Beck's "crazy" socialist/islamic terrorist cooperation "conspiracy" proven true?


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
YouTube - Socialist Explains How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.
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YouTube - ‪Beck's Video Vindication: Socialist Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions‬‏

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.
Denials of the verification are being frantically typed as we speak.
The so called "conspiracies" have always been true. The enemies of freedom are uniting to destroy the west.
What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.
What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.

you realize that "point" has been debunked a million+ times right?
YouTube - Socialist Explains How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.

I think it goes beyond a hatred of Israel. If we reduce each of the totalist movements to the basic idea that everyone must march in lockstep, it is obvious how similar they all are.

Paul Berman did a masterful job of analyzing same, in "Terror and Liberalism," which includes:

1. The Western urge to rebel, coming out of the French Revolution, mutated quickly into several cults of death and mayhem. No matter the particular movement, there were two key conditions in all: 1. it was based on a submission to a central authority, the total state, and 2. it was based on the idea of one, instead of many.

a. However, there were also elements of Enlightenment thought that led to the radicalism of the French Revolution, and later inspired Marxism and ideas about materialism, historical determinism and utopianism. There was in some observers a tendency to view religion in exclusively negative terms, and to put all emphasis on ideas about human perfection. Gates of Vienna: Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment

2. The notion of Islam as totality was Sayyid Qutb’s most important concept, distinguishing Islam from all other worldviews- ‘Tawhid,’ the oneness of God. (Of course, Marxists had the same belief: George Lukacs defined that characteristic of Marxism that distinguished it from bourgeois thinking: ‘the primacy of the category of totality.’)

3. Truth, according to Qutb, can only be obtained through active struggle. Again, this mirrors the Karl Korsch school of German Marxism, who argued that Marx’s dialectic can only be understood at certain moments in history, those of intense class struggle, during which the truth, i.e., the proletarian revolution becomes clear. Sidney Hook added dose of John Dewey’s Pragmatism, that only via the experiment of revolutionary action, militant effort, is truth revealed. Qutb, two or three decades later, suggested that Koranic truth requires more than religious commitment, it requires revolutionary action on Islam’s behalf. Read between the lines, and you find the link between truth and martyrdom.

4. The suggestion of martyrdom can be found in one of his screeds against the Jews. “The Koran points to another contemptible characteristic of the Jews: their craven desire to live, no matter at what price and regardless of quality, honour, and dignity.” Imam Zaid Shakir’s Powerful Rebuttal Against Muslim Extremists « Allahcentric
What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.

you realize that "point" has been debunked a million+ times right?

Well, you haven't said what the "point" is, so I can't really comment. Also, if you're talking million+ debunkings, cites are definitely needed. One shouldn't accept that kind of number on faith alone, right?
can be found in one of his screeds

LOL!!! But we're supposed to pay attention to another one of your liberalism=marxism screeds. Physician heal thyself.
YouTube - Socialist Explains How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.

Only in a Fox "News" Watcher's mind.
What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.
What took you so long to show up? The Window Licker Express break down?
YouTube - Socialist Explains How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.

Either the way events have unfolded in the world happened in total coincidence with what Beck had been saying for years or Glenn Beck was actually right :eek:

Either way I dont like it!
YouTube - Socialist Explains How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.

I think it goes beyond a hatred of Israel. If we reduce each of the totalist movements to the basic idea that everyone must march in lockstep, it is obvious how similar they all are.

Paul Berman did a masterful job of analyzing same, in "Terror and Liberalism," which includes:

1. The Western urge to rebel, coming out of the French Revolution, mutated quickly into several cults of death and mayhem. No matter the particular movement, there were two key conditions in all: 1. it was based on a submission to a central authority, the total state, and 2. it was based on the idea of one, instead of many.

a. However, there were also elements of Enlightenment thought that led to the radicalism of the French Revolution, and later inspired Marxism and ideas about materialism, historical determinism and utopianism. There was in some observers a tendency to view religion in exclusively negative terms, and to put all emphasis on ideas about human perfection. Gates of Vienna: Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment

2. The notion of Islam as totality was Sayyid Qutb’s most important concept, distinguishing Islam from all other worldviews- ‘Tawhid,’ the oneness of God. (Of course, Marxists had the same belief: George Lukacs defined that characteristic of Marxism that distinguished it from bourgeois thinking: ‘the primacy of the category of totality.’)

