Be prepared to defend yourselves against a great evil

Scriptural advise concerning medical treatment and known vaccine to treat a potentially deadly virus: Personally I don't think the government has the constitutional authority to force treatment upon anyone. However......since the decision not to get vaccinated places others in danger when you freely chose to take public advantage of any of the services provided by the government that is tax payer funded you are subject to the rules and laws that governs the use of said service.......and one could be forced to receive treatment/vaccination if one wishes to use these services.

Example: Forced insurance coverage for your automobile............the reason that it's legal and constitutional is because the government has the right to regulate the infrastructures funded by tax payers. You have to provide the protection to make one whole in case of an at fault accident or simply don't use the public highway systems and drive all your want without insurance on personal property.

With my personal opinion out of the way......what do the scriptures have to day about medical treatment.....and your freewill choices? Its one thing to reject treatment for a terminal disease when that disease effects only you, you might decide that the quality of life is more important than the quantity of life in cases like cancer....and certain other disease where the side effects of treatment could be just as bad or worse than the effects of the disease itself. refuse treatment that provides hope for a cure to a known potentially deadly disease is another thing. Its like you are putting God to the test, it would compare to one walking off a cliff with its known danger and requesting God to make sure no harm came to you, that He should protect you from harm because you prayed for protection.

What did the Christ say about putting God to the test? "Then the devil/Satan took Him up into the Holy City, set Him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If you are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written 'He shall give His angels charge over You' and in their hands they shall bear You up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone; Jesus said to him, "It is written again, "You shall not tempt the Lord your God." -- Matt. 4:5-7

Its simply tempting fate by placing God to the test when treatment is readily available. Whose to say that God did inspire man to provide this treatment in answer to the prayers of the righteous? :dunno:
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Sorry. The great Satan beat them to it. Your passport is chipped. If the IRS needs to "talk to you" they can confer with TGS customs and immediately track your ass to within sniper range.

Doesn't work like that.

People are so ignorant of near field communications. I WISH it worked the way you claim, because then I could tag everything in my warehouse with an NFC chip and track it instantly. But you have to pretty much touch the chip to read them, within 10 cm.

RFID is old tech, they don't need to use that anymore. It is cumbersome.

The thinking is the same though. . .

I'm not sure you made any sort of point there.

What you don't grasp is that for bidirectional communications to occur there must be a power source. Nanites don't have one, they are passive by definition. The only way to read them is for them to be within the range of the receiver.
Polio was taken care by having 95% of the population vaccinated. In my lifetime, I remember the my parents taking the whole family to the Community House where we received the require immunizations by law. There were no Karens running around. People just did it and went home and diseases were wiped out. These were "Good Republicans" and "Good Democrats". Time for you to grow the F**k up.

Big difference though.

The polio vaccine is a vaccine. The RNA sequencer for Covid is not a vaccine.

Secondly, and most importantly, the polio vaccine works.
Big difference though.

The polio vaccine is a vaccine. The RNA sequencer for Covid is not a vaccine.

Secondly, and most importantly, the polio vaccine works.
Well. Lemme tell you a story. I work with wild rescue animals and my doc said I should get a series of 4 shots to prevent rabies(just in case.
Hey. He is a Doctor !! Dr. PHD, shit like that. I said yes sir ! Hit it !
Then it began.... and my neck was never the same.
I was laying on the couch a couple days later after that jab and rolled off,broke my neck, and cracked my skull.
Spent 2 hours suffering before it happened....trying to lick my ballz because they were itching.
They don't need vaccine programs to chip anybody; that's just stupid conspiracy rubbish. There are a lot easier ways to do that if they chose to, but then the information overload would impossible to manage effectively. they can't even get traffic signal lights to work in unison all the time, much less effectively manage a 24/7 information feed from 340 million individuals.
They don't need vaccine programs to chip anybody; that's just stupid conspiracy rubbish. There are a lot easier ways to do that if they chose to, but then the information overload would impossible to manage effectively. they can't even get traffic signal lights to work in unison all the time, much less effectively manage a 24/7 information feed from 340 million individuals.

Like I said, people line up and even PAY to be chipped when EvilCorp tells them it's "kewl."


EvilCorp motto: "Satan is an amateur."
They don't need vaccine programs to chip anybody; that's just stupid conspiracy rubbish. There are a lot easier ways to do that if they chose to, but then the information overload would impossible to manage effectively. they can't even get traffic signal lights to work in unison all the time, much less effectively manage a 24/7 information feed from 340 million individuals.
Easy fix. Mandate Farcebook accounts for all, you MUST sign in 3 x a day or $500 penalty for every day you don't.
Wanna Likk your next pResident now ?
Easy fix. Mandate Farcebook accounts for all, you MUST sign in 3 x a day or $500 penalty for every day you don't.
Wanna Likk your next pResident now ?
I think you are already too late.

