So much for Biden's "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Yes. I understand your point. Obviously the thousands of car damaged in that unusually severe storm event, proves automobiles cannot be trusted or stand up to severe storms, and the good people of that state, will most likely go back to walking and riding horses for transportation into the future, along with constructing and opening coal power electric production plants to replace the short term loss of the fractured individual solar panels. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Of course you are not very well informed.
This has nothing to do with EVs.
Our truly ignorant President say about guaranteeing that 61% of electricity generating plants will be eliminated!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

This means that 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year of the 4,230,000,000,000 kWh generated by the 12,538 utility-scale electric power plants in the United States. of which 3,400 fossil fuel plants (61% of 4,230,000,000,000 kWh will be "Rid of"!

So how will the 3,400 fossil fuel plants that Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels" be replaced?
We will have a shortage of 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year and that doesn't count the additional
4,807 kWh per EV which by 2032 according to Biden's plans, will be an additional 800 billion kWh per year for EVs! A total of 3.380 Trillion kWh because Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels"!
Sure. Good luck with that one. CA and WA both had numerous nuclear generation stations--San Onofre and Rancho Seco in CA and Hanford in WA to name a few. They have all been ripped out with the attendant gargantuan clean up bills that saddle the taxpayers decades later. CA has only one left, Diablo Canyon and it is not long for this world.
That is a major seismic region, not exactly my first pick for a nuclear power plant, and Californian liberals are a trembling public sector, at best, if somebody even speaks nuclear energy, even in a geologically stable region.
Well that would be rational and nice but I didnt hear any of that in Bidens speech recently and I dont think I recall him EVER saying he plans on building nuclear reactors. It would also be a great way to bring jobs to Americans but as of now most of the money is flowing to China.
Oh, did you hear him speak of returning to the days before electrification? I did not. I heard all that guff when he was running, and wanting the ecologically green vote. I simply looked at the short and near term possibilities, the money being generated by the Petroleum industry, the demand around the world, the level of maturity of alternative technology sources of energy production and knew it was a campaign thing, not a reality thing. And look! Now we have just surpassed, not only any production under trump administration, but any total annual production by any other country in the history of the world, and North America has the highest natural gas production of any country also. It is probably our biggest export. No political leader is actually planning to pluck that chicken before it dies of more natural causes and is replaced by a true alternative answer. You guys, just automatically believe and choke on non reality from any source, without consideration of the possibilities. The future of energy is something on the horizon, but not the near horizon.

When all else fails, you should really go with the rational answer and viewpoint, as the one most likely to occur.
Of course you are not very well informed.
This has nothing to do with EVs.
Our truly ignorant President say about guaranteeing that 61% of electricity generating plants will be eliminated!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

This means that 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year of the 4,230,000,000,000 kWh generated by the 12,538 utility-scale electric power plants in the United States. of which 3,400 fossil fuel plants (61% of 4,230,000,000,000 kWh will be "Rid of"!

So how will the 3,400 fossil fuel plants that Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels" be replaced?
We will have a shortage of 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year and that doesn't count the additional
4,807 kWh per EV which by 2032 according to Biden's plans, will be an additional 800 billion kWh per year for EVs! A total of 3.380 Trillion kWh because Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels"!

Not going to happen in my life time, except, maybe in TN. TVA already gets more than 50% of our power generating from Nuclear.
A solar farm in Texas is retarded. They get so much hail. Just ask any insurance agency in Texas.
Softball size hail is an extreme weather event. Which is what insurance is for.


Texas now leads the nation in solar power installed on its power grid – knocking California from its longtime leadership. Houston Chronicle reported this week that data from Bloomberg and U.S. Energy Information Administration show growth of utility-scale solar in California has “clearly slowed,” and Texas reported 18,364 megawatts of solar power capacity on its ERCOT grid as of Sept. 30. California Independent System Operator, grid operator for 80 percent of California and a small part of Nevada, had 17,277 megawatts of solar power capacity on its grid at the end of September.

Not to mention wind.

And petroleum.

Trump significantly slowed the DEM process of eliminating coal.

Look at Coal production today and when Trump was in office.


Of course we were not going to end fossil fuels on his watch.

I want one of you cult fucks to WALK ME THROUGH THE MATH.

How does the US military function with NO FOSSIL FUELS?
Don't Solar farms murder thousands of birds?

