Been a bad couple of months for the demrat looney left

First the Virginia Gov, and AG had make up issues back in the day, the Lt. Gov. has women issues (more there than with Kavanaugh) , The Green New Deal flops, AOC negatives going up every time she opens her mouth, anti Semitism running amok among some house dems, Beto flops in spite of some ability with political theatre presence, Stormy's lawyer and one time flavor of the month demrat Prez contender in serious trouble, Brennan, Comey etc may well discover payback is a bitch oh yeah how could I forget, no Russia collusion.

Wow...what's it like living under a rock?

Other than the Mueller report (that is still to be fully released)...what the FUCK are you talking about?

The economy is fizzling, the Dem-controlled House is attacking Trump, the Green New Deal was nothing but a an extremist bill that most Dems did not even take seriously, the 'antisemitism' was none existent as what Omar said was (BY DEFINITION) NOT anti-Semitic (DUH), the DOW has been flat for over a month, world recession fears are growing, bonds are pointing to bad news, the fiscal deficit is skyrocketing and now Trump is trying to kill off Obamacare (which will cost him lots of votes from moderates).

Like I said, other then the Mueller release (which STILL has not been fully released)...the Dems seem to be doing fine and Trump seems as nuts as usual.

one small correction, the Dow has basically been flat for more than 425 days, not just a month
i'd say winning the house majority is a pretty good win there, jr.

...and they still can't get anything passed, nor can they override the President's vetoes. Worst lame duck House ever.


lol... obamacare is gonna be the fight trump won't win.

Considering it was one of the main issues he campaigned on ....
Obamacare is about to be declared unconstitutional.
OK what has Scump got to takes it place ??? Don't bother ...the answer is bullshit
First the Virginia Gov, and AG had make up issues back in the day, the Lt. Gov. has women issues (more there than with Kavanaugh) , The Green New Deal flops, AOC negatives going up every time she opens her mouth, anti Semitism running amok among some house dems, Beto flops in spite of some ability with political theatre presence, Stormy's lawyer and one time flavor of the month demrat Prez contender in serious trouble, Brennan, Comey etc may well discover payback is a bitch oh yeah how could I forget, no Russia collusion.
DemNazi Congress lied their way in to office and now can't get shit done because they are too busy fighting with themselves and trying to impeach a president who was exonerated 3 times by 3 investigations.
First the Virginia Gov, and AG had make up issues back in the day, the Lt. Gov. has women issues (more there than with Kavanaugh) , The Green New Deal flops, AOC negatives going up every time she opens her mouth, anti Semitism running amok among some house dems, Beto flops in spite of some ability with political theatre presence, Stormy's lawyer and one time flavor of the month demrat Prez contender in serious trouble, Brennan, Comey etc may well discover payback is a bitch oh yeah how could I forget, no Russia collusion.

Wow...what's it like living under a rock?

Other than the Mueller report (that is still to be fully released)...what the FUCK are you talking about?

The economy is fizzling, the Dem-controlled House is attacking Trump, the Green New Deal was nothing but a an extremist bill that most Dems did not even take seriously, the 'antisemitism' was none existent as what Omar said was (BY DEFINITION) NOT anti-Semitic (DUH), the DOW has been flat for over a month, world recession fears are growing, bonds are pointing to bad news, the fiscal deficit is skyrocketing and now Trump is trying to kill off Obamacare (which will cost him lots of votes from moderates).

Like I said, other then the Mueller release (which STILL has not been fully released)...the Dems seem to be doing fine and Trump seems as nuts as usual.
There is no doubt about it Scump is deranged
Considering it was one of the main issues he campaigned on ....

considering the (D)s ran on protecting it & won the majority in the house because of it. close to 30,000,000 million people will be dropped. they knew it in 2018 & they'll sure as hell know it come 2020 if the ACA is struck down.

Yeah right!:auiqs.jpg:
Because we all want to pay out the ass for medical insurance!!
And Scump has a better plan?? Pray tell ,,,What might that be ?? They've had many years of high med costs to come up with something The thing is the piece of shit in our WH wants to eliminate everything Obama did BUT he has nothing to replace it with

Maybe if the left stopped attacking him every step of the way....
you don't think this garbage has made a mockery of our presidency? that in the future every president can do whatever they want with no consequence?

