people in our society.
I’ve said before that the Maoist/Marxist Democrat left has celebrated mental illness for decades, long before this trans crap became a political wedge.
PC Progressive Liberalism is in itself a mental illness. Every policy position they have exposes it.

This is hilarious.
One of the strategies I see from the crazy right is always turn an argument around on the people making the argument.

Racism? Just say the Democrats created the KKK. While true, it ignores the FACT that the Deep South Democrats were CONSERVATIVES.

So here we have the right not giving a shit about kids when they're shot in schools, not wanting to find a solution.
Instead they'll tell the people who want gun control, they don't care about the kids. No need to prove this, because they never will be able to, just say it.

Instead you try and use the UK to prove it with "facts".... (I use the term loosely.

So, crime in the UK has been going up by "80%".
What does that mean? If the UK had 10 murders one year, then 18 murders the next year, and the US had 10,000 murders one year and 9,999 murders the next, you'd say the US is in a better place. Because it's murder rate is "going down".
That's be totally dishonest, kind of like talking about the Dems creating the KKK as if the Dems of today are racists because of that.

Firstly your article is from 2011-21. Guess who was in government the WHOLE TIME? Tories, conservatives....

Let's see what it says.

"Offences involving knives or sharp instruments rose by six per cent from 47,388 to 50,019 in England and Wales before the first Covid-19 lockdown was imposed [15]. Of these offences, 44% were for assault with injury or assault with intent to cause serious harm, and 44% were used in robbery "
So, of the 50,000 knife crimes, 44% were for assault. That's 22,000.

The US had 88,000 assaults in 2021 with knives.
22,000*5= 110,000

So, by the looks of things the UK had more knife assaults than the US. Though probably after 13 years of the left wing Labour government this would have been MUCH MUCH LOWER seeing how the right wing Tories made it rise by 80%.
Thing is though, there are 137,000 assaults with handguns. In the UK this will be VERY LOW. So, if we put knife and gun assaults next to each other, the US has about double the number of assaults with a weapon.

Essentially, all of what you've posted has been written in a VERY DISHONEST WAY.
The usual, starches, cholesterol all those modern crops.
Nothing with 7-leaves? C'mon man. ok, ok, I know some of the new strains have 11.

Beans are always good. My grandfather had some that were life sustaining (purple and white seeds). I was a fool when I was young and did not regard those seeds. But for cholesterol, you must be growing the cluckers. Rise and shine at 5:09

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