3. Truth, according to Qutb, can only be obtained through active struggle. Again, this mirrors the Karl Korsch school of German Marxism, who argued that Marx’s dialectic can only be understood at certain moments in history, those of intense class struggle, during which the truth, i.e., the proletarian revolution becomes clear. Sidney Hook added dose of John Dewey’s Pragmatism, that only via the experiment of revolutionary action, militant effort, is truth revealed. Qutb, two or three decades later, suggested that Koranic truth requires more than religious commitment, it requires revolutionary action on Islam’s behalf. Read between the lines, and you find the link between truth and martyrdom.

4. The suggestion of martyrdom can be found in one of his screeds against the Jews. “The Koran points to another contemptible characteristic of the Jews: their craven desire to live, no matter at what price and regardless of quality, honour, and dignity.” Imam Zaid Shakir’s Powerful Rebuttal Against Muslim Extremists « Allahcentric
Oh but those links between the lines? No no no... they don't exist. These are not the motives you are looking for! Every event occurs in a vacuum and has no relation or impact with any other that positively affects the spread of rampant eco-islamo-fascism.

The good news is that this coalition of evil will not last long. Their internal strife will sooner, rather than later, set them at each other's throats, but only as they see they are about to achieve their goal of destroying the Judeo-Christian West and capitalism.

Then like sharks, they will turn on the wounded former comrades in a game of 'winner take all.' If they can be pushed to that fight sooner rather than later, the better chance for all their efforts to fail, spectacularly.
YouTube - Socialist Explains How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.

I think it goes beyond a hatred of Israel. If we reduce each of the totalist movements to the basic idea that everyone must march in lockstep, it is obvious how similar they all are.

Paul Berman did a masterful job of analyzing same, in "Terror and Liberalism," which includes:

1. The Western urge to rebel, coming out of the French Revolution, mutated quickly into several cults of death and mayhem. No matter the particular movement, there were two key conditions in all: 1. it was based on a submission to a central authority, the total state, and 2. it was based on the idea of one, instead of many.

a. However, there were also elements of Enlightenment thought that led to the radicalism of the French Revolution, and later inspired Marxism and ideas about materialism, historical determinism and utopianism. There was in some observers a tendency to view religion in exclusively negative terms, and to put all emphasis on ideas about human perfection. Gates of Vienna: Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment

2. The notion of Islam as totality was Sayyid Qutb’s most important concept, distinguishing Islam from all other worldviews- ‘Tawhid,’ the oneness of God. (Of course, Marxists had the same belief: George Lukacs defined that characteristic of Marxism that distinguished it from bourgeois thinking: ‘the primacy of the category of totality.’)

3. Truth, according to Qutb, can only be obtained through active struggle. Again, this mirrors the Karl Korsch school of German Marxism, who argued that Marx’s dialectic can only be understood at certain moments in history, those of intense class struggle, during which the truth, i.e., the proletarian revolution becomes clear. Sidney Hook added dose of John Dewey’s Pragmatism, that only via the experiment of revolutionary action, militant effort, is truth revealed. Qutb, two or three decades later, suggested that Koranic truth requires more than religious commitment, it requires revolutionary action on Islam’s behalf. Read between the lines, and you find the link between truth and martyrdom.

4. The suggestion of martyrdom can be found in one of his screeds against the Jews. “The Koran points to another contemptible characteristic of the Jews: their craven desire to live, no matter at what price and regardless of quality, honour, and dignity.” Imam Zaid Shakir’s Powerful Rebuttal Against Muslim Extremists « Allahcentric
Oh but those links between the lines? No no no... they don't exist. These are not the motives you are looking for! Every event occurs in a vacuum and has no relation or impact with any other that positively affects the spread of rampant eco-islamo-fascism.

