Be an Atheist.

Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

You're probably right. People generally can't be talked into abandoning their religion. Most do it on their own after really studying what the religion is about.
Many people come to their faith through science. And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.

But, hey, it's always amusing when atheists insist they're smarter than people of faith.

That seems to be an article of faith among you.

You are free to believe what you choose. Just don't try to limit me based on your religious beliefs. I personally would be thrilled to have a reason to believe that a god exists. I spent many years believing the same things you probably do, but in depth study of the bible exposed lots of flaws in those beliefs.
Okay. Don't try to limit me based on your beliefs.

For instance, don't vote Democrat.
And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.
Of course. Those are the smart ones. These are the ones that realize you can point at anything and say, "gods did that!". It really means exactly jack shit, outside of their own minds.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

You're dismissed.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

you are a joke - "based no evidence at all"

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World

During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, fear of heretics spreading teachings and opinions that contradicted the Bible dominated the Catholic Church. They persecuted scientists who formed theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more casualties on the side of science.
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.

christians lie as a matter of habit and addiction ... they fear most of all remorse for their history of sins that by doing so would bring to an end their deep and pleasurable entertainment of persecuting and victimizing the innocent.

LOL! What a doofus.
And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.
Of course. Those are the smart ones. These are the ones that realize you can point at anything and say, "gods did that!". It really means exactly jack shit, outside of their own minds.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

You're dismissed.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

you are a joke - "based no evidence at all"

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World

During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, fear of heretics spreading teachings and opinions that contradicted the Bible dominated the Catholic Church. They persecuted scientists who formed theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more casualties on the side of science.
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.

christians lie as a matter of habit and addiction ... they fear most of all remorse for their history of sins that by doing so would bring to an end their deep and pleasurable entertainment of persecuting and victimizing the innocent.

LOL! What a doofus.

LOL! What a doofus.

says the christian entertainer ...


not many of your spaniards are found in the christian bible belt, physically anyway. do you predict the courts will overturn the ban on hoods to make it easier for them and their families ...
And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.
Of course. Those are the smart ones. These are the ones that realize you can point at anything and say, "gods did that!". It really means exactly jack shit, outside of their own minds.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

You're dismissed.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

you are a joke - "based no evidence at all"

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World

During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, fear of heretics spreading teachings and opinions that contradicted the Bible dominated the Catholic Church. They persecuted scientists who formed theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more casualties on the side of science.
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.

christians lie as a matter of habit and addiction ... they fear most of all remorse for their history of sins that by doing so would bring to an end their deep and pleasurable entertainment of persecuting and victimizing the innocent.

LOL! What a doofus.

LOL! What a doofus.

says the christian entertainer ...

View attachment 308620

not many of your spaniards are found in the christian bible belt, physically anyway. do you predict the courts will overturn the ban on hoods to make it easier for them and their families ...
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrats.
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.

That's a bit far fetched, to claim that somehow if we don't believe in what we believe, that magically other people will stop believing what they believe?

First off, if that was true, then why is it that while Christianity is declining in Western Countries, which is Islam growing there? By your logic, as Christianity declines, so should everything else.

Is that what we see? Far from it.

Further, it is impossible to suggest that evil is caused by religion. By that logic, then Atheist countries, of which there have been many, should have zero evil. Is that what we see? No, quite the opposite. Most countries with low religious adherence still have high levels of evil.

Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why?

The same reason why there are endless variations of nearly group in existence. You would think at of every ideology in the world, that "vegetarianism" would be a universal concept, but reality isn't that way. You have some that say killing animals is bad, but eggs are okay. Others that say you can eat fish. Still others you can't even have ice cream, or anything made with milk, because not only can you not eat meat, but you can't eat anything made from an animal.

By your logic, every single group that has ever existed, is all lies.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.

While somewhat amusing, I think you are missing something.... namely that everyone outside the new Jerusalem.... will be evil.

That's like saying, if we reverse prisons, so all the good people were on the inside, and all the bad people were on that outside, that you'd rather be with the rapist, murderers, muggers, assaulters, the liars and abusers, and thieves.

Imagine a prison, where there were no guards, and all the inmates could do whatever they want. Now would you still want to be in that prison, if the prison was larger than the New Jerusalem?

No matter how large it was on the outside of Jerusalem, you are talking about all of the evil and terrible people from thousands of years of human history, all together, to abuse and destroy each other, non-stop for all eternity.

