Be an Atheist.

Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

How many people have you talked into accepting your faith? Hint: zero
Probably. I'm not a very good witness, I'm afraid, and that's a failing God will discuss with me when I meet Him.

I hope I can meet god when I die. So I can take a shit in his mouth. God supposedly destryyed most of the life on earth just because he was upset with people. If he wasn't in fact a devil, he would have used his godlike powers to destroy only the guilty. Then he decided to save noah and some others. Thereby nullifying his reason for the destruction to begin with. Did he stop the destruction? No.
Ooooh. Edgy.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

You don't know that. And neither do I. I have told people what my views on the subject are. How that may have effected their brainwashing, who knows. It isn't like it is a subject that is worth to keep harping about.
If you talked anyone into abandoning their faith, their faith was paper-thin to begin with.

Faith is BS. KNOWING is far better.
You know nothing of faith.

Let's conduct a little thought experiment.

Prove to me the universe was not created ten minutes ago. Us with our apparent physical age, all our memories, the most distant stars, all the light we see from the universe created in transit, all the physical evidence of the age of Earth and the universe -- created ten minutes ago.

Prove it wasn't.
The non-believing heathens really ARE a sorry bunch, aren't they?
I've been posing this experiment to the "ur beleef in ur Sky Buddy is STOOpid" crowd for years.

I've gotten maybe one response that acknowledged we can't disprove it. The rest just get stupid.
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.

You mentioned just go to hell due to Ezekiel 31:16. What do you think it will be like if the Christians are right?

When it comes to religion, nobody is right. There is supposedly only one god. But every single civilization or tribe that has ever existed had a different idea of what god was or how he worked. If he actually existed, don't you think he would have given everybody the same answer?
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.

You mentioned just go to hell due to Ezekiel 31:16. What do you think it will be like if the Christians are right?

When it comes to religion, nobody is right. There is supposedly only one god. But every single civilization or tribe that has ever existed had a different idea of what god was or how he worked. If he actually existed, don't you think he would have given everybody the same answer?
Proof precludes faith. So when I say you understand nothing of faith, you're doing nothing but proving me right.
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

You don't know that. And neither do I. I have told people what my views on the subject are. How that may have effected their brainwashing, who knows. It isn't like it is a subject that is worth to keep harping about.
If you talked anyone into abandoning their faith, their faith was paper-thin to begin with.

Faith is BS. KNOWING is far better.
You know nothing of faith.

Let's conduct a little thought experiment.

Prove to me the universe was not created ten minutes ago. Us with our apparent physical age, all our memories, the most distant stars, all the light we see from the universe created in transit, all the physical evidence of the age of Earth and the universe -- created ten minutes ago.

Prove it wasn't.

I know everything there is to know about faith. Which is that it isn't KNOWING. Which means that it is BS. Next, if you aren't capable of rational thought, how can you conduct a thought experiment. Next, you want proof that the universe wasn't created 10 minutes ago? Do you remember doing something 15 minutes ago? Only a lunatic would require greater proof than that. Which is appropriate. Because only a lunatic would believe in religion to begin with.
For me, and this is my personal opinion only, this world would be a very sad and lonely place if I wouldn't believe in Something bigger and more Powerful than my mortal body, my physical self.

But I do believe.

So, all is good and well with the world.:2up:

There is only one thing you need to know. Despite how sad and lonely it might make you feel. Which is that if there is any sort of mental weakness others can exploit to gain power over you, they will. And religion is that mental weakness.
For me, and this is my personal opinion only, this world would be a very sad and lonely place if I wouldn't believe in Something bigger and more Powerful than my mortal body, my physical self.

But I do believe.

So, all is good and well with the world.:2up:

There is only one thing you need to know. Despite how sad and lonely it might make you feel. Which is that if there is any sort of mental weakness others can exploit to gain power over you, they will. And religion is that mental weakness.
There's only ONE thing YOU need to know. My belief in God makes me stronger and happier. Can your non-belief do that for you?
For me, and this is my personal opinion only, this world would be a very sad and lonely place if I wouldn't believe in Something bigger and more Powerful than my mortal body, my physical self.

But I do believe.

So, all is good and well with the world.:2up:

There is only one thing you need to know. Despite how sad and lonely it might make you feel. Which is that if there is any sort of mental weakness others can exploit to gain power over you, they will. And religion is that mental weakness.