The good news is that this coalition of evil will not last long. Their internal strife will sooner, rather than later, set them at each other's throats, but only as they see they are about to achieve their goal of destroying the Judeo-Christian West and capitalism.

Then like sharks, they will turn on the wounded former comrades in a game of 'winner take all.' If they can be pushed to that fight sooner rather than later, the better chance for all their efforts to fail, spectacularly.

Prince Fitz, your tongue-in-cheek is probably wasted on our friends...but I thought you might be interested in the following, documentation of the links between the Communists and the Islamo-fascists:

Newly translated documents show how far Soviet wickedness extended.
1. …archive of documents from Soviet government agencies smuggled to the West by the Russian researcher Pavel Stroilov and the Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky.

2. It is one thing to know abstractly, for example, that the Soviets sponsored terrorism in the Middle East. It is another to read a newly translated memorandum from longtime KGB head Yuri Andropov to Communist Party general secretary Leonid Brezhnev requesting authorization to fund a detailed plan by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to kill civilians around the world:

a. In a confidential conversation at a meeting with the KGB resident in Lebanon in April this year, [PFLP official] Wadia Haddad outlined a prospective program of sabotage and terrorism by the PLFP [sic]. . . . The PLFP is currently preparing a number of special operations, including strikes against large oil storage installations in various countries, . . . the destruction of oil tankers and super-tankers, actions against American and Israeli representatives in Iran, Greece, Ethiopia, Kenya, an attack on the Diamond center in Tel Aviv, etc. . . . We feel it would be feasible, at the next meeting, to give a generally favorable response to Wadia Haddad’s request.

3. Also interesting is a document suggesting the pains taken by the KGB to ensure the eruption of “spontaneous” global demonstrations against Israel. According to the KGB’s estimates, spontaneously outraged Muslims cost approximately a quarter-rupee apiece: “The KGB station in India is capable of organizing a protest demonstration at the U.S. Embassy to India, with up to 20,000 Muslims participating. The expenses for organizing the demonstration would amount to 5,000 Indian rupees and be covered from the funds allocated by the CPSU Central Committee for special measures in India in 1969–1971.”

Fruits from the Tree of Malice by Claire Berlinski - City Journal
YouTube - Socialist Explains How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions

The "Conspiracy" :

1) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.

2) Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.

3) Groups from the hardcore socialist left, and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability, because in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.

everything beck sez is true - but when he goes religious - i turn the channel - i went to college with those reds like SDS - they r dangerous!
What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.

According to your Messiah, we're 'the enemy'. We didn't blow up jack shit, nor do we shoot abortion doctors.

Something else we don't do, we don't commit treason. That's your politicians that do that.
What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.

According to your Messiah, we're 'the enemy'. We didn't blow up jack shit, nor do we shoot abortion doctors.

Something else we don't do, we don't commit treason. That's your politicians that do that.

California girl don't you ever get tired of hating America?? :doubt:
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What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.
What took you so long to show up? The Window Licker Express break down?

I have a life. YOU?!?! :cool:
What's the point of the post? Whackos will always join up with other whackos. If the right wants to paint ordinary left-of-center Americans with this brush, they're going to have to accept responsibility for the OKC bombing and the shootings of abortion providers.

According to your Messiah, we're 'the enemy'. We didn't blow up jack shit, nor do we shoot abortion doctors.

Something else we don't do, we don't commit treason. That's your politicians that do that.

Who is this "we" you're talking about and who is this "Messiah"? If you're going to make comparisons between liberals, marxists and islamofascists then YES you DO do bombings and shooting. What makes you think you're going to escape responsibility? Oh, that's right, responsibility is only for the other guy!!! Treason drips from your every word.
So a youtube video is proof conclusive but court documented facts in our own country mean nothing?
So a youtube video is proof conclusive but court documented facts in our own country mean nothing?


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