Be an Atheist.

In the end, none of us knows whether a supreme being actually exists. The hundreds of millions of people who have lived all over the world, in all time periods, on all continents, have had their opinions, but ultimately it is all opinion.

In the context of the modern USA, I wonder why the right-wingers are trying so hard to convince people to adopt the atheist position on the existence of a supreme being. It is a gift for an individual of any culture to experience a sense of the sacred and his/her connectedness to life and the universe, as human beings do across the world, but the right-wingers want to destroy this sense for all of us; rob us all of this experience. For what? Power? Money? They take what is essentially a beautiful thing and just wipe their asses with it.
It's an illustration that what you think you know isn't necessarily true...and can't be proven.
Ah yes, the old charlatan's standard: Nothing can be proven, and so nothing can really be known. So try my tonic, it will cure that baldness.

Or, read this holy book, right here... it has ALL the answers...

Dave, don't be so proud of yourself. The fact that nothing can ever be proven with 100% certainty just makes your faith look even dumber -- compared to ideas for which there is overwhelming evidence --considering that we have to do our best with the evidence we have. You haven't elevated your goofy faith to the level of evidence based knowledge. You have just made it look even worse. As you sit there on your quantum mechanical machine and dance and prance for having recited a tired old trick, it should remind you of how useless your faith is outside of your own, addled mind, and how useful well-founded, evidence-based knowledge is.

Or, you could just "pray" your comments to us... heh heh...
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In the end, none of us knows whether a supreme being actually exists. The hundreds of millions of people who have lived all over the world, in all time periods, on all continents, have had their opinions, but ultimately it is all opinion.

You are wrong. Atheists and their scientists are usually wrong. First, the universe, Earth, and everything are here. Second, the life spirit or God's breath is right in front of your nose. Without it, we die and no one can bring you back. The supernatural and the natural existing side-by-side.

In the context of the modern USA, I wonder why the right-wingers are trying so hard to convince people


We just want to tell Nancy it's over and four more years of MAGA.
It's an illustration that what you think you know isn't necessarily true...and can't be proven.
Ah yes, the old charlatan's standard: Nothing can be proven, and so nothing can really be known. So try my tonic, it will cure that baldness.

Or, read this holy book, right here... it has ALL the answers...

Dave, don't be so proud of yourself. The fact that nothing can ever be proven with 100% certainty just makes your faith look even dumber -- compared to ideas for which there is overwhelming evidence --considering that we have to do our best with the evidence we have. You haven't elevated your goofy faith to the level of evidence based knowledge. You have just made it look even worse. As you sit there on your quantum mechanical machine and dance and prance for having recited a tired old trick, it should remind you of how useless your faith is outside of your own, addled mind, and how useful well-founded, evidence-based knowledge is.

Or, you could just "pray" your comments to us... heh heh...
You should really stop putting "am an atheist" on your resumes. It's not an accomplishment deserving accolades.

Ultimately, though, nothing can be known. You can have educated guesses based on observable data. But that's about it.

It's your own faith in science that insists science has all the answers. Why? Because science told you so. Circular logic, that. You should probably stop feeling superior to people of other faiths.

And you sure do hate having your faith challenged.
Ultimately, though, nothing can be known
Haha, yes ya fraud, I know. And the non Sequitur horseshit next, implied line is that your goofy faith therefore can go on the same shelf as evidence based knowledge.

Daveman, you aren't breaking new ground. This is the oldest charlatan/conman trick in the book.
Ultimately, though, nothing can be known
Haha, yes ya fraud, I know. And the non Sequitur horseshit next, implied line is that your goofy faith therefore can go on the same shelf as evidence based knowledge.

Daveman, you aren't breaking new ground. This is the oldest charlatan/conman trick in the book.
I'm sure that fiction comforts your shaky faith.

Look, I love science. I think it's amazing. It's given humanity a great deal of knowledge and practical improvements to life and shown us beautiful and remarkable things.

But there are some questions it cannot definitively answer, such as how the universe came to be, or how life got started. There can be guesses, but that's all they'll ever be. We have no way of observing those events. None.

And if you can't observe an event, all you're left with are guesses. That is the science you put your faith in. You need to go ahead and accept that.

But you won't.

I can admit I may be wrong about God. He simply may not exist.

But you? You cannot admit you may be wrong.

Given all that, who's more open-minded? Who's the zealot?

These questions require more introspection than you're capable of.
But there are some questions it cannot definitively answer, such as how the universe came to be, or how life got started.
You meant to say, it has not answered those questions yet. You have no idea of it can or can't. This is just daveman, a product of the 21st century, squeezing his god of the gaps into 21st century gaps. If it were the year 1750, 1750 daveman would be squeezing his god of the gaps into causes of disease, or why sunlight makes us feel warm. Again, more tired, dusty old charlatan crap.
But there are some questions it cannot definitively answer, such as how the universe came to be, or how life got started.
You meant to say, it has not answered those questions yet. You have no idea of it can or can't. This is just daveman, a product of the 21st century, squeezing his god of the gaps into 21st century gaps. If it were the year 1750, 1750 daveman would be squeezing his god of the gaps into causes of disease, or why sunlight makes us feel warm. Again, more tired, dusty old charlatan crap.
There it is. You have faith your little-g god can solve the mysteries.

But it's time for another thought puzzle (TRIGGER WARNING: THOUGHT):

How can science definitively prove the origin of the universe?
No God. No Reason For You To Exist.

Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
The Laws of Thermodynamics say The Big Bang and Evolution is crap.

But there are some questions it cannot definitively answer, such as how the universe came to be, or how life got started.
You meant to say, it has not answered those questions yet. You have no idea of it can or can't. This is just daveman, a product of the 21st century, squeezing his god of the gaps into 21st century gaps. If it were the year 1750, 1750 daveman would be squeezing his god of the gaps into causes of disease, or why sunlight makes us feel warm. Again, more tired, dusty old charlatan crap.
There it is. You have faith your little-g god can solve the mysteries.

But it's time for another thought puzzle (TRIGGER WARNING: THOUGHT):

How can science definitively prove the origin of the universe?
You have faith your little-g god can solve the mysteries.
No, sorry. No doubt, there are some questions science may never answer. But, for a goober like you to claim to know which scientific questions can or cannot be answered by science is a joke.

Daveman, correcting your silly errors is a full time job.
You have faith your little-g god can solve the mysteries.
No, sorry. No doubt, there are some questions science may never answer. But, for a goober like you to claim to know which scientific questions can or cannot be answered by science is a joke.

Daveman, correcting your silly errors is a full time job.
Why did you edit out the thought experiment, you chickenshit?

Never mind. I answered my own question.
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Then why do you murder indefensible and helpless babies instead of standing up for life?
Why do you pretend to care and then do nothing to help prevent unwanted pregnancies?

Easy answer: you don't actually care. This is about virtue signalling to get the reward your think is promised by sky daddy.

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