That sound like fun? I don't think so.
I'll take the New Jerusalem over that any day.
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

You're probably right. People generally can't be talked into abandoning their religion. Most do it on their own after really studying what the religion is about.
Many people come to their faith through science. And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.

But, hey, it's always amusing when atheists insist they're smarter than people of faith.

That seems to be an article of faith among you.

You are free to believe what you choose. Just don't try to limit me based on your religious beliefs. I personally would be thrilled to have a reason to believe that a god exists. I spent many years believing the same things you probably do, but in depth study of the bible exposed lots of flaws in those beliefs.
Okay. Don't try to limit me based on your beliefs.

For instance, don't vote Democrat.

That's exactly what I've come to expect from religious nuts.
Of course. Those are the smart ones. These are the ones that realize you can point at anything and say, "gods did that!". It really means exactly jack shit, outside of their own minds.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

You're dismissed.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

you are a joke - "based no evidence at all"

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World

During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, fear of heretics spreading teachings and opinions that contradicted the Bible dominated the Catholic Church. They persecuted scientists who formed theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more casualties on the side of science.
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.

christians lie as a matter of habit and addiction ... they fear most of all remorse for their history of sins that by doing so would bring to an end their deep and pleasurable entertainment of persecuting and victimizing the innocent.

LOL! What a doofus.

LOL! What a doofus.

says the christian entertainer ...

View attachment 308620

not many of your spaniards are found in the christian bible belt, physically anyway. do you predict the courts will overturn the ban on hoods to make it easier for them and their families ...
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrats.
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrat

jokes on you, they are bible belt christians whichever party they chose to infect.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

You're probably right. People generally can't be talked into abandoning their religion. Most do it on their own after really studying what the religion is about.
Many people come to their faith through science. And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.

But, hey, it's always amusing when atheists insist they're smarter than people of faith.

That seems to be an article of faith among you.

You are free to believe what you choose. Just don't try to limit me based on your religious beliefs. I personally would be thrilled to have a reason to believe that a god exists. I spent many years believing the same things you probably do, but in depth study of the bible exposed lots of flaws in those beliefs.
Okay. Don't try to limit me based on your beliefs.

For instance, don't vote Democrat.

That's exactly what I've come to expect from religious nuts.
Really? Democrat plans and policies are designed to limit my freedoms. This is undeniable.

So why is your desire to limit me good and righteous and holy, but my desire to limit you (which claim is based on your bigotry and not on reality) terrible?
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

You're dismissed.
List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

You really think you're smarter than all these people -- based on no evidence at all.

you are a joke - "based no evidence at all"

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World

During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, fear of heretics spreading teachings and opinions that contradicted the Bible dominated the Catholic Church. They persecuted scientists who formed theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more casualties on the side of science.
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.

christians lie as a matter of habit and addiction ... they fear most of all remorse for their history of sins that by doing so would bring to an end their deep and pleasurable entertainment of persecuting and victimizing the innocent.

LOL! What a doofus.

LOL! What a doofus.

says the christian entertainer ...

View attachment 308620

not many of your spaniards are found in the christian bible belt, physically anyway. do you predict the courts will overturn the ban on hoods to make it easier for them and their families ...
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrats.
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrat

jokes on you, they are bible belt christians whichever party they chose to infect.
They aren't motivated by Christianity.

And if you continue to insist they are -- or were, actually; there's next to none of them left -- we'll just go ahead and give atheists credit for the hundred million people killed by Communism.

How 'bout it, Comrade?
You're probably right. People generally can't be talked into abandoning their religion. Most do it on their own after really studying what the religion is about.
Many people come to their faith through science. And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.

But, hey, it's always amusing when atheists insist they're smarter than people of faith.

That seems to be an article of faith among you.

You are free to believe what you choose. Just don't try to limit me based on your religious beliefs. I personally would be thrilled to have a reason to believe that a god exists. I spent many years believing the same things you probably do, but in depth study of the bible exposed lots of flaws in those beliefs.
Okay. Don't try to limit me based on your beliefs.

For instance, don't vote Democrat.

That's exactly what I've come to expect from religious nuts.
Really? Democrat plans and policies are designed to limit my freedoms. This is undeniable.