There's only ONE thing YOU need to know. My belief in God makes me stronger and happier. Can your non-belief do that for you?

There seem to be many things you need to know. One is that to be religious is basically to be a heroin addict. Using your own brain drugs. Heroin addicts feel stronger and hapier when they take their fix. Me, I am happier existing without the need of drugs like that.
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.
who said he's trying to talk peope out of their faith??!!
Nobody. Why are you getting defensive?
....hahahaha--the believers get so defensive and abusive/insulting/jackasses/ etc when anyone tries to DISCUSS religion....USMB member Ding is a perfect example ..they prove they are NOT true believers --just like priests who abuse children
That's nice. Go play.

A completely idiotic response.
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

How many people have you talked into accepting your faith? Hint: zero
Probably. I'm not a very good witness, I'm afraid, and that's a failing God will discuss with me when I meet Him.

I hope I can meet god when I die. So I can take a shit in his mouth. God supposedly destroyed most of the life on earth just because he was upset with people. If he wasn't in fact a devil, he would have used his godlike powers to destroy only the guilty. Then he decided to save noah and some others. Thereby nullifying his reason for the destruction to begin with. Did he stop the destruction? No.

Don't make such educated posts. They hurt the heads of the theist.
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

How many people have you talked into accepting your faith? Hint: zero
Probably. I'm not a very good witness, I'm afraid, and that's a failing God will discuss with me when I meet Him.

I hope I can meet god when I die. So I can take a shit in his mouth. God supposedly destryyed most of the life on earth just because he was upset with people. If he wasn't in fact a devil, he would have used his godlike powers to destroy only the guilty. Then he decided to save noah and some others. Thereby nullifying his reason for the destruction to begin with. Did he stop the destruction? No.
Ooooh. Edgy.

Is that supposed to be an inciteful comment?
God supposedly destroyed most of the life on earth just because he was upset with people. If he wasn't in fact a devil, he would have used his godlike powers to destroy only the guilty. Then he decided to save noah and some others. Thereby nullifying his reason for the destruction to begin with. Did he stop the destruction? No.
Keep in mind we are not an ancient Chinese Dynasty and a few thousand years from the days of the Old Testament. The knowledge of both science and theology have taken great strides since then. Due to the lack of knowledge in both areas, people believed that God sent natural disasters, chose emperors and kings, and sent famines down among the people when He was unhappy with said chosen ruler.

If your understanding of natural disasters has been updated, there is no reason why your knowledge and understanding of God cannot go through that same transformation. For over two thousand years we have known that God is love, that He does not send down disasters, birth defects, etc. Just as simple observation has taught us much about science, using that same skill can teach us equally as much about God and religion.

You might be interested that Rabbis, even centuries ago, have a very different take on the story of the flood than your take on it today.
God supposedly destroyed most of the life on earth just because he was upset with people. If he wasn't in fact a devil, he would have used his godlike powers to destroy only the guilty. Then he decided to save noah and some others. Thereby nullifying his reason for the destruction to begin with. Did he stop the destruction? No.
Keep in mind we are not an ancient Chinese Dynasty and a few thousand years from the days of the Old Testament. The knowledge of both science and theology have taken great strides since then. Due to the lack of knowledge in both areas, people believed that God sent natural disasters, chose emperors and kings, and sent famines down among the people when He was unhappy with said chosen ruler.

If your understanding of natural disasters has been updated, there is no reason why your knowledge and understanding of God cannot go through that same transformation. For over two thousand years we have known that God is love, that He does not send down disasters, birth defects, etc. Just as simple observation has taught us much about science, using that same skill can teach us equally as much about God and religion.

You might be interested that Rabbis, even centuries ago, have a very different take on the story of the flood than your take on it today.

Science, along with myself have PROVEN that religion is just a bunch of superstitious voodoo BS. If religion was wrong from the outset, (Which it is) not all the kings horses and all the kings men can make it right again. As for rabbis, fornicate (you know what I mean) them and the religion they rode in on.
Science, along with myself have PROVEN that religion is just a bunch of superstitious voodoo BS
Science has proven no such thing about religion, and your nearest scientist will be happy to tell you this. However, I would be happy to hear your personal proof.
Last edited:
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

You don't know that. And neither do I. I have told people what my views on the subject are. How that may have effected their brainwashing, who knows. It isn't like it is a subject that is worth to keep harping about.
If you talked anyone into abandoning their faith, their faith was paper-thin to begin with.

