Be ready to pay at least 4% more at the gas pump in a few months because Biden "guarantees to rid fossil fuels"!

Business doesn’t require computers or semiconductors? sod off you arsejack. Obiden is trying to force semiconductors on US soil. They used to have huge gross profit, far more than Oil. Every business tries to max profit (Utilities are or were regulated).
Oh look, you changed the subject.

Your surrender is accepted.

But I ain't gonna buy the T-shirt.
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Oil and gas companies will have to pay more to drill on public lands and satisfy stronger requirements to clean up old or abandoned wells, according to a final rule issued Friday by the Biden administration.
The Interior Department’s rule raises royalty rates for oil drilling by more than one-third, to 16.67%, in accordance with the sweeping 2002 climate law approved by Congress. The previous rate of 12.5% paid by oil and gas companies for federal drilling rights had remained unchanged for a century.
But officials said the proposal would lead to a more responsible leasing process that provides a better return to U.S. taxpayers.

Exclusive: Mexico to cut at least 330,000 bpd of crude exports in May, sources say​

5.05 billion barrels per year imported by USA from Mexico.

Find the video of the presser where Biden and Castro Mayorkas are sitting jubilant saying the population of whites in America is declining and he proclaims whites will soon be a minority in America.

biden lies.jpg
Business doesn’t require computers or semiconductors? sod off you arsejack. Obiden is trying to force semiconductors on US soil. They used to have huge gross profit, far more than Oil. Every business tries to max profit (Utilities are or were regulated). You or Obiden aren’t smart enough to micro manage. Obiden has never worked a real job.
How do computers work? You plug into a wall or a battery that plugs into the wall to recharge the computer.
Where does that electricity come from?
FACT:60% of electricity generated comes from what Biden has guaranteed,
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

Where will nearly 2.5 Trillion kWh annually come from then?
The bleeping imbeciles are even against Natural gas. You can’t make this stuff up! Anything that improves prosperity or comfort must be banned.
No question and therefore Biden saying he expects Iran to attack Israel soon, warns: 'Don't'
Will definitely deter Iran and therefore prevent higher gas prices. One word surely has it's affect!

I wish, but Israel betrayed Eisenhower, LBJ and Reagan. They certainly don't care what Biden says.They are going to do what they want to do.

We should stay out of it and let Israel have their war. The Gulf states, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt aren't going to fight.
You're wrong. OPEC has raised production. Mexico has curbed production... The tension now is the threat of Israel and Iran.

OPEC is far behind where they were prior to COVID.

They increased production this week..but not up to precovid.. Why blame OPEC for following their interests?

I did not blame a damn thing, just pointing out the facts. Do not start being like the partisan drones
The companies didn’t drive up their cost 15x, xiden did

Why are you ignoring that?
Raising the lease on the wells didn't drive their costs up 15%. Those fees are chicken feed to the oil companies.
Raising the lease on the wells didn't drive their costs up 15%. Those fees are chicken feed to the oil companies.
an increase costs for fossil fuel companies by about $1.5 billion between now and 2032.
Do you naively think oil companies will absorb those costs? These costs will be passed on to American consumers directly at the pump and INDIRECTLY from companies that use oil not only as gas which is 20 gallons of the 42 gallons in a barrel of oil... BUT indirectly for the following 6,000 products that use petroleum that would carry this increase in royalties.
an increase costs for fossil fuel companies by about $1.5 billion between now and 2032.
Awesome, they had a $36 billion profit just this year.

that's $166 million a year over the next nine years.

leaving the oil companies $35,834,000.00 a year in profits.

A drop in the bucket, as I've been saying.
Awesome, they had a $36 billion profit just this year.

that's $166 million a year over the next nine years.

leaving the oil companies $35,834,000.00 a year in profits.

A drop in the bucket, as I've been saying.
AGAIN you forget the premise that the oil companies simply pass on this $166 million a year to their customers who will pass on raising their costs to their customers, gas stations, etc. and other products that use oil that WE consumers will play!

So you are a communist is that right? NO capitalism for you.
Makes sense. So if you are employed are you making more than some of the lesser paid employees?
You realize in a socialized anti-capitalism society you are paid exactly the same as someone with lesser education experiences, etc. everyone paid the same.
Explain something to me... Putin the head of a communist state has been projected as a billionaire.
Even though Vladimir Putin officially claims an annual salary of $140,000, the Russian President's reported net worth and lifestyle tell a different tale.
While Putin acknowledges ownership of an 800-square-foot apartment, a trailer, and three cars, persistent rumours suggest a more extravagant reality. Reports suggest that Putin's personal wealth stood at a staggering $200 billion.

Annual Household Income per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1992 to Dec 2023, with an averaged value of 5,703.074 USD.
Indicators percapita#:~:text=Russia%20Annual%20Household%20Income%20per,averaged%20value%20of%205%2C703.074%20USD

The national median household income is $74,580, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau Current Population Survey data for 2022.

So being the communist supporter as you appear, are you telling me you'd prefer an economy that is less than 8% of what a capitalism society provides?

But wait... why would the Russian worker have to pay..
As of January 2021, tax residents pay a 13% tax rate on an annual income of up to 5 million p.
Income above this limit is subject to 15% taxes
Just in case you can't seem to use the internet a "P" is a Russian Ruble which converting 5 million Rubles equals
$53,600 or the equavalent of almost $7,000 in Russian taxes.
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