Be afraid. Be very afraid.

We have a standing rule in my house. You can have a car when you can buy one yourself,get your license yourself and insure it yourself. I have two kids driving age and only one,the responsible one,drives. This is good because the other child likes to party, has ADHD, and has the concentration of a fruit fly.

That's the way it was in my house when I was growing up. My Dad told me there were two things that he did not owe me, i.e., a car and a college education. He said if I wanted these things I would have to get them on my own. Well, I did. I got my driver's license when I was 15 and immediately bought a car, paid the insurance, and tags. I got my college education while I was in the Navy. Seemed to work out ok for me. I had to work my butt off for my first car and I think that is why I treated it so well.

Got the same deal from my parents. I began working as soon as I could. Baby sitting and then a real job. Folks made it clear nobody owed me a living. Graduated age 17 and was told I had two weeks to get a full time job or I'd be out on the street. I got one in a week in a sweat shop and never looked back. Sorry I didn't try to go to college but at the time I wasn't ready for it anyway. I plan on going back as soon as I finish raising my kids and go back to work.
I was just at the department of transportation last Friday, renewing my driver's wasn't due to be renewed until April, but I didn't want to wait till the last minute.
I normally do it online, but I had moved into a different county, so I needed to update my address, plus my photo was over 10 years old because I kept the old I went in and waited about 2 damn hours.
There was a elderly lady there with her daughter, and they were there because the granddaughter was taking her driver's test, after she finally passed her written test, after 3 attempts.
We got to talking....they told me the young lady was 17, and she was excited, but I told them that when my children first got their licenses, I was always a nervous wreck, every time they drove off somewhere. They agreed, they were going to be worrying a lot too.
I am not at all looking forward to when my GD becomes the driving age......I am already making it a huge concern, and she will just turn 13 in June *sigh*
Thats what you get for living in a progressive state...

Congrats to the boy:)
he has a gf now. All his emotional energy is directed at her now.

And that is how it should be, too.

You son is growing up, Baruch.

Well done!

Welcome to the tribe of SILVBERBACKS, chum.

Its kind of lonely and somewhat thankless, too, being a silverback but it does have its charms.
My parents were glad when we got out licenses to drive.

Of course they never let us use either of the cars.

Who says parents are dumb??
Years ago now, but this is the honest truth. My son totaled my car 20 minutes after he got his driver's license.

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