And what has Trump done wrong to deserve the continuous attacks?
First the Virginia Gov, and AG had make up issues back in the day, the Lt. Gov. has women issues (more there than with Kavanaugh) , The Green New Deal flops, AOC negatives going up every time she opens her mouth, anti Semitism running amok among some house dems, Beto flops in spite of some ability with political theatre presence, Stormy's lawyer and one time flavor of the month demrat Prez contender in serious trouble, Brennan, Comey etc may well discover payback is a bitch oh yeah how could I forget, no Russia collusion.

Wow...what's it like living under a rock?

Other than the Mueller report (that is still to be fully released)...what the FUCK are you talking about?

The economy is fizzling, the Dem-controlled House is attacking Trump, the Green New Deal was nothing but a an extremist bill that most Dems did not even take seriously, the 'antisemitism' was none existent as what Omar said was (BY DEFINITION) NOT anti-Semitic (DUH), the DOW has been flat for over a month, world recession fears are growing, bonds are pointing to bad news, the fiscal deficit is skyrocketing and now Trump is trying to kill off Obamacare (which will cost him lots of votes from moderates).

Like I said, other then the Mueller release (which STILL has not been fully released)...the Dems seem to be doing fine and Trump seems as nuts as usual.

one small correction, the Dow has basically been flat for more than 425 days, not just a month

Well spotted...I stand - well, sit - corrected.
Look at the right flail. It warms the heart to see it.

There's a reason they're this hysterical.

If they keep blocking the report, they look like guilty traitors.

If the release the report, they look like guilty traitors .

Their "Waaah! Baghdad Barr made a speech, therefore everyone has to stop investigating our corruption!" shrieking is being laughed at.

The clock is ticking. They're trying to delay the inevitable, but even they know the clock eventually runs out.
considering the (D)s ran on protecting it & won the majority in the house because of it. close to 30,000,000 million people will be dropped. they knew it in 2018 & they'll sure as hell know it come 2020 if the ACA is struck down.

Yeah right!:auiqs.jpg:
Because we all want to pay out the ass for medical insurance!!
And Scump has a better plan?? Pray tell ,,,What might that be ?? They've had many years of high med costs to come up with something The thing is the piece of shit in our WH wants to eliminate everything Obama did BUT he has nothing to replace it with

Maybe if the left stopped attacking him every step of the way....
you don't think this garbage has made a mockery of our presidency? that in the future every president can do whatever they want with no consequence?

And what has Trump done wrong to deserve the continuous attacks?
Where to start?? 1st wife accused him of rape Cheated on 3 wives Bragged about grabbing pussy, paid off women to shut up . Believes the murderer putin not our FBI ,etc etc I have 100 more Maybe one day you might get it He is the lowest POS NY has and he's all yours
Look at the right flail. It warms the heart to see it.

There's a reason they're this hysterical.

If they keep blocking the report, they look like guilty traitors.

If the release the report, they look like guilty traitors .

Their "Waaah! Baghdad Barr made a speech, therefore everyone has to stop investigating our corruption!" shrieking is being laughed at.

The clock is ticking. They're trying to delay the inevitable, but even they know the clock eventually runs out.
Great seeing Scumpettes between a rock and a hard place
Yeah right!:auiqs.jpg:
Because we all want to pay out the ass for medical insurance!!
And Scump has a better plan?? Pray tell ,,,What might that be ?? They've had many years of high med costs to come up with something The thing is the piece of shit in our WH wants to eliminate everything Obama did BUT he has nothing to replace it with

Maybe if the left stopped attacking him every step of the way....
you don't think this garbage has made a mockery of our presidency? that in the future every president can do whatever they want with no consequence?

