Because BIDEN: is it time to investigate the election process?

We can't question the election process of a completely unfit person like Joe Biden because THAT would be anti-democratic. Excuse me?
We have record inflation under Biden, we can on and on, Biden shuts down gas pipelines, fracking...isn't it odd, Inflation and gas prices went up in August of 2021? Under Biden, last year I stopped buying meat in 2021. Now WE have to pay 4$ a gallon.
And exactly what magical thing did Biden do to cause inflation? Is he responsible for the $30 trillion debt? Trump owns at least $8 trillion of that.

Is Biden responsible for the 14 years of the Fed's quantitative easing?

Did he do all that printing of money for the past 14 years, or did he have a lot of help by both parties?

You see, inflation is all about the velocity of money. If the government prints eleventy trillion dollars, and no one spends it, you don't get inflation.

And that's what's been going on for over a decade. The velocity of money has been sluggish.

Post-pandemic, consumer demand skyrocketed to record levels.

So all that money that was just moping around began to move faster and faster. The velocity of money went through the roof.

Our GDP growth also rose to levels not seen in a long time, but you don't see the tard herd giving credit to Biden for that, now do you?

Presto! Inflation!

This took a massive bipartisan effort to achieve.

Hey, did you know Biden's deficit in his first year was a trillion dollars less than Trump's last year?

Nobody gives him credit for that, either.

What magical thing would Trump have done to prevent the current inflation? This is perhaps the most important question since the tard herd seems to bleev he would have.
After the 2016 election, a lot of people believed Putin interfered in our election to help get Trump elected.

A special prosecutor proved this was in fact true. This prosecutor also proved Trump's campaign manager colluded with Russia, along with Rick Gates.

Manafort went to prison and Trump later pardoned the colluder.

Being the apple which didn't fall far from the tree, Don Jr. tried like hell to collude with Russia, but the incompetent boob bungled it.

The special prosecutor also proved Trump tried as hard as he could to obstruct these facts from coming to light.
Sure, sure. But none of that invalidates the election. The Russians have always had an active propaganda campaign aimed at disrupting US elections. It's standard KGB policy.

The most important feature of the Russian collusion meme is that it allowed Democrat partisans to maintain denial, to avoid facing their failure. I see a lot of parallels with the #StopTheSqueal crap. We've turned up the partisan volume so loud no one can think straight. The prospect of the "other side" taking control is so utterly unacceptable to us that we refuse to accept it.
And exactly what magical thing did Biden do to cause inflation? Is he responsible for the $30 trillion debt? Trump owns at least $8 trillion of that.

Is Biden responsible for the 14 years of the Fed's quantitative easing?

Did he do all that printing of money for the past 14 years, or did he have a lot of help by both parties?

You see, inflation is all about the velocity of money. If the government prints eleventy trillion dollars, and no one spends it, you don't get inflation.

And that's what's been going on for over a decade. The velocity of money has been sluggish.

Post-pandemic, consumer demand skyrocketed to record levels.

So all that money that was just moping around began to move faster and faster. The velocity of money went through the roof.

Our GDP growth also rose to levels not seen in a long time, but you don't see the tard herd giving credit to Biden for that, now do you?

Presto! Inflation!

This took a massive bipartisan effort to achieve.

Hey, did you know Biden's deficit in his first year was a trillion dollars less than Trump's last year?

Nobody gives him credit for that, either.

What magical thing would Trump have done to prevent the current inflation? This is perhaps the most important question since the tard herd seems to bleev he would have.
Holy half truths batman.. they are insane lol
Sure, sure. But none of that invalidates the election. The Russians have always had an active propaganda campaign aimed at disrupting US elections. It's standard KGB policy.

The most important feature of the Russian collusion meme is that it allowed Democrat partisans to maintain denial, to avoid facing their failure. I see a lot of parallels with the #StopTheSqueal crap. We've turned up the partisan volume so loud no one can think straight. The prospect of the "other side" taking control is so utterly unacceptable to us that we refuse to accept it.
No, the election was valid. Putin helped to discourage a lot of Hillary supporters to not vote for her. Her street value dropped by a third after the DNC emails leaked.

Literally a third.

Imagine if Putin instead leaked the National Enquirer's files!

Or Trump's tax returns.
What magical thing would Trump have done to prevent the current inflation?
Are you insane! First not print 1.9 trillion for no reason, second, if he did have the national guard unload trucks, drive trucks, open new ports, remain energy independent, not put 14 new regulations on oil drillers, guarantee leases for offshore drilling past 5 years. my god man! Watch Fox News they are run by liberals but actually report the news.. you will learn something lol instead of coming on here sounding like a buffoon lol
No, the election was valid. Putin helped to discourage a lot of Hillary supporters to not vote for her. Her street value dropped by a third after the DNC emails leaked.

Literally a third.

Imagine if Putin instead leaked the National Enquirer's files!

Or Trump's tax returns.
And what did Hilliary and Donna Brazile cheating have to do with PUTIN other than SETH RICH Who leaked the emails was a pissed off Bernie bro (Bernie being madly in love with Russia and PUTIN) arkansided by Hilliarys FBI goons.
Any anti liberal, facts get taken off Facebook.
You know facebook is a private company, don't you? Do you want somebody to make Facebook show right wing crap? Should bakers be forced to bake a cake?
Show of hands: Did you vote for Biden? Simple yes or no. I will start:
How did I know that?
Bearing in mind this forum is 90% republicans, the sp called poll will be leaning towards "no".

Thats those who have the guts to admit it.

I think you better think a bit more before those brain farts get to you fingers.
I have a penis and I am damn proud of it, you, you amputated yours, you and every other fascist democrat infesting America are geldings! :banana:

So does ever other male on the planet. It's NOTHING to be proud of, little man.

Unfortunately, you don't have a brain, because if you did, you'd know that geldings have a penis too. What they don't have is BALLS.
Are you insane! First not print 1.9 trillion for no reason, second, if he did have the national guard unload trucks, drive trucks, open new ports, remain energy independent, not put 14 new regulations on oil drillers, guarantee leases for offshore drilling past 5 years. my god man! Watch Fox News they are run by liberals but actually report the news.. you will learn something lol instead of coming on here sounding like a buffoon lol
Not print $1.9 trillion? :lol:

You're joking, right?

Trump is the guy who submitted the largest spending bill in the history of the universe. He is also the guy who wanted MORE stimulus than even the Democrats wanted!

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Trump says he now wants bigger stimulus than Democrats offering

So that theory of yours is a total bust.

As for drilling, Biden approved more drilling on public lands than Trump did. US oil production increased by 31 percent in Biden's first year, while production only increased by 21 percent in Trump's first year.

And they both started at almost the exact same amount of production at the beginning of their terms.

So if Trump was president instead of Biden, we would have even LESS oil production than we have now.

Biden is approving more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands than Trump, analysis finds

So that theory is also a total bust.

Try again.

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