Because BIDEN: is it time to investigate the election process?

And what exactly do you think he is doing? Exactly what fraud is he committing?

What's the story you and Dinesh have concocted?
What do I think he’s doing a man holding a fist full of ballots he’s going to shove in a ballot box on a sidewalk street. Lol how many times can one vote lol
I don't know which is worse, Biden was legitimately elected or our entire election process is broken. I can't believe a majority of informed Americans actually voted for Biden.
They didn't all vote for Biden.

Most of them voted against Trump.
They didn't all vote for Biden.

Most of them voted against Trump.
Joe Biden is the second illegitimate president of the United States of America the first is obviously Abraham Lincoln because half of the country couldn’t vote
What do I think he’s doing a man holding a fist full of ballots he’s going to shove in a ballot box on a sidewalk street. Lol how many times can one vote lol
Yeah, what's he doing? It looks exactly like the dark-skinned guy with a box full of ballots in 2012.

Be specific. Exactly what fraud is he committing?
Joe Biden is the second illegitimate president of the United States of America the first is obviously Abraham Lincoln because half of the country couldn’t vote
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Magical thinking.
Yeah, what's he doing? It looks exactly like the dark-skinned guy with a box full of ballots in 2012.

Be specific. Exactly what fraud is he committing?
Ahh We had ballot boxes on the sidewalk in 2012 huh? Lol
Show of hands: Did you vote for Biden? Simple yes or no. I will start:
I would vote (R), but NEVER for Carnival Barker Con Man postrump. NEVER.
LOL....For a guy that supposedly got 81 million votes you will play hell finding anyone in the real world that will admit to it.
I voted for biden, see above.
I would have voted for a ham sandwich, made by your husband, before I ever vote for POS trump.
As I mentioned earlier, the tard herd concocted a story around a video of a dark skinned man dropping off a boxful of ballots in Arizona in 2012. They were sure it was proof of voter fraud against Romney.

This turned out to be pure horseshit. I guess The Blaze is too embarrassed of their partisan hackery as they have taken down the story. They have deleted it from their site.

But the Wayback Machine never forgets:
They didn't all vote for Biden.

Most of them voted against Trump.
I am reminded of all the old liberals that went anti WOKE. Bill Maher, Trevor Noah, Russell Brand. I voted against Biden
Joe Biden is the second illegitimate president of the United States of America the first is obviously Abraham Lincoln because half of the country couldn’t vote
Ummmm...Lincoln won the 1860 election BEFORE the Civil War broke out.

More uncomfortable facts. The Confederate states had a population of 9 million. The Union had 22 million.

So nowhere near half, skippy.

And the rebels CHOSE to leave.

As for Biden, he beat Trump like a drum.

Noregrets. The alternative was far worse.
"far worse". So you're acknowledging that the candidate you voted for was also bad - just not quite so bad as "the alternative".

That sums up the rotten core of our democracy.
Ummmm...Lincoln won the 1860 election BEFORE the Civil War broke out.

More uncomfortable facts. The Confederate states had a population of 9 million. The Union had 22 million.

So nowhere near half, skippy.

And the rebels CHOSE to leave.

As for Biden, he beat Trump like a drum.
There is nothing more that I’m sure about then Donald Trump beat Joe Biden by a huge amount in 2020 . No person can honestly sit here and say Joe Biden won

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