'Been There, Seen That, Done That, Don't Want Any Part Of That' - Cuban Immigrant Warns Americans

Good warning. Maybe that's why the Latino community is ignored while the African American community is the center of attention with the media, Latinos have more experience with communist style dictatorships than blacks here in the States.

After Alvarez recounted how quickly rights evaporated for Cubans under Fidel Castro when he was a child, Boothe referenced Alvarez’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last summer when she asked him if he believes Americans have “swallowed the communist poison pill.”

“Not only have they swallowed it, they digested it,” Alvarez responded. “Listen to the media. They’re no longer objective. You can tell how much they hate this country.”
Good warning. Maybe that's why the Latino community is ignored while the African American community is the center of attention with the media, Latinos have more experience with communist style dictatorships than blacks here in the States.

After Alvarez recounted how quickly rights evaporated for Cubans under Fidel Castro when he was a child, Boothe referenced Alvarez’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last summer when she asked him if he believes Americans have “swallowed the communist poison pill.”

“Not only have they swallowed it, they digested it,” Alvarez responded. “Listen to the media. They’re no longer objective. You can tell how much they hate this country.”
What communist govt. have they gotten that experience from, don't say Cuba because it was not a communist nation..They did co-opt the name communism yet it was not real communism.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

The irony is this old cuban and many like him are exhibiting the typical totalitarian worship we see in autocratic nations. He's against protests against government and it's policies, which is literally written into the constitution. The only people who support this are themselves closet communists. It's no surprise that those on the right, who coincidentally supported Putin and his relationship to Trump agree with him.
I don't think winning close elections and having to work with a government split damn near 50/50 is how Fidel defeated Batista is it? Besides, Fidel lied to his CIA backers, which is how he won.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.
When do the workers get to take control of the means of production?

How about dividing up the mega farms, when does that get divide among the people?

Wait, that mean hard labor.

Call off the revolution, my back hurts!
No one wants communism here. Or anything near it.

Trumpsters really need to get a fucking grip.
Don't look now moron, but we are already seeing it, as one who has already lived through it is telling you.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

This guy needs to learn what the United States is all about. He has no clue. he does not get to define what communism is. It is Republicans who are closer to communists, fascists and every other dictatorial thug you can think of. They change the rules of voting to keep themselves in power.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.
When do the workers get to take control of the means of production?
Never if we're smart. Why would you want the boneheads you work with running your company? There's a reason they are running drill presses and stamping machines.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

This guy needs to learn what the United States is all about. He has no clue. he does not get to define what communism is. It is Republicans who are closer to communists, fascists and every other dictatorial thug you can think of. They change the rules of voting to keep themselves in power.
You are a fucking moron. I've never seen anyone be so wrong.
Good warning. Maybe that's why the Latino community is ignored while the African American community is the center of attention with the media, Latinos have more experience with communist style dictatorships than blacks here in the States.

After Alvarez recounted how quickly rights evaporated for Cubans under Fidel Castro when he was a child, Boothe referenced Alvarez’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last summer when she asked him if he believes Americans have “swallowed the communist poison pill.”

“Not only have they swallowed it, they digested it,” Alvarez responded. “Listen to the media. They’re no longer objective. You can tell how much they hate this country.”
What communist govt. have they gotten that experience from, don't say Cuba because it was not a communist nation..They did co-opt the name communism yet it was not real communism.

This old story again.... It's not real communism. It is not "Real" Communism in Cuba, and it is not "Real" Communism in China and it is not "Real" Communism is Russia. You remember the definition of insanity?
Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result..try to remember that and apply it to communism.

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