They are already doing it. Sorry. It's be here soon it's just a matter of time on how much folks are willing to take.

Australia debuts 'Orwellian' new app using facial recognition, geolocation to enforce quarantine​

I think you are already too late.

They are already doing it. Sorry. It's be here soon it's just a matter of time on how much folks are willing to take.

Australia debuts 'Orwellian' new app using facial recognition, geolocation to enforce quarantine​

Australia has kept a pregnant woman locked up in prison for three weeks just for posting on an internet site about an upcoming protest against mandatory mask requirements. Democrat will soon be trying to round up anybody who didn't vote for them or has said anything against their policies, probably before the mid-terms. Pelosi and the AG managed to keep many people away from the recent protest in Washington by threatening attendees with more assassinations by D.C. cops of unarmed protestors. As a reward the Biden crime syndicate has given them a giant discount on nuclear subs.
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the camps are here:

the quarantine camps are hiring

Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants (PS2) – Non-Permanent

$3,294.00 - $4,286.00 Monthly
LocationLewis County – Centralia, WA
Lewis County – Centralia, WA
Job Type
Full Time - Non-Permanent
Dept. of Health

Update 9/20/2021 - 4:45 pm:
The state Isolation and Quarantine facility was created for individuals who are not Washington residents but are traveling in our state and test positive
This recruitment will be used to fill three (3) non-permanent full-time Program Specialist 2 positions located within the Division of Emergency Preparedness & Response.

Duties Include

  • Maintaining the readiness of the facility and equipment which includes ensuring contractors have cleaned the facility adequately. Staff may also be responsible for making beds, doing laundry, and restocking supplies.
  • Providing direct services to guests of the facility to include check-in, purchasing groceries and supplies for the site and guests, distributing microwavable/readymade meals and or sandwich fix and other resources, and ensuring all guests receive excellent customer service.
  • Assisting with inventory of resources: tracking PPE, food, and hygiene supplies. Notifying leadership of the need to order more supplies.
  • Assisting nurses on performing rounds by taking notes.
  • Maintaining facility cleanliness and processing guest laundry.
  • Providing guest transport to and from the facility.
  • Prepping the facility to receive guests, ensuring rooms are stocked and have been properly cleaned.
  • Providing outreach, education, and training to internal and external stakeholders
The time is looming closer to the point where each will have to make choices whether to allow government to force vaccinate you or not.

Sad part is there are preachers and clergy of the world who claim to be evangelicals supporting this abomination. They are not of Christ (anointed) or they would know better. They are doing their part to get out the mark of the beast among those who will take it. The number of a man 666, this is the mark those who do things in my name who are not of "Me".

Jeremiah 14:15 Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

How tragic.
the camps are here:

the quarantine camps are hiring

Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants (PS2) – Non-Permanent

$3,294.00 - $4,286.00 Monthly
LocationLewis County – Centralia, WA
Lewis County – Centralia, WA
Job Type
Full Time - Non-Permanent
Dept. of Health

Update 9/20/2021 - 4:45 pm:
The state Isolation and Quarantine facility was created for individuals who are not Washington residents but are traveling in our state and test positive
This recruitment will be used to fill three (3) non-permanent full-time Program Specialist 2 positions located within the Division of Emergency Preparedness & Response.

Duties Include
  • Maintaining the readiness of the facility and equipment which includes ensuring contractors have cleaned the facility adequately. Staff may also be responsible for making beds, doing laundry, and restocking supplies.
  • Providing direct services to guests of the facility to include check-in, purchasing groceries and supplies for the site and guests, distributing microwavable/readymade meals and or sandwich fix and other resources, and ensuring all guests receive excellent customer service.
  • Assisting with inventory of resources: tracking PPE, food, and hygiene supplies. Notifying leadership of the need to order more supplies.
  • Assisting nurses on performing rounds by taking notes.
  • Maintaining facility cleanliness and processing guest laundry.
  • Providing guest transport to and from the facility.
  • Prepping the facility to receive guests, ensuring rooms are stocked and have been properly cleaned.
  • Providing outreach, education, and training to internal and external stakeholders
"Stakeholders" is simply a term for investors in whatever BS they have in the works. Same term used for their 'programming' people to willingly allow them to jab them with whatever concoction they come up with next.
Scriptural advise concerning medical treatment and known vaccine to treat a potentially deadly virus: Personally I don't think the government has the constitutional authority to force treatment upon anyone. However......since the decision not to get vaccinated places others in danger when you freely chose to take public advantage of any of the services provided by the government that is tax payer funded you are subject to the rules and laws that governs the use of said service.......and one could be forced to receive treatment/vaccination if one wishes to use these services.