Faith is BS. KNOWING is far better.
You know nothing of faith.

Let's conduct a little thought experiment.

Prove to me the universe was not created ten minutes ago. Us with our apparent physical age, all our memories, the most distant stars, all the light we see from the universe created in transit, all the physical evidence of the age of Earth and the universe -- created ten minutes ago.

Prove it wasn't.

I know everything there is to know about faith. Which is that it isn't KNOWING. Which means that it is BS. Next, if you aren't capable of rational thought, how can you conduct a thought experiment. Next, you want proof that the universe wasn't created 10 minutes ago? Do you remember doing something 15 minutes ago? Only a lunatic would require greater proof than that. Which is appropriate. Because only a lunatic would believe in religion to begin with.
NUH UH YOU BIG DOODYHEAD is not a rational response.

You're dismissed.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.
who said he's trying to talk peope out of their faith??!!
Nobody. Why are you getting defensive?
....hahahaha--the believers get so defensive and abusive/insulting/jackasses/ etc when anyone tries to DISCUSS religion....USMB member Ding is a perfect example ..they prove they are NOT true believers --just like priests who abuse children
That's nice. Go play.

A completely idiotic response.
Wait -- what makes you think you deserve anything else?
Why? There are too many reasons to list. But one is that all religion is BS. Worse than that, religion doesn't prevent evil. IT CAUSES IT! Take mohammed. Who is said to have cut many hundreds of people's heads off with a knife. And who was also a pedophile. If christians didn't believe in jesus, muslims might be less prone to believe in mohammed. Also, there was only one jesus. But there are many different kinds of christian. Why? Because it's all BS! Also, would you like to have a wonderful afterlife? Well according to the bible, just go to hell. Don't believe it? Read Ezekiel 31:16.

Also, according to revelations, you would be better off by being evil. Because after the earth is supposedly destroyed, a new earth will be created. Then a new jerusalem will descend out of the sky onto the new earth. This new jerusalem is supposed to be something around 1000 miles per side. Which is pretty large. But considering the many billions of people who are supposed to be in it, maybe not so much. And what is outside the walls of the new jerusalem? All of the evildoers who weren't worthy to go to heaven. So this new jerusalem sounds more like a prison. Though a guilded one. So according to revelations, it would seem that you would be better off being evil. Then you would have the whole rest of the new earth to roam around on.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

How many people have you talked into accepting your faith? Hint: zero
Probably. I'm not a very good witness, I'm afraid, and that's a failing God will discuss with me when I meet Him.

I hope I can meet god when I die. So I can take a shit in his mouth. God supposedly destroyed most of the life on earth just because he was upset with people. If he wasn't in fact a devil, he would have used his godlike powers to destroy only the guilty. Then he decided to save noah and some others. Thereby nullifying his reason for the destruction to begin with. Did he stop the destruction? No.

Don't make such educated posts. They hurt the heads of the theist.
Remember, kids, Catman and overkill are both smarter than all these people.
How many people have you talked into abandoning their faith?

Hint: Zero.

How many people have you talked into accepting your faith? Hint: zero
Probably. I'm not a very good witness, I'm afraid, and that's a failing God will discuss with me when I meet Him.

I hope I can meet god when I die. So I can take a shit in his mouth. God supposedly destryyed most of the life on earth just because he was upset with people. If he wasn't in fact a devil, he would have used his godlike powers to destroy only the guilty. Then he decided to save noah and some others. Thereby nullifying his reason for the destruction to begin with. Did he stop the destruction? No.
Ooooh. Edgy.

Is that supposed to be an inciteful comment?
"Insightful", you oh-so-intelligent atheist.
Prove to me the universe was not created ten minutes ago
Sure, as soon as you explain what would constitute proof of this. Be very specific.
It's a thought experiment. You don't have the tools.

I'll type this slowly. It's an illustration that what you think you know isn't necessarily true...and can't be proven.

Goodness, all the "rational" people sure are uncomfortable having their beliefs challenged, aren't they?

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