Did this dummy who said:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” consider this when he "guaranteed" the following?

I didnt start the thread. Someone else is worried about Brown Outs that are not occuring. Not me. I say let's get all the EVs we can! The more the merrier. There is no brown out or black out problem currently. And if there are, it will be someone else's problem.
I love technology. I am all for EV's all over the place. Anywhere and everywhere possible.

I just don't want the goobermint involved. If there's a way to fuck something up, the goobermint will find it.

Every time
We had many opportunities. We could have even hardened the grid from an EMP. We wasted trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars over the years and last few decades. And when the time everything is electric, we will purchase it all from China. That is if we are still a strong nation. The money wasted on the Electric legislation and the Inflation Act and the other legislation with these cretins tells us that very few of them know what the reality of survival is. New cleaner refineries and new more advanced nuclear power plants are needed to start. The Coal industry that is the lifeblood of any area needs to be promoted and used with the cleanest scrubbers on any power plant that uses it. With the money we wasted the infrastructure of this nation would be newer, renovated, increased, streamlined and much more efficient. Instead, we suffer more than we have to because of corrupted people in power.
Cleaner refineries? Trump killed environmental protection laws, and MAGAs cheered.
I didnt start the thread. Someone else is worried about Brown Outs that are not occuring. Not me. I say let's get all the EVs we can! The more the merrier. There is no brown out or black out problem currently. And if there are, it will be someone else's problem.
I didnt start the thread. Someone else is worried about Brown Outs that are not occuring. Not me. I say let's get all the EVs we can! The more the merrier. There is no brown out or black out problem currently. And if there are, it will be someone else's problem.

So, you're OK with it, as long as it is only other affected by it, and not you. And you delusionally believe that you won't ever be affected by it, as well, as the strain on the grid increases.

What grid issues we have seen so far should be taken as warnings. Our need for electrical power is growing faster than the ability of our infrastructure to provide it.

This is a very, very, very bad time for any part of government to be gratuitously pushing mandates that will even further increase our electrical needs, increase the strain on any already-overstrained grid.
So, you're OK with it, as long as it is only other affected by it, and not you. And you delusionally believe that you won't ever be affected by it, as well, as the strain on the grid increases.

What grid issues we have seen so far should be taken as warnings. Our need for electrical power is growing faster than the ability of our infrastructure to provide it.

This is a very, very, very bad time for any part of government to be gratuitously pushing mandates that will even further increase our electrical needs, increase the strain on any already-overstrained grid.
Is this a free country or not? I want everyone who ever wanted an EV to get them. That's America. Freedom. There are no power outage issues. Give me a break. I flip on my lights every single day and without fail.. they are on.
Cleaner refineries? Trump killed environmental protection laws, and MAGAs cheered.
I won't cheer until he kills the EPA. The worst decision ever made by Tricky Dick. A total piece of authoritarian bullshit. Complete garbage, does more harm than good. By far. Completely and totally and absolutely woke piece of crap.

Which means, dimocrap FILTH love it. Like Flies to shit.

The EPA needs to be destroyed and a new agency built. One without the voodoo science, without the college kid mentality, one that won't cripple our manufacturing sector more than has already been done by the current abortion.

Believe me when I tell you -- Authoritarianism in this Country will come through the EPA. Believe it or else.

And guess what, dimocrap scum? Even if the National Socialists, the Fascists behind the dimocrap party succeed in bringing your vision of Nirvana to the USA?

I, or people like me, will still be your Boss. Except under your system, we'll have a lot more power. REALLY a lot more power.

If that doesn't send a chill down your spine, it should.
Is this a free country or not? I want everyone who ever wanted an EV to get them. That's America. Freedom.

I'd like everyone who ever wanted a Rolls Royce to get one.
I'd like everyone who ever wanted a large mansion to get one.
I'd like everyone who ever wanted his own private jet to get one.
I'd like everyone who ever wanted a huge yacht to get one.

That's not freedom; that's an entirely unrealistic line of fantasy.