Here we go again with the million-dollar question of "how do solar panels kill birds". Let's dig in! Solar panels can potentially kill birds through a phenomenon known as the "lake effect." Migrating waterfowl and shorebirds may perceive the reflective surfaces of photovoltaic (PV) panels as bodies of water and collide with the structures as they attempt to land on the panels. However, it is important to note that the effect of solar panels on bird mortality rates is relatively low compared to other causes, such as collisions with buildings, vehicles, and power lines or predation by domestic cats.

Utility-scale solar energy facilities, particularly concentrated solar power (CSP) towers, can also pose a threat to birds. CSP towers use mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto a central tower, generating intense heat. Birds attracted to the light beam or the mirrors may be killed by the extreme heat generated by these facilities. However, the overall impact of solar energy on bird populations is still considered to be much lower than that of fossil fuel industrial facilities/power plants, which can cause bird mortality through collisions, electrocution, and poisoning.

They stole our wealth. Just like the whole global climate change scam.
And now Mexican president Obrador is threatening more illegal immigrants unless we pony up $20B a year more to Latin America. This is extortion and tantamount to a declaration of war. The problem at the border should be treated as such and anyone, regardless of who it is, who steps one foot over the border illegally should be dispatched with a hail of bullets.
who steps one foot over the border illegally should be dispatched with a hail of bullets.

ya volts

You Trump humpers can't help yourselves.

Every thread becomes a, "but... but... but... but what about Trump" TDS fest for you people.
Oh please, tell him to stfu then
Trump significantly slowed the DEM process of eliminating coal.

Look at Coal production today and when Trump was in office.


Of course we were not going to end fossil fuels on his watch.

I want one of you cult fucks to WALK ME THROUGH THE MATH.

How does the US military function with NO FOSSIL FUELS?

‘The Coal Industry Is Back,’ Trump Proclaimed. It Wasn’t.​

The demise of coal-fired power plants in Arizona and Kentucky shows how the president, despite promises to restore jobs, failed to counter the forces decimating the industry.

PAGE, Ariz. — For decades, waves of electricity poured from this behemoth of a power plant on the high desert plateau of the Navajo reservation in northern Arizona, lighting up hundreds of thousands of homes from Phoenix to Las Vegas as it burned 240 rail cars’ worth of coal a day.

But as the day shift ended here at the Navajo Generating Station one evening early this year, all but a half-dozen spaces in the
employee parking lot — a stretch of asphalt larger than a football field — were empty.

It was a similar scene at the nearby Kayenta coal mine, which fueled the plant. Dozens of the giant earth-moving machines that for decades ripped apart the hillside sat parked in long rows, motionless. Not a single coal miner was in sight, just a big, black Chihuahuan raven sitting atop a light post.
Saving these two complexes was at the heart of an intense three-year effort by the Trump administration to stabilize the coal industry and make good on President Trump’s 2016 campaign promise to end “the war on coal.”

“We’re going to put our miners back to work,” Mr. Trump promised soon after taking office.

He didn’t.
Oh please, tell him to stfu then

‘The Coal Industry Is Back,’ Trump Proclaimed. It Wasn’t.​

The demise of coal-fired power plants in Arizona and Kentucky shows how the president, despite promises to restore jobs, failed to counter the forces decimating the industry.

PAGE, Ariz. — For decades, waves of electricity poured from this behemoth of a power plant on the high desert plateau of the Navajo reservation in northern Arizona, lighting up hundreds of thousands of homes from Phoenix to Las Vegas as it burned 240 rail cars’ worth of coal a day.

But as the day shift ended here at the Navajo Generating Station one evening early this year, all but a half-dozen spaces in the
employee parking lot — a stretch of asphalt larger than a football field — were empty.

It was a similar scene at the nearby Kayenta coal mine, which fueled the plant. Dozens of the giant earth-moving machines that for decades ripped apart the hillside sat parked in long rows, motionless. Not a single coal miner was in sight, just a big, black Chihuahuan raven sitting atop a light post.
Saving these two complexes was at the heart of an intense three-year effort by the Trump administration to stabilize the coal industry and make good on President Trump’s 2016 campaign promise to end “the war on coal.”

“We’re going to put our miners back to work,” Mr. Trump promised soon after taking office.

He didn’t.

You can't help yourself.

You're humping Trump like you're a jilted lover.
The entire AGW/electric bs is a scam to squeeze the economy and control the people.
Democrats are retarded enough to abet the process.

While the Dems / Socialists are loathe to admit it, late last year in particular, Biden allowed domestic oil production to increase. While making all the blustering pronouncements about killing the fossil fuel industry, domestic production increases were thought to keep prices down.

He will use the same dishonest tactics before summer to drive prices down.
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