So why is your desire to limit me good and righteous and holy, but my desire to limit you (which claim is based on your bigotry and not on reality) terrible?

Limit you? How so?
you are a joke - "based no evidence at all"

christians lie as a matter of habit and addiction ... they fear most of all remorse for their history of sins that by doing so would bring to an end their deep and pleasurable entertainment of persecuting and victimizing the innocent.

LOL! What a doofus.

LOL! What a doofus.

says the christian entertainer ...

View attachment 308620

not many of your spaniards are found in the christian bible belt, physically anyway. do you predict the courts will overturn the ban on hoods to make it easier for them and their families ...
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrats.
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrat

jokes on you, they are bible belt christians whichever party they chose to infect.
They aren't motivated by Christianity.

And if you continue to insist they are -- or were, actually; there's next to none of them left -- we'll just go ahead and give atheists credit for the hundred million people killed by Communism.

How 'bout it, Comrade?
How 'bout it, Comrade?

get use to it caveman ...


bernie is going to light it up for you.

LOL! What a doofus.

LOL! What a doofus.

says the christian entertainer ...

View attachment 308620

not many of your spaniards are found in the christian bible belt, physically anyway. do you predict the courts will overturn the ban on hoods to make it easier for them and their families ...
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrats.
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrat

jokes on you, they are bible belt christians whichever party they chose to infect.
They aren't motivated by Christianity.

And if you continue to insist they are -- or were, actually; there's next to none of them left -- we'll just go ahead and give atheists credit for the hundred million people killed by Communism.

How 'bout it, Comrade?
How 'bout it, Comrade?

get use to it caveman ...

View attachment 308651

bernie is going to light it up for you.
Many people come to their faith through science. And many scientists see no dichotomy between their work and their faith.

But, hey, it's always amusing when atheists insist they're smarter than people of faith.

That seems to be an article of faith among you.

You are free to believe what you choose. Just don't try to limit me based on your religious beliefs. I personally would be thrilled to have a reason to believe that a god exists. I spent many years believing the same things you probably do, but in depth study of the bible exposed lots of flaws in those beliefs.
Okay. Don't try to limit me based on your beliefs.

For instance, don't vote Democrat.

That's exactly what I've come to expect from religious nuts.
Really? Democrat plans and policies are designed to limit my freedoms. This is undeniable.

So why is your desire to limit me good and righteous and holy, but my desire to limit you (which claim is based on your bigotry and not on reality) terrible?

Limit you? How so?
Really? Dood.

Democrats want to limit what kind of firearms I can own. Democrats want to limit what kinds of energy I can consume. Democrats want to limit what kinds of media I can consume. Democrats want to limit what opinions I can express.

LOL! What a doofus.

LOL! What a doofus.

says the christian entertainer ...

View attachment 308620

not many of your spaniards are found in the christian bible belt, physically anyway. do you predict the courts will overturn the ban on hoods to make it easier for them and their families ...
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrats.
Those aren't Christians -- those are Democrat

jokes on you, they are bible belt christians whichever party they chose to infect.
They aren't motivated by Christianity.

And if you continue to insist they are -- or were, actually; there's next to none of them left -- we'll just go ahead and give atheists credit for the hundred million people killed by Communism.

How 'bout it, Comrade?
How 'bout it, Comrade?

get use to it caveman ...

View attachment 308651

bernie is going to light it up for you.
Bernie's going to lose. If you want what Bernie wants, move to Cuba. He thinks it's pretty grand there.
Democrats want to limit what kind of firearms I can own.
So do republicans. No rational person wants any and every gun legal.
Democrats want to limit what kinds of energy I can consume.
So do republicans. They support emissions standards and environmental restrictions on where and when you can frack and drill.

Dave, you're like a child. Your thought share truncated, overly general, and read like an embroidered pillow .
Democrats want to limit what kind of firearms I can own.
So do republicans. No rational person wants any and every gun legal.
Democrats want to limit what kinds of energy I can consume.
So do republicans. They support emissions standards and environmental restrictions on where and when you can frack and drill.

Dave, you're like a child. Your thought share truncated, overly general, and read like an embroidered pillow .
Yet again you do not respond to my full post. Good Gaea, they're just words, dood. You don't have to be so afraid of them.

Meanwhile, you're building not-so-impressive strawmen. Is it possible for you to be intellectually honest? The evidence suggests "no".

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