And what has Trump done wrong to deserve the continuous attacks?
Where to start?? 1st wife accused him of rape Cheated on 3 wives Bragged about grabbing pussy, paid off women to shut up . Believes the murderer putin not our FBI ,etc etc I have 100 more Maybe one day you might get it He is the lowest POS NY has and he's all yours

Maybe you should post the 100 more.
Those aren't all that impressive,hell,bill did far worse.
Look at the right flail. It warms the heart to see it.

There's a reason they're this hysterical.

If they keep blocking the report, they look like guilty traitors.

If the release the report, they look like guilty traitors .

Their "Waaah! Baghdad Barr made a speech, therefore everyone has to stop investigating our corruption!" shrieking is being laughed at.

The clock is ticking. They're trying to delay the inevitable, but even they know the clock eventually runs out.
Great seeing Scumpettes between a rock and a hard place

How many times does Trump have to kick you in the nards before you give up your gotcha bullshit?
i'd say winning the house majority is a pretty good win there, jr.

...and they still can't get anything passed, nor can they override the President's vetoes. Worst lame duck House ever.


lol... obamacare is gonna be the fight trump won't win.

Considering it was one of the main issues he campaigned on ....

considering the (D)s ran on protecting it & won the majority in the house because of it. close to 30,000,000 million people will be dropped. they knew it in 2018 & they'll sure as hell know it come 2020 if the ACA is struck down.

Yeah right!:auiqs.jpg:
Because we all want to pay out the ass for medical insurance!!

well you can thank marco rubio for that. btw - - - you aren't paying out the ass now? how many insurance companies ever lower their premiums but keep the same coverage? trump has opened the door for cheap no coverage coverage to make its way back into the market. YEA!!!! only $100 a month for insurance sounds real good until you need it.
i'd say winning the house majority is a pretty good win there, jr.

...and they still can't get anything passed, nor can they override the President's vetoes. Worst lame duck House ever.


lol... obamacare is gonna be the fight trump won't win.

Considering it was one of the main issues he campaigned on ....

considering the (D)s ran on protecting it & won the majority in the house because of it. close to 30,000,000 million people will be dropped. they knew it in 2018 & they'll sure as hell know it come 2020 if the ACA is struck down.

"30,000,000 million"?? That would be 30000000000000 people on Obamacare. Actually, there were only about 11.8 million people who signed up for the ACA in 2018. Most likely all Democrats, who wouldn't vote for Trump anyway.

i meant to type 20 million.

What Happens if Obamacare Is Struck Down?
lol... obamacare is gonna be the fight trump won't win.

Considering it was one of the main issues he campaigned on ....

considering the (D)s ran on protecting it & won the majority in the house because of it. close to 30,000,000 million people will be dropped. they knew it in 2018 & they'll sure as hell know it come 2020 if the ACA is struck down.

Yeah right!:auiqs.jpg:
Because we all want to pay out the ass for medical insurance!!
And Scump has a better plan?? Pray tell ,,,What might that be ?? They've had many years of high med costs to come up with something The thing is the piece of shit in our WH wants to eliminate everything Obama did BUT he has nothing to replace it with

Maybe if the left stopped attacking him every step of the way....

maybe if he didn't give a reason to on a daily basis.
And Scump has a better plan?? Pray tell ,,,What might that be ?? They've had many years of high med costs to come up with something The thing is the piece of shit in our WH wants to eliminate everything Obama did BUT he has nothing to replace it with

Maybe if the left stopped attacking him every step of the way....
you don't think this garbage has made a mockery of our presidency? that in the future every president can do whatever they want with no consequence?

And what has Trump done wrong to deserve the continuous attacks?
Where to start?? 1st wife accused him of rape Cheated on 3 wives Bragged about grabbing pussy, paid off women to shut up . Believes the murderer putin not our FBI ,etc etc I have 100 more Maybe one day you might get it He is the lowest POS NY has and he's all yours

Maybe you should post the 100 more.
Those aren't all that impressive,hell,bill did far worse.
It's not OK
Look at the right flail. It warms the heart to see it.

There's a reason they're this hysterical.

If they keep blocking the report, they look like guilty traitors.

If the release the report, they look like guilty traitors .

