Because BIDEN: is it time to investigate the election process?

(cue sinister music)

A man, a very bad man, walks up to a ballot dropoff box. He mysteriously fans a bunch of ballots and takes a photo of them. Then he places the ballots in the box and slinks away.

Trump won! Trump won! Stop the steal!
To much evidence,, Maricopa county won’t even turn over the servers. He definitely one Wisconsin he definitely won Georgia he definitely won Michigan, he won Arizona he won Nevada.. chain of custody alone gives Donald Trump to win
You can't tell me, can you. Not without a lot of magical thinking and ignorance.

You have made some really stupid assumptions, just like the tards did in 2012 over the guy in Arizona.

EXACTLY the same magical thinking and assumptions.


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I'm not fascist, insane or stupid, of course I voted for Biden.

I do want to salute the bravery of those who will still admit to voting for Trump. It's hard to find such people these days.

I doubt anyone is the least bit surprised.
I also doubt anyone rational would agree with your claim to be neither stupid nor insane when clearly your choices reveal the opposite.
I don't know which is worse, Biden was legitimately elected or our entire election process is broken. I can't believe a majority of informed Americans actually voted for Biden.

The media did a spectacular job of making gullible Americans hate Trump.
I think Biden got more votes than you would think reasonable.
That said, I also do not believe it is beneath the Left to cause election fraud on top of any votes he may have received.

As far as the Lefts stupidity...most actually believe the high gas prices are Trumps fault.

You cannot fix must be eradicated.
No. I just answered that question. Try to keep up.

Do you remember, after Trump was elected how the Democrats were fixated on the notion that Trump had somehow cheated, colluded with the Russian propagandists or whatever? It was obvious to an outside observer that they were delusional. They simply couldn't accept the fact that their candidate had been rejected in favor of someone like Trump. So they didn't accept it. They wasted four years on their fantasy, time that they could have been learning from their mistakes, and now they're back with the same tired bullshit.

Now you're faced with similar conundrum. You simply can't accept the fact that voters rejected Trump in favor of Captain Droolcup. But what will you do? Figure out why voters rejected the Republican candidate and fix it? Or spend the rest of Biden's term whining about fraud?
After the 2016 election, a lot of people believed Putin interfered in our election to help get Trump elected.

A special prosecutor proved this was in fact true. This prosecutor also proved Trump's campaign manager colluded with Russia, along with Rick Gates.

Manafort went to prison and Trump later pardoned the colluder.

Being the apple which didn't fall far from the tree, Don Jr. tried like hell to collude with Russia, but the incompetent boob bungled it.

The special prosecutor also proved Trump tried as hard as he could to obstruct these facts from coming to light.
After the 2016 election, a lot of people believed Putin interfered in our election to help get Trump elected.

A special prosecutor proved this was in fact true. This prosecutor also proved Trump's campaign manager colluded with Russia, along with Rick Gates.

Manafort went to prison and Trump later pardoned the colluder.

Being the apple which didn't fall far from the tree, Don Jr. tried like hell to collude with Russia, but the incompetent boob bungled it.

The special prosecutor also proved Trump tried as hard as he could to obstruct these facts from coming to light.
You might want to seek help for major tds lol
Actually, Trump won in 2016 because a lot of people voted against Hillary.
That's a conceit. It's an excuse. But it's not a fact. Nothing - at all - distinguishes whether a vote for one candidate is supposedly a vote "against" some other candidate. Under our system, all that is expressed by a vote is support for one candidate. That's all history records. There's no "but not really" checkbox next to the vote.
My father did. He hated Trump, but he hated Hillary more. He told me after I took him to vote these exact words, "I voted for Trump because I did not want Hillary to win by a lot."

Everyone was assuming Hillary was going to win.
Yes. I was one of those convinced "the machine" would never let Trump win - regardless of the vote. It's funny, for all his accusations of fraud and fixed elections - his election actually made me a believer, or at least forced me to acknowledge that these elections aren't controlled by some powerful elite cabal. Our elections are as crazy and random as we are.
He's a Biden supporter....hoping for $100 per gallon for Regular all the while truly believing the cost to charge his Prius will remain constant (and save the planet)

(clueless in Seattle indeed)

he’s gotta be on some hallucinogens
Another idiot who found the Mueller Report was longer than his bumper sticker intellectual capacity and never read it.
Have you taken any hallucinogens in the past 24 hours?
Ballot harvesting is legal in Florida.


Now let's look at the magical thinking behind the tards' conspiracy theory.

Somehow, the bad man knew which Floridians would not be voting. This is obviously necessary because if he cast votes in someone else's name, and the person whose vote he stole also voted that day, the gig would be up!


But that didn't happen. The negro is not psychic!

Darn it! Another dipshit theory blown to pieces. The tards just xeroxed a bullshit conspiracy theory from 2012. Talk about lazy! Come up with something original, for chrissakes!
We have record inflation under Biden, we can on and on, Biden shuts down gas pipelines, fracking...isn't it odd, Inflation and gas prices went up in August of 2021? Under Biden, last year I stopped buying meat in 2021. Now WE have to pay 4$ a gallon.
I've read the Mueller Report. Everything I stated in my post is fact.

Sorry about that.
Soo how did Putin get ballots to fill out send to America have Americans bring it to a ballot location with an ID? Asking for a friend lol
Things which enable more people to vote really pisses off Ron DeSantis. Even if no proof of fraud exists, he can't stand negroes voting in large numbers.

So he has since made it a felony for anyone to harvest more than two ballots.

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