People get what they can afford; ideally out of wealth that they worked to rightfully earn.

And freedom is being able to spend what wealth you have rightfully earned, on the things, within your budget, that you think will be most beneficial to you.

There are no power outage issues. Give me a break. I flip on my lights every single day and without fail.. they are on.

Brownouts and blackouts have happened in this country. It's getting to be a real issue, in parts of California during the summer, when people need power to run their HVAC.

And the problem is getting worse. It may not be affected you, yet, but if current trends continue, it will. And whether you are yet affected by it, some other people are.
I won't cheer until he kills the EPA. The worst decision ever made by Tricky Dick. A total piece of authoritarian bullshit. Complete garbage, does more harm than good. By far. Completely and totally and absolutely woke piece of crap.

Which means, dimocrap FILTH love it. Like Flies to shit.

The EPA needs to be destroyed and a new agency built. One without the voodoo science, without the college kid mentality, one that won't cripple our manufacturing sector more than has already been done by the current abortion.

Believe me when I tell you -- Authoritarianism in this Country will come through the EPA. Believe it or else.

And guess what, dimocrap scum? Even if the National Socialists, the Fascists behind the dimocrap party succeed in bringing your vision of Nirvana to the USA?

I, or people like me, will still be your Boss. Except under your system, we'll have a lot more power. REALLY a lot more power.

If that doesn't send a chill down your spine, it should.
You're kinda like that little chicken hawk in the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons, arent you?
And over time with energy evolution and the cost of the technologies required to make it more efficient, we WILL get rid of fossil fuels. BTW, you do know there is no such thing as "clean coal"...right? :)

This is how things in a capitalist/socialist economy evolve. Things get more efficient and cheaper. Then, wider adoption...and so on and so forth.
In the meantime... more frequent blackouts.

Charging all those cars would take a lot of energy.
A study by the U.S. Department of Energy estimated that the average EV would consume around 3.8 megawatt hours of electricity a year.
Multiply that by the 278 million vehicles on the road, and you get just over a billion megawatt hours, roughly one-quarter of current annual U.S. electricity consumption.

Today current US consumption is Total U.S. electricity consumption in 2022 was about 4.07 trillion kWh, the highest amount recorded and 14 times greater than electricity use in 1950. Total annual U.S. electricity consumption increased in all but 11 years between 1950 and 2022, and 8 of the years with year-over-year decreases occurred after 2007.
25% more electricity according to the above than what is generated today... if 100% of cars are EVs.
Oh by the way... almost all the studies I've viewed describe car EVs.... Very few mention trucks.
And that will happen organically. Supply, demand, cost efficiency. The ins and outs of how technologies are adopted in our economic model.
If EVs cost too much to produce and buy right now and that decreases demand, so be it. Time will come when technology efficiencies will turn that model around.

You are so wrapped up in your alt-right bile you are making this a political football.
I see this as evolution. Moving forward. Will it be seamless and smooth?..no.
But, that's the way most things evolve in our economy.
I am not against EVs.... I think though we aren't getting short term help because it is a government driven market not a consumer. And Biden who touts unity certainly caused gas prices to climb with this statement:
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

With Biden as President the oil companies said and I quote:
CEO of Chevron , Mike Wirth's response:
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So yes, if someone guarantees to put you out of business you have the excuse to raise your prices for as long as you can, sell off as much of your assets, shut down expensive facilities that are "guaranteed" to be rid of by the President of the United States! Only good business! Get it while you can!

Rather than driving a wedge between fossil fuels and the government why couldn't Biden said this which I'm suggesting would have been less DIVISIVE!
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!

My statement agrees.. reduce CO2 emissions by working WITH the fossil fuels industry.

But Biden stupidly invites division. Invites raising gas prices!

To Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., chairman of the RSC, Biden’s statement is a promise that he has kept during his first 15 months in office.
"If you make U.S. energy production more expensive and difficult, then the price of gas goes up. It’s not complicated, and it’s why Americans are paying over $4 at the pump," Banks told FOX Business.
I am not against EVs.... I think though we aren't getting short term help because it is a government driven market not a consumer. And Biden who touts unity certainly caused gas prices to climb with this statement:
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

With Biden as President the oil companies said and I quote:
CEO of Chevron , Mike Wirth's response:
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So yes, if someone guarantees to put you out of business you have the excuse to raise your prices for as long as you can, sell off as much of your assets, shut down expensive facilities that are "guaranteed" to be rid of by the President of the United States! Only good business! Get it while you can!

Rather than driving a wedge between fossil fuels and the government why couldn't Biden said this which I'm suggesting would have been less DIVISIVE!
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!

My statement agrees.. reduce CO2 emissions by working WITH the fossil fuels industry.

But Biden stupidly invites division. Invites raising gas prices!

To Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., chairman of the RSC, Biden’s statement is a promise that he has kept during his first 15 months in office.
"If you make U.S. energy production more expensive and difficult, then the price of gas goes up. It’s not complicated, and it’s why Americans are paying over $4 at the pump," Banks told FOX Business.

And this is the way things will evolve, regardless of what politician stands up and says what. But I'm sorry, fossil fuel companies have bitterly resisted the call to reduce CO2 emissions..and won't unless compelled to. There is no "working with them" to try that. They won't. End of story. There is no future for the planet with fossil fuels. Biden's ham handed statement is just another cattle prod..with very little in the way of electricity behind it. But technology will foster the advancements in green energy and eventually make them cost and delivery efficient. That's the way things evolve. If left strictly to the fossil fuel companies, it would be business as usual. Will it happen overnight and meet every stated end date? No. But it will happen. And the environment will be better off for it.
Asshole Dems trying to FORCE more expensive EV's down everyone's throat, is it any surprise people hate Democrats??
EV's will be another colossal half baked Dem FAILURE! Dems are the dumbest people on the planet.
Except the vanguard of EV's is Tesla. Headed up by a genuine, right wing, free speech lovin...Capitalist. :auiqs.jpg:

No Democrats in sight. :)
Except the vanguard of EV's is Tesla. Headed up by a genuine, right wing, free speech lovin...Capitalist. :auiqs.jpg:

No Democrats in sight. :)
Big difference between Tesla meeting 5% of the market demand and trying to FORCE the other 95% of the market to buy EV's. All climate Democrats everywhere, fuck off!
Big difference between Tesla meeting 5% of the market demand and trying to FORCE the other 95% of the market to buy EV's. All climate Democrats everywhere, fuck off!
What fucking dream cloud do live in? Are there unicorns there???
Tesla serves almost 50% of the EV market. They are the kingpins!! :auiqs.jpg:
No one is forcing anyone to buy an EV. As far as I can see, you can still purchase gas guzzlers if you wish.

What fucking dream cloud do live in? Are there unicorns there???
Tesla serves almost 50% of the EV market. They are the kingpins!! :auiqs.jpg:
No one is forcing anyone to buy an EV. As far as I can see, you can still purchase gas guzzlers if you wish.

You are seriously an idiot, work on your reading comprehension fool.
You are seriously an idiot, work on your reading comprehension fool.
You are a retard. And a reactionary retard at that. :)
Democrats don't push EVs. Manufacturers (all capitalists) do.
Demand and Supply along with price determine adoption.
LMAO, a lie so ridiculous it sparks laughter. Come here Dem sheeple :itsok:
"EV's will be another colossal half baked Dem FAILURE! Dems are the dumbest people on the planet".
"Asshole Dems trying to FORCE more expensive EV's down everyone's throat, is it any surprise people hate Democrats??".

You did type these sentences, did you not? Perhaps slowly, with one finger, but you did type them. Please state for the class which Democrat is trying FORCE EV's down everyone's throat. Which Democrat owns a company that is manufacturing them? Can you link an ad where a Democrat is selling an EV...or a particular brand of EV? :auiqs.jpg:

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