Their "Waaah! Baghdad Barr made a speech, therefore everyone has to stop investigating our corruption!" shrieking is being laughed at.

The clock is ticking. They're trying to delay the inevitable, but even they know the clock eventually runs out.
Great seeing Scumpettes between a rock and a hard place

How many times does Trump have to kick you in the nards before you give up your gotcha bullshit?

committed fraud with his university.

committed fraud with his foundation.

tried to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain so he can pave over her property for a casino limo parking lot.

lied when he said mexico would pay for that wall over & over & over again.

then lied when he said we would pay for the wall & mexico will reimburse us

then took money from military construction funds designated for military families to pay for a non emergency wall which mexico was gonna take care of the costs

deregulated the clean water act to allow ash & slurry pollution in our waterways again
...and they still can't get anything passed, nor can they override the President's vetoes. Worst lame duck House ever.


lol... obamacare is gonna be the fight trump won't win.

Considering it was one of the main issues he campaigned on ....

considering the (D)s ran on protecting it & won the majority in the house because of it. close to 30,000,000 million people will be dropped. they knew it in 2018 & they'll sure as hell know it come 2020 if the ACA is struck down.

Yeah right!:auiqs.jpg:
Because we all want to pay out the ass for medical insurance!!

well you can thank marco rubio for that. btw - - - you aren't paying out the ass now? how many insurance companies ever lower their premiums but keep the same coverage? trump has opened the door for cheap no coverage coverage to make its way back into the market. YEA!!!! only $100 a month for insurance sounds real good until you need it.

Paying $900 a month for the wife and I.
Which is $300 more after barrycare was implemented.
Considering it was one of the main issues he campaigned on ....

considering the (D)s ran on protecting it & won the majority in the house because of it. close to 30,000,000 million people will be dropped. they knew it in 2018 & they'll sure as hell know it come 2020 if the ACA is struck down.

Yeah right!:auiqs.jpg:
Because we all want to pay out the ass for medical insurance!!
And Scump has a better plan?? Pray tell ,,,What might that be ?? They've had many years of high med costs to come up with something The thing is the piece of shit in our WH wants to eliminate everything Obama did BUT he has nothing to replace it with

Maybe if the left stopped attacking him every step of the way....

maybe if he didn't give a reason to on a daily basis.

What reason could possibly be more important than the economy and jobs?
America is kicking ass and you want to bring it to an end for political reasons.
Typical scum sucking liberal.
Maybe if the left stopped attacking him every step of the way....
you don't think this garbage has made a mockery of our presidency? that in the future every president can do whatever they want with no consequence?

And what has Trump done wrong to deserve the continuous attacks?
Where to start?? 1st wife accused him of rape Cheated on 3 wives Bragged about grabbing pussy, paid off women to shut up . Believes the murderer putin not our FBI ,etc etc I have 100 more Maybe one day you might get it He is the lowest POS NY has and he's all yours

Maybe you should post the 100 more.
Those aren't all that impressive,hell,bill did far worse.
It's not OK

LOL....Shifty Schit???
He in trouble so go ahead and take heed of the losers words.
Look at the right flail. It warms the heart to see it.

There's a reason they're this hysterical.

If they keep blocking the report, they look like guilty traitors.

If the release the report, they look like guilty traitors .

Their "Waaah! Baghdad Barr made a speech, therefore everyone has to stop investigating our corruption!" shrieking is being laughed at.

The clock is ticking. They're trying to delay the inevitable, but even they know the clock eventually runs out.
Great seeing Scumpettes between a rock and a hard place

How many times does Trump have to kick you in the nards before you give up your gotcha bullshit?

committed fraud with his university.

committed fraud with his foundation.

tried to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain so he can pave over her property for a casino limo parking lot.

lied when he said mexico would pay for that wall over & over & over again.

then lied when he said we would pay for the wall & mexico will reimburse us

then took money from military construction funds designated for military families to pay for a non emergency wall which mexico was gonna take care of the costs

deregulated the clean water act to allow ash & slurry pollution in our waterways again

I dont care.
He's no worse and probably better than your average politician.

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