Example: Forced insurance coverage for your automobile............the reason that it's legal and constitutional is because the government has the right to regulate the infrastructures funded by tax payers. You have to provide the protection to make one whole in case of an at fault accident or simply don't use the public highway systems and drive all your want without insurance on personal property.

With my personal opinion out of the way......what do the scriptures have to day about medical treatment.....and your freewill choices? Its one thing to reject treatment for a terminal disease when that disease effects only you, you might decide that the quality of life is more important than the quantity of life in cases like cancer....and certain other disease where the side effects of treatment could be just as bad or worse than the effects of the disease itself. refuse treatment that provides hope for a cure to a known potentially deadly disease is another thing. Its like you are putting God to the test, it would compare to one walking off a cliff with its known danger and requesting God to make sure no harm came to you, that He should protect you from harm because you prayed for protection.

What did the Christ say about putting God to the test? "Then the devil/Satan took Him up into the Holy City, set Him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If you are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written 'He shall give His angels charge over You' and in their hands they shall bear You up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone; Jesus said to him, "It is written again, "You shall not tempt the Lord your God." -- Matt. 4:5-7

Its simply tempting fate by placing God to the test when treatment is readily available. Whose to say that God did inspire man to provide this treatment in answer to the prayers of the righteous? :dunno:
You appear to make a lot of presumptions in your post.

Who says that those who refuse to be jabbed with a man made concoction of crap have not already fully researched the matter and do not already fully understand what these jabs are for? They are not for safety of their health as your post appears to try to present? I posted early on as this whole shit show got started because there was something in my spirit very stirred about it all that concerned me. I also told a dear friend back in 2011 that forced medical procedures and posted on here information which is not here any longer about evil coming through the medical venues. This current jab is a medical procedure and it did not qualify as a vaccine per say until vaccine was redefined. A vaccine is suppose to confer immunity; never the less the current crap skyence being put out per the claim of health safety is nothing more than dangerous human experimentation and I have noted that also in this forum many times; and all of those posts are not all available either but many still are. Again, if faced with a choice of any vaccine I personally will do a very hard pass.

Everyone should do their own full research on matters of their own health and come to their own conclusions. If someone desires to put their entire being into the care of someone else without any effort then I suppose whatever comes of that is up to them to deal with. It is the same with one's own spiritual learning. If one is not willing to put in the time and effort to go to the Word and depend on God's holy spirit with them to lead them in the direction they need to go they can eat whatever the beast system is feeding them for that day and they get to be like Esau and can sell their birthright for a tasty meal that satisfies only momentarily.

It comes down to this, if you believe in your heart that the jab is for you go for it (I personally do not recommend that), if you don't believe in being jabbed with these man-made concoctions do not for one minute let anyone coerce you or force you or your family into taking it. This isn't a car or anything comparable to car insurance and perhaps you believe everyone is fool enough to buy into such a ridiculous bit of diatribe but myself and my household and many others do not.

Satan is a liar and a thief and has been such from the beginning. To put one's faith and trust in humankind over God is a great sin and those who are filled with the holy spirit generally understand this; and if they do not they are in for a very rude awakening.

That old serpent.PNG
That old serpent.PNG
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You vax Karen Jesus freaks have quite literally lost your fool minds. :rolleyes-41:
You appear to make a lot of presumptions in your post.

Who says that those who refuse to be jabbed with a man made concoction of crap have not already fully researched the matter and do not already fully understand what these jabs are for? They are not for safety of their health as your post appears to try to present? I posted early on as this whole shit show got started because there was something in my spirit very stirred about it all that concerned me. I also told a dear friend back in 2011 that forced medical procedures and posted on here information which is not here any longer about evil coming through the medical venues. This current jab is a medical procedure and it did not qualify as a vaccine per say until vaccine was redefined. A vaccine is suppose to confer immunity; never the less the current crap skyence being put out per the claim of health safety is nothing more than dangerous human experimentation and I have noted that also in this forum many times; and all of those posts are not all available either but many still are. Again, if faced with a choice of any vaccine I personally will do a very hard pass.

Everyone should do their own full research on matters of their own health and come to their own conclusions. If someone desires to put their entire being into the care of someone else without any effort then I suppose whatever comes of that is up to them to deal with. It is the same with one's own spiritual learning. If one is not willing to put in the time and effort to go to the Word and depend on God's holy spirit with them to lead them in the direction they need to go they can eat whatever the beast system is feeding them for that day and they get to be like Esau and can sell their birthright for a tasty meal that satisfies only momentarily.

It comes down to this, if you believe in your heart that the jab is for you go for it (I personally do not recommend that), if you don't believe in being jabbed with these man-made concoctions do not for one minute let anyone coerce you or force you or your family into taking it. This isn't a car or anything comparable to car insurance and perhaps you believe everyone is fool enough to buy into such a ridiculous bit of diatribe but myself and my household and many others do not.

Satan is a liar and a thief and has been such from the beginning. To put one's faith and trust in humankind over God is a great sin and those who are filled with the holy spirit generally understand this; and if they do not they are in for a very rude awakening.

View attachment 542962View attachment 542962

One of our founding fathers, and signers of the Declaration of Independence, echoed much of the same sentiments that you have here, about both religion, education, and medicine.

Though, the establishment has done much to "debunk," a famous quote he was attributed to have said during the constitutional convention. . . it is pretty much, widely held to be his view, especially when you study his life, and views on religion, education, and slavery.




Start your own local economy til this evil has passed.

I generally don't recommend many of James' podcasts that are over twenty minutes, unless they are investigative documentaries. . . but his most recent one I sat down and watched last night. It was really good, and among the four solutions recommended, yes, this is one of them. Starting you own local economies, is, YES, one of these solutions. There are a few more.

However, it is important to keep in mind the biggest solution of them all. When the petty tyrants and agents of evil want your cooperation? Remember, this isn't about a disease, and you have to just say. . . .


Fighting Vaccine Mandates – #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 09/22/2021
One of our founding fathers, and signers of the Declaration of Independence, echoed much of the same sentiments that you have here, about both religion, education, and medicine.

Though, the establishment has done much to "debunk," a famous quote he was attributed to have said during the constitutional convention. . . it is pretty much, widely held to be his view, especially when you study his life, and views on religion, education, and slavery.




I generally don't recommend many of James' podcasts that are over twenty minutes, unless they are investigative documentaries. . . but his most recent one I sat down and watched last night. It was really good, and among the four solutions recommended, yes, this is one of them. Starting you own local economies, is, YES, one of these solutions. There are a few more.

However, it is important to keep in mind the biggest solution of them all. When the petty tyrants and agents of evil want your cooperation? Remember, this isn't about a disease, and you have to just say. . . .


Fighting Vaccine Mandates – #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 09/22/2021

When I was getting very close to ready to produce at the sand and gravel mine we built I had a bully state employee that was doing every thing possible in his power to keep me from ever getting certified. This guy was so out of his mind pissed at me because I had followed all the legal things required by IDOT. For one the guy was made because I did not take his recommendation and just copy a 'quality control' from another company he wanted me to use- instead I wrote my own following the state requirements to a tee. By then he was outraged because I didn't write some of that wording he wanted in my quality control that could have possibly given him an edge over my business choices. Next he started in on how the specs needed to be just so, so. I looked at our gradation specs from the lab report and told him "Well it says we have to have x amount in each column and it sure looks like all the numbers just fit perfect in this little lab chart done by our certified lab tech. I was sitting in my chair at that point and this guy came over and was standing over the top of me screaming and his face turned all red as the veins looked as they were going to pop on his head. His guy with him literally had to be dragged away from me by that point. Next the guy claimed he had to look at the actual pit and approve of the equipment we were using. (I knew that it was all BS but kept my cool and didn't say anything). He got down to the pit area and started giving Rod crap about my equipment but that was after he stumbled over some big dirt clumps. Rod asked him, "So you believe that you have the right to tell her what equipment she is going to purchase?" The guy angry moved towards Rod. Rod stepped back to be more than an arms length away from the guy and the guy again tripped. At that point Rod told him to get the f' off of the property and do not set foot on it again. Rod did not know at that point the guy had gotten hostile with me. Next morning I got a call from a guy we knew. First thing the guy said was, '***** you can't kick DOT off your property. You have to get along with that guy.' I told him straight back, 'What I cannot afford is to let a bully bully me around or I will be stuck continually being bullied'. That same shitty spirit that is prevalent throughout is what everyone is facing.

Now the crooks did ultimately get me taking out of business but they are assuredly no better off for it; and I have learned a great deal I was previously unaware of. I still wouldn't cow tow to any of those type people ever. If our forefathers had caved we would have never known liberty like we do. People need to just buckle up and be adamant enough to quit going along to get along because if they don't the conditions and corruption will just keep getting worse.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
??? Uh, where are the lies regarding those vaccinations listed? Studies have found that some individuals that are "ultra-religious" are actually suffering from Schizophrenia. Perhaps you